
Day9 Ernest Hemingway

[Summary] Among the major American writers of the twentieth century, few have been as influential or imitated as Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961). Hemingway had wri…


Day 8 Hammurabi's Code of Laws

[Summary] Hammurabi was a king of Babylonia and the first lawyer in history. Hammurabi issued one of the first written codes of law in recorded history, which s…


Day7 Torah

[Summary] The Torah is the name generally given to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible or the Five Books of Moses. Christians refer to these books along wi…


Day6 Appearance and Reality

[Summary] Throughout its history, one of the greatest themes of philosophy has been the distinction between appearance and reality. The distinction was central …


Day5 The basic of Music

[Summury] Music is organized sounds that can be replicated through imitation or notation. Music is distinct from noise in that the sounds are irregular and diso…


Day4 Cloning

[Summary] In 1997, a baby sheep named Dolly introduced te world to reproductive cloning. She was a clone because she and her mother shared the same nuclear DNA.…


Day 3 Lascaux Cave paintings

The cave paintings at Lascaux are one of the earliest known works of art. They were discovered in 1940 in France, it consists of around 1,500 paintings of anima…


Day 2 Ulysses

Tuesday is for Literature. "A look at great writers and a synopsis of their most important works - poems and novels that continue to inspire readers today." Ul…


Day 1 The Alphabet

[Summary] Each day of week has each topic in this book. Monday's topic is HISTORY. It says "A survey of people and events shaped the development of Western civi…


Day 0

The intellectual devotional - this is the book in which you can learn the basic culture and education in 365 days. I've just happened to get this book when I wa…

Day9 Ernest Hemingway

Day9 Ernest Hemingway

Among the major American writers of the twentieth century, few have been as influential or imitated as Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961). Hemingway had writerly aspirations early on. Renowned for

Day 8 Hammurabi's Code of Laws

Day 8 Hammurabi's Code of Laws

Hammurabi was a king of Babylonia and the first lawyer in history. Hammurabi issued one of the first written codes of law in recorded history, which spelled out the rules for his citizens an

Day7 Torah

Day7 Torah

The Torah is the name generally given to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible or the Five Books of Moses. Christians refer to these books along with other Jewish texts, as the Old Testam

Day6 Appearance and Reality

Day6 Appearance and Reality

Throughout its history, one of the greatest themes of philosophy has been the distinction between appearance and reality. The distinction was central to the thought of the earliest philosoph

Day5 The basic of Music

Day5 The basic of Music

Music is organized sounds that can be replicated through imitation or notation. Music is distinct from noise in that the sounds are irregular and disorganized like the sound of a door creaki

Day4 Cloning

Day4 Cloning

In 1997, a baby sheep named Dolly introduced te world to reproductive cloning. She was a clone because she and her mother shared the same nuclear DNA. Scientists in Scotland created Dolly by

Day 3 Lascaux Cave paintings

Day 3 Lascaux Cave paintings

The cave paintings at Lascaux are one of the earliest known works of art. They were discovered in 1940 in France, it consists of around 1,500 paintings of animals. There are several theories regarding

Day 2 Ulysses

Day 2 Ulysses

Tuesday is for Literature. "A look at great writers and a synopsis of their most important works - poems and novels that continue to inspire readers today."

Ulysses is a novel written by James Joyce

Day 1 The Alphabet

Day 1 The Alphabet

Each day of week has each topic in this book. Monday's topic is HISTORY. It says "A survey of people and events shaped the development of Western civilization" By the way, I found this "West

Day 0

Day 0

The intellectual devotional - this is the book in which you can learn the basic culture and education in 365 days. I've just happened to get this book when I was browsing the internet. Someone mention
