
Day6 Appearance and Reality

Throughout its history, one of the greatest themes of philosophy has been the distinction between appearance and reality. The distinction was central to the thought of the earliest philosophers, called the Presocratics. They believed that the ultimate nature of reality was vastly different from the way it appeared to them. One of them claimed that the world was composed of water and the other thought the world was built from the fire. Many later philosophers followed in this tradition and presented alternative models of reality and claimed they were closer to the truth. 

Saturday's theme is Philosophy. I think this is a good theme to consider on weekends as you can forget the daily concerns mostly coming from your work. Everyone is a philosopher, you might have thought at least once those ideas like "Where have I came from?", "What is the meaning of life?" or "Where should I go?" Some people say those questions seem meaningless and considering these are just wasting your time because they are no answer in the first place and might tell you like "Oh, you're just trying to avoid taking actions on the current issues. It's just nonsense." But, is it?
Seeing and taking things from different viewpoints enriches our lives. We can notice something we overlooked and find something positive which we consider negative. Saturday is the best day to stop to consider things again with different perspectives. 

New words and expressions to me 
to a very great extent; immensely.
in spite of
1) material with particular physical characteristic 2)the most important part of what someone has said or written
precursor : 
something that comes before another and may lead to it or influence its development
