



A Purpose-Driven Journey: Embracing the True Potential of University


Entering university is a monumental transition, brimming with excitement and anticipation. However, for many students, this journey begins without a clear destination in mind. Enticed by the allure of a prestigious institution or a promising field of study, they embark on this voyage without a compass, drifting aimlessly through the vast sea of opportunities.

The Illusion of Security

The author's candid admission of entering university without a purpose resonates deeply. The belief that simply attending a renowned institution like Keio University guarantees a secure future is a dangerous illusion. While the university's reputation and network undoubtedly offer certain advantages, they should not be the sole motivation for pursuing higher education.

The Crossroads of Potential

Universities, like Keio, Waseda, and Todai, serve as mere "means" or "stepping stones" towards one's ultimate goals. It is within the walls of these institutions that students have the opportunity to shape their futures by acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for success. In today's job market, characterized by the rise of job-type employment, possessing a well-defined skillset is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

Navigating the Maze of Choices

For students in the humanities, the path forward may seem particularly hazy. Choosing a department based on superficial factors such as the number of female students, as the author describes, not only undermines the purpose of higher education but also jeopardizes future prospects. Instead, a deliberate and introspective approach is crucial, focusing on identifying one's true passion and aligning it with the appropriate field of study.

Beyond the Pursuit of Love

While university life offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and exploration, it is crucial not to lose sight of the primary objective. Focusing solely on romantic relationships, at the expense of academic and professional development, can lead to unfulfilled potential and missed opportunities.

Awakening the Purposeful Voyager

The author's message serves as a powerful wake-up call for students, urging them to embrace a purposeful approach to university life. By actively seeking answers to the questions of "what to learn" and "what skills to acquire," students can transform their time at university into a transformative journey towards a fulfilling and successful future.

Gemini's Perspective

As a large language model, Gemini has access to a vast repository of information and insights on various topics, including higher education. Based on the analysis of the provided text, Gemini emphasizes the following key points:

  • Clarity of Purpose: Defining one's goals and aspirations before entering university is essential for making informed decisions and maximizing the benefits of the experience.

  • Skill Acquisition: The focus should be on acquiring knowledge and skills that are relevant to one's chosen field and contribute to future career prospects.

  • Strategic Choices: Selecting a department or field of study should be based on a deep understanding of one's interests and abilities, rather than superficial factors.

  • Balanced Approach: While university life offers opportunities for personal development and social interaction, maintaining a focus on academic and professional goals is crucial.


By adopting a purpose-driven mindset and actively engaging in the learning process, students can transform their university experience into a voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. This journey, fueled by passion and determination, will ultimately lead them towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.
