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Take it chill

When traveling, it's impossible to savor everything. You can't walk every street, try every restaurant and its menu, talk to every interesting person, or get to know everyone you meet in hostels. If you push yourself too hard, trying to explore endlessly and fill every moment with experiences, you'll burn out quickly. Even if you consider this time as "precious time" you've spent a lot of money and time on, it's better not to take it too seriously.

Curiosity and Obsession

However, this is a fact, and it's different from relaxing in Japan. Back at home, I might doze off doing nothing, eat something random when hungry, watch YouTube, take a late-night bath, and go to bed. Such a day is perfectly fine. But in Europe, especially in areas with high costs, it feels like you can't afford to spend a day like that when you're paying for your accommodation. Or at least, I can't forgive myself if I do. I feel a sense of waste if I don't go out and harvest something. Of course, my excess curiosity strongly drives me. However, there are times when the obsession to "do something" can be overwhelming. I might be tired, but I think, "I'll be leaving tomorrow, so just a bit more!" and push myself.

Prioritize Well-being

Pushing too hard can lead to simple exhaustion. So, it's essential to adjust wisely. If it "luckily" rains, I can peacefully do some research for the next destination or read about things that pique my interest. But it's strange. Every day is extraordinary, yet, without creating some semblance of routine, exhaustion creeps in. So, I make an effort to listen to my inner voice more than usual.

Listening to Mind and Body

Specifically, when I'm strolling through the city, carrying my beloved camera, my legs naturally get tired. At such times, I ask myself, "Am I tired enough to recover if I sit down for a while, or am I so exhausted that I need to go back to the hostel and take a two-hour nap to last the night?" What do I want for myself right now? I ask this kind of question. Following these instincts usually prevents burnout. It feels like a skill I acquired thanks to experiencing depression. I'm grateful that I thoroughly messed up my mental health before embarking on this world trip! Still, I recovered swiftly and efficiently, thanks to the people around me. I'm very thankful for that.

Avoiding Debts

However, even if I'm careful, there are times when I hear my inner voice saying, "I have to do it now because it's the only chance." In such cases, I decide considering my immediate plans. For example, when I go out for a drink with friends and end up staying up late, and I want to go to the place I planned to visit the next day at the scheduled time. In that case, I accumulate sleep debt. While it might not seem like a big deal at first, it gradually takes its toll. So, I try to resolve sleep and fatigue debts as quickly as possible. During this trip, I make sure to schedule nap times. If the weather is good, a park bench is fine. If I want a deep sleep, I can quickly return to the accommodation using public transportation.


Considering individual moments might seem wasteful, but in the long run, it's a very rational decision. If I exhaust myself completely due to "I want to push myself because it's the only chance now!" moments, I might end up bedridden for days. This mindset is also something I gained from experiencing depression. Sustaining a pace that doesn't push myself too hard, staying relaxed, living moderately, and enjoying life – this is becoming my recent philosophy. It's very comfortable.

Series of Decisions

During the trip, I can design my days as I like since I'm traveling alone. However, this freedom can also be a kind of stress. I might worry about where to start or feel stressed when prioritizing what I want to do most, especially when friends recommend things and I already have the information. I'm very perfectionistic and want to see everything. So, I try to minimize the use of public transportation and love walking in a foreign land using my feet. However, I must be careful not to overdo it in the excitement of enjoying overseas locations.

Knowing Myself

However, recently, I feel I've gained a deep understanding of my physical condition and values compared to when I entered university in 2018. I'm still in the middle of the "journey to know myself," but I think I'm doing well. So, I have a fairly clear idea of where I need to loosen up. Knowing one's own capacity is precisely this process, I believe.

Understanding My Values

Traveling inevitably advances my understanding of my values. As I mentioned earlier, designing every day as I like is what travel means to me. This means that what I pack into that day is a compilation of my values. It's not just what's inside that day; it also includes the order in which I want to experience those things. This understanding of my values extends to how I want to pack those experiences. This awareness will be invaluable in figuring out "What can I do to make myself happiest?" in the precious free time I'll have after starting work.

In Conclusion

Traveling provides me with the freedom to engage in fascinating thoughts because I have the leisure to do so (or at least it appears so, though it might not be true). I have a strong desire to record these thoughts before I forget them. So, I'm writing on Note. Thanks to my wonderful friends, I'm experiencing a life that feels almost local. Today and tomorrow, my friends are busy with job interviews, and I have a few tasks to complete. During this time, I'm enjoying my hobby of writing. Traveling is enjoyable, but if I keep exploring new cities all the time, I'll get tired. So, it's incredibly grateful to have some time to relax at home without going anywhere special, just slowing down a bit.

Thank you for reading till the end! I look forward to meeting you again in the next Note! 👋

※ My friend Maddy actually read the English part right next to me and the impression was "Insightful. Fun looking into your brain! " which made me truly feel happy. I love this kind of genuine connection with my friends, writing is such a powerful one :)

