

PBS NewsHour Nov. 10, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:33]★今日のおすすめ★ Thousands of civilians flee northern Gaza hospitals as Israeli troops close in

As Israel’s ground campaign intensifies, more than 100,000 civilians have fled south from northern Gaza over the last two days. That includes thousands who had been sheltering on hospital grounds that Israel’s military says Hamas is using to hide its operations. Nick Schifrin reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い35日目; More than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry; the Israeli death toll from those initial attacks was revised down today from 1,400 to 1,200. Israeli officials gave no explanation for the change; Shifa Hospital; by this afternoon, multiple Gaza hospitals appeared to be surrounded or under attack; 》

[07:01] News Wrap

Biden and China’s President Xi prepare to meet next week, Biden formally entered the first 2024 Democratic primary, the FBI seized devices from New York Mayor Adams amid a campaign finance investigation, France struggled with severe floods, Las Vegas hotel workers reached a tentative contract deal, and the Toy Hall of Fame announced its 2023 inductees.
《Vice President Harris filed the paperwork today to get the ticket on the South Carolina ballot next February 3; The U.N. now says catastrophic flooding across East Africa is a once-in-a-century event; The Big Ten Conference banned Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh today from the final regular season games, starting with Penn State tomorrow; Eric Adams; Toy Hall of Fame; おもちゃの殿堂; 》

[09:57] The Big Ten Conference banned Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh today from the final regular season games, starting with Penn State tomorrow. It's punishment for allegedly using scouts to steal play-calling signs from rivals.

[** scout = One who is employed to observe and report on the strategies and players of rival teams ]

[** playcalling = The communication between coach and players of the plays to be used during a game ]

[11:25] Israel-Hamas war takes deadly toll on journalists covering the conflict

The Israel-Hamas war has led to the deadliest four weeks for journalists in over three decades. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, dozens of journalists and media workers have been reported killed, injured, missing or arrested in the month since Oct. 7. Amna Nawaz speaks with CPJ president Jodie Ginsberg to understand what this means for those covering the war.
《イスラエル・ハマス戦争で多くのジャーナリストが犠牲に; ジャーナリスト保護委員会(Committee to Protect Journalists, CPJ)のジョディ・ギンズバーグ代表に聞く; as of November 7, the total number of journalists and media workers killed so far since October 7, 34 Palestinian, four Israeli, one Lebanese, eight journalists reported injured, three reported missing, nine reported arrested; this is the deadliest conflict for journalists that we have ever documented, and we have been documenting attacks on journalists at the Committee to Protect Journalists for over 30 years; There are no international news crews who are able to get into Gaza, to operate in Gaza. So, we're absolutely reliant on those local Palestinian journalists to be our eyes and ears on the ground to tell us what's happening; Today, CPJ reported that a 35th Palestinian journalist has been killed, bringing the death toll of journalists killed in the war to 40; 》

[17:30] Survivors, rescuers in Hamas music festival attack recount the day’s horrors

The day that started the Israel-Hamas war, Oct. 7, was a day of horrific carnage and terror, and nowhere more so than at the Nova music festival in southern Israel. Hamas attackers shattered the desert rave at dawn, killing hundreds and taking many hostage. Leila Molana-Allen speaks with survivors of the massacre, and those who rushed to help.
《10月7日の戦争開始時にハマスに攻撃され数百人の犠牲者が出たノヴァ音楽祭; 生存者や救援に駆け付けた人の声; 》

[25:39] High demand for new RSV treatment for kids outpaces national supply

Respiratory syncytial virus leads to as many as 80,000 hospitalizations and 300 deaths per year among children under 5, and is the leading cause of hospitalization for infants under 1 year old. Dr. Celine Gounder, an epidemiologist and senior fellow at KFF, joins Amna Nawaz to discuss the impact of a shortage of drugs to treat RSV.
《乳幼児の入院理由で一番多いRSウイルス感染症、その予防薬Beyfortus (ニルセビマブ)が不足; 代わりに出来ることは; コロナワクチンに対するような拒否感がないのはなぜか; There is a new monoclonal antibody that's delivered as a shot. Its brand name is Beyfortus that is new this season to help protect the youngest of infants; the supply that we have available right now is the supply that we're going to have available for the season. It simply just takes too long to manufacture more to have more available this season; there's an older monoclonal antibody against RSV called Synagis that is also effective in protecting infants; there's a third option, which is to vaccinate pregnant women. Those pregnant women will then produce antibodies to the RSV vaccine and pass those on through the placenta and through breast milk to protect their infants in that way; COVID was politically polarizing, politicized in a way that RSV has not been; Beyfortus (ニルセビマブ); Synagis(パリビズマブ);  》

[29:15] You have been hearing about looming tripledemics, right, coming in this next fall and winter season.

[** tripledemic = A combination of three pandemics (usually referring to Covid-19, influenza, and RSV) (wiktionary). トリプルデミック ]

[31:29]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Capehart on 2023 election takeaways and Manchin’s Senate shakeup

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Geoff Bennett to discuss the week in politics, including pressure on the Biden administration over how to approach its relationship with Israel, the outcome of the 2023 elections and how Joe Manchin’s decision not to seek reelection in 2024 could shake up the U.S. Senate.
《金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る; aside from the moral reasons to spare the suffering of the people in Gaza, there are strategic reasons Israel should be as humanitarian as possible; one of the tragedies of what's happened over the last month is, in a lot of people's minds, that difference between Hamas and Fatah has been elided; One thing was certainly clear, that abortion rights, reproductive rights, abortion access is politically popular, no matter where it appears on the ballot, post the Supreme Court overturning Roe; Ohio, that Trump won by double digits, now has in its state constitution, ruby-red Ohio, access to abortion; プロジェクト2025; 》

[33:24] JONATHAN CAPEHART: Right. This is the -- this is the public manifestation of hours, if not weeks, of private consultations -- I was going to say lapel-shaking, but -- of the president, the secretary of state and his shuttle diplomacy, trying to impress upon Prime Minister Netanyahu that you must have -- if you're not going to do a cease-fire, which the administration is against, at least do a humanitarian pause.

[** lapel-shaking = 他人の襟を両手でつかんで揺すって強引に説得すること ]

[34:38] DAVID BROOKS: Yes, I think he's [* he= President Biden] done quite well. I think the clarion call that Hamas has to be defeated, Hamas is a threat to the region, I think he -- frankly, he might be alone in his administration in feeling that so strongly, not quite alone, but he's certainly been a force.

[** clarion call = an urgent call to action ]

[35:08] And I think one of the tragedies of what's happened over the last month is, in a lot of people's minds, that difference between Hamas and Fatah has been elided.

[** to elide = to blur the distinction between; to eliminate or leave out of consideration; ]

[36:11] I looked at sort of -- let's just take Governor Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, who made it a point of saying, I will go for a 15-week abortion ban. Just give me both -- give Republicans control in both bodies of the legislature, and I will get it done. So, on Earth 2, that plays well, because that's what they want. But the rest of us on Earth 1, and particular -- particularly suburban white women in the Northern Virginia suburbs, looked at what happened with Dobbs, and they're like, no, no, no, no, no. We have seen what has happened in other states around the country, particularly Florida with a six-week ban. We do not want that to happen here.

[** Earth 2   類似表現: alternative world; alternate universe = An imaginary realm, often a variant form of the real world, depicting a different way events could have unfolded or the universe could have functioned ]

[40:36] So Democrats don't like Joe Manchin, but he did save their bacon.

[** to save someone's bacon = To rescue someone from failure, danger, or disaster; to prevent something bad from happening to someone ]

[41:17] GEOFF BENNETT: I spoke with Devlin Barrett, a Washington Post reporter, this past week, who not only reported that former President Trump wanted to do it, but that there are lawyers, conservative lawyers, who are putting together a plan and writing executive orders for how he could do it if he wins reelection. [** 関連ニュース ]
JONATHAN CAPEHART: It's called -- it's got a name. It's called Project 2025.

[**  Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 United States presidential election...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 ]

[42:06] DAVID BROOKS: And I do think there's another Republican or a Trumpy plan which would -- right now, in the federal government, there are 4,000 political appointees that the president appoints and thousands and thousands of civil servants. And there's a plan afoot to gut as many as 50,000 of the civil servants and replace them with partisan political people.
DAVID BROOKS: Yes, Schedule F. And that would decimate our civil service, but it would also lead to, apparently, the complete politicization of the Justice Department.

[** < Schedule F appointment = A Schedule F appointment was a job classification in the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020–2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration. The purpose of the provision was to increase the President's control over the federal career civil service.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schedule_F_appointment ]

[42:59]★今日のおすすめ★ A Brief But Spectacular take on how to rebuild local news

Steven Waldman is the founder and president of Rebuild Local News, a nonpartisan nonprofit working to counter the collapse of local news and strengthen local democracy. He is also the co-founder of Report for America, a national service program that places journalists in newsrooms across the country. Waldman shares his Brief But Spectacular take on how to rebuild local news.
《ローカルニュースの消滅が政治的分断につながる; 復活させるのに必要なこと; Steven Waldman, Rebuild Local News; Report for America; ローカル新聞; 》

[43:20] STEVEN WALDMAN, Founder and President, Rebuild Local News Coalition: Local news is in collapse. There's all sorts of evidence that, when you don't have local news, you have lower voter turnout, more alienation, more polarization, people at each other's throats, more misinformation. [** 以前番組で放送されたローカルニュース衰退に関する話題 ]
I mean, it's really a terrible thing for communities to not have local news.

[46:12]★今日のおすすめ★ ‘Invisible Generals’ chronicles little-known history of 1st Black U.S. generals

A new book explores and honors the legacy of two exceptional American veterans whose contributions have gone largely unknown, until now. In “Invisible Generals,” author Doug Melville recounts his family history and tells the barrier-breaking stories of the country’s first Black generals. He joins Geoff Bennett to discuss the book and what inspired him to write it.
《アフリカ系アメリカ人で最初の空軍大将についての新刊本『Invisible Generals: Rediscovering Family Legacy, and a Quest to Honor America's First Black Generals』; 著者Doug Melvilleへのインタビュー; 乗り越えなければならなかった人種差別の壁; Veterans Day weekend; father and son Benjamin O. Davis Sr. and Jr., the country's first Black generals; at the start of World War II, there were 335,000 Americans who were enlisted in the U.S. armed forces. But there were only two Black officers, the Davises; When the cadets realized and the administration realized that they had let a Black cadet (Benjamin Davis Jr.) into West Point, immediately, they said, we will silence him until he drops out; Four years went by, no human interaction outside the line of duty. No one talked to him. No one spoke to him. He couldn't eat at the tables with other cadets because he wasn't getting the permission to sit. Yet, he was able to still graduate in the top third of his class in the class of 1936; Tuskegee Airmen; タスキーギ・エアメン; you have to use the system to defuse the system. You cannot complain about something and fix something at the same time; 》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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