

PBS NewsHour June 13, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:59]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ罪状認否/機密文書関連の37件の重罪すべてに無罪主張/法廷で傍聴したWilliam Brangham記者に聞く

[09:31]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ罪状認否/法律面の分析/元連邦検事のRenato Mariottiに聞く

[10:06] After all, Walt Nauta [** = Waltine Torre Nauta (born 1982 or 1983) is an American aide to former president Donald Trump... In June 2023, Trump and Nauta were indicted by a federal grand jury; Nauta was charged with six counts of federal crimes... The indictment alleges that, between November 2021 and January 2022, Nauta, acting under Trump's direction, moved boxes that included illegally retained classified documents from a storage room at Mar-a-Lago to Trump's residence... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Nauta ] was there. He did -- wasn't actually arraigned today, because he did not have an attorney who was licensed in Florida there to represent him. But, nonetheless, he was present, and the former president was warned not to speak with him about this matter.

[11:11] RENATO MARIOTTI: So, Mr. Blanche is a very well-known criminal defense attorney. He is a New York attorney, not an attorney from Florida. So this is -- he's a bit out of his -- out of his lane there, but, nonetheless, a very well regarded white-collar criminal defense attorney [* < white-collar crime = The term "white-collar crime" refers to financially motivated, nonviolent or non-directly violent crime committed by individuals, businesses and government professionals... (wikipedia)] . He does not have national security experience. So that is one thing that I wouldn't be surprised if Trump tried to add in the future, is somebody who has experience dealing with the very unique statute that governs discovery [** = A pre-trial phase in which evidence is gathered; Materials revealed to the opposing party during the pre-trial phase in which evidence is gathered (wiktionary). 証拠開示手続き] in national security cases.

[14:28] But with the former president, it bears [* to bear = to warrant, justify the need for (wiktionary) ] noting that the jury has to be unanimous in order to convict the president on any count. And just one juror who feels strongly about and can really flip that script [** to flip the script = to reverse a situation, especially by doing something unexpected (wiktionary) ] and ultimately create a hung jury that forces the government to either retry the case or give up.

[14:53] Rod Blagojevich [** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Blagojevich#Federal_trial_and_conviction ] in his first -- his first trial had a hung jury on all but one count because a single juror held out.

[15:55] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[19:32] ウクライナ反転攻勢で地上戦激化 ロシアは空爆で反撃 

[23:52] 債務上限引き上げ合意に不満を持つ共和党下院議員11人/議事進行妨害をやめることを下院議長と合意/その取り引き内容とは/9月に再び政府機能停止の危機か/トランプ起訴に抵抗する共和党議員の動きとは

[29:46] Redditデータへの第三者アプリのアクセスに高額課金/多くの掲示板が抗議のブラックアウト/NPRのビジネス&テクノロジー担当記者Bobby Allynに聞く/Redditユーザーだけにとどまらない影響/Redditの株式公開予定との関係

[32:32] BOBBY ALLYN: Yes, so Steve Huffman, who is the CEO of Reddit, has justified the new charges this way. He has said, popular tools like ChatGPT scrape [** to scrape = to extract data by automated means (from a format not intended to be machine-readable, such as a screenshot or a formatted web page); To collect or gather, especially without regard to the quality of what is chosen (wiktionary) ] Reddit for its wealth of conversations, for its wealth of data in order to train its A.I. models, as you just mentioned.

[33:47] BOBBY ALLYN: It's hard to know how this is going to shake out [** to shake out = to prove to be in the end; to turn out ] in the end.

[35:07]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ起訴と他の政治家の機密文書問題との違い

[39:54] MARK ZAID: Some have said the Goldilocks [** Goldilocks = a happy medium or optimal point between two extremes.(Wiktionary) ちょうどいいところ] documents.
LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Mark Zaid says these 31 documents were chosen carefully by the special counsel.
MARK ZAID: It's not too secret, and it's not too challengeable, meaning these are documents that probably anyone who looks at them would understand, as a layperson, that the information is incredibly sensitive.

[40:35] Netflixの人気番組『Never Have I Ever(私の"初めて"日記)』最終シーズン/Poorna Jagannathan(プールナ・ジャガナサン)へのインタビュー

[42:50] POORNA JAGANNATHAN: Well, the funny thing is, as the seasons progressed, it became closer and closer to who I am. When I got this role, she was really funny. She parents in a different way from how I parent. She's super strict, no boundaries.
POORNA JAGANNATHAN: But, for example, Pati getting married, that was my life. My mother got remarried at 64. Or Devi getting ready for college, that happened this year. And my son's getting ready for college. So, for all of us, the show has really (INAUDIBLE) lives. And it's become very meta [** = self-referential; referring to oneself ] and therefore very weird and hard to let go of. I do believe this is the role of a lifetime for me.

[46:28] And in an industry where women of color aren't necessarily granted all that kind of agency [** agency = the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power ] to make decisions about the roles they play, the older women get, you're not necessarily given that many roles, and here you are, a 50-year-old brown woman, setting new peaks.

[47:54] 作家Cormac McCarthy死去/作家で文芸評論家のWalter Kirnと振り返る

[48:37] Cormac McCarthy, as we said, was one of our greatest writers, known for his violent and bleak depictions, his sort of dark view of the human condition [** = (usually preceded by the) What it means to be human; the experiences, characteristics, and limitations of life shared by all humans, as opposed to other lifeforms (wiktionary) ] .

[48:45] But in his own way, he never really wrote an uninteresting sentence. What informed [** to inform = to give form or character to ] his approach to writing?

[48:53] WALTER KIRN, Novelist and Critic: Well, Cormac McCarthy was kind of a hybrid of the great American novelists of the last 150 years. For some reason, he channeled [** to channel = to use or follow as a model ] in an authentic way, not as though he were copying others, everybody, like you say, from Melville on, really.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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