

PBS News Weekend Aug. 27, 2023




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[00:00] Introduction

[01:55] Deadly Jacksonville shooting is latest racist attack amid rise in hate crimes

Saturday’s fatal shooting of three Black people by a white gunman in Jacksonville, Florida, is a brutal reminder that race-based hate is still present in America. Authorities say the shooter left writings detailing his racist ideology, and the FBI is investigating the rampage as a hate crime. Ali Rogin reports.
《人種差別に基づく銃乱射事件、Jacksonville, Florida; 》

[01:57] As Americans mark the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, yesterday's fatal shooting of three black people by a white gunman in Jacksonville, Florida, is a brutal reminder that race-based hate is still among us.
[* "I Have a Dream" speech = キング牧師の『私には夢がある』演説。演説全文の音声と字幕 ]

[04:17] News Wrap

In our news wrap Saturday, three U.S. Marines died in an aircraft crash in Australia, Florida is bracing for Tropical Storm Idalia heading toward the state, Russia confirmed that Yevgeny Prigozhin died in Wednesday’s plane crash outside Moscow, and hundreds of volunteers and researchers converged in Scotland to search for signs of the mythical Loch Ness Monster.
《Yevgeny Prigozhin's death confirmed; monster hunters converged in Scotland searching Loch Ness Monster; ネッシー; 》

[06:15]★今日のおすすめ★ Gene variant found linking people of African descent to higher Parkinson’s

One million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive condition that causes problems with body movement. New research has identified a genetic variant that increases the risk of Parkinson’s in people of African descent, and is not seen in those with European ancestry. Ekemini Riley, managing director of Aligning Science Across Parkinson's, joins John Yang to discuss the findings.
《Parkinson’s disease; アフリカ系のパーキンソン病リスクを高める遺伝子変異; ヨーロッパ系には見られない; 黒人のパーキンソン病は診断されないか、診断が白人より4年遅れる; Ekemini Riley, Aligning Science Across Parkinson's, ASAP; GBA1の中の変異; 今回の発見は偶然; 》

[06:56] Dr. Riley, from your perspective, what is the significance of this research, not only for our understanding of Parkinson's, but also for these underserved communities like people in America with -- of African descent?
[* underserved = (medicine) Disadvantaged with regard to health services because of inability to pay, inability to access care, or other disparities for reasons of race, religion, language group or social status.(wiktionary) 医療を受ける際、経済的理由や医療へのアクセスの問題で不利な立場であったり、あるいは、人種、宗教、言語、社会的地位などの格差で不利な立場にあること ]

[12:28]★今日のおすすめ★ How climate change is disrupting the global food supply

The effects of climate change have been hard to miss across North America and Europe this summer: record heat, wildfires and warming oceans. There are also other, less obvious consequences that affect both the quantity and quality of food crops. Climate change scientist Jonas Jagermeyr joins John Yang to explain the relationship between climate change and global food supply.
《気候変動の食料供給への影響; Jonas Jagermeyr, Columbia University, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS); 農作物の成長の3要素は気温・降雨・大気中の二酸化炭素; 二酸化炭素の成長促進効果は植物によって違う; トウモロコシには促進効果がないので気温や降雨のパターン変化の影響を一番受ける(CO2上昇の植物成長へのプラスがなくマイナスの影響だけ); 気候変動への適応進捗は世界の地域により違う; 栄養価への影響; 植物の成長促進で栄養分が薄められる; CO2上昇による成長促進と同じ割合でミネラルやビタミンが増えるわけではない; その結果、ミネラルやビタミンの含有率が下がる; 気候変動適応には栽培時期を早めることや品種改良; 別の作物への切り換えも必要; 消費者が変わることも大切 》

[18:41] Why sunscreen in the United States is behind the rest of the world

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, everyone older than six months should use sunscreen every day to decrease the risk of skin cancer. But today’s sunblock is full of ingredients that are decades old and increasingly obsolete. Dr. Rita Linkner, a board-certified dermatologist, joins Ali Rogin to discuss the state of American sunscreen.
《アメリカの日焼け止めは時代遅れ; Rita Linkner; 日焼け止めはアメリカでは一般市販薬、ヨーロッパでは化粧品で人間の臨床試験不要; ヨーロッパの方がUVAフィルター承認基準がアメリカより厳しい; 人間の臨床試験なしでも問題が起きたデータはほとんどない; 》

[22:53] We are learning more and more every day about how blue light ages the skin, affects melasma, rosacea, other dermatologic issues.
[* melasma = (pathology) A tan or dark skin discoloration, particularly common in pregnant women, thought to be caused by the stimulation of melanocytes by estrogen and progesterone (wiktionary). 肝斑 ]
[* rosacea = (pathology) A chronic condition characterized by redness of the face. 酒さ ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

