

PBS NewsHour Sept. 25, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:10] What's next for Hollywood after writers and studios reach tentative deal to end strike

Writers and the major studios reached a tentative deal after nearly five months of striking. In the coming days, members of the Writers Guild of America will vote to approve the new contract, which includes pay increases to keep up with streaming and protections around the use of artificial intelligence. Geoff Bennett discussed the deal and the ongoing actors' strike with Janice Min of The Ankler.
《ハリウッド脚本家組合ストライキ、大手製作会社と暫定合意; Writers Guild of America; Writers Guild of America and major studios reached a tentative deal after nearly five months of striking; Janice Min, The Ankler; 》

[03:41] Seems like they want a pretty big pay increase in terms of streaming residuals, in terms of pay in the room. I think one of the really positive signs for the Writers Guild members is that even though the details haven't been released, their language in the press release or the e-mail sent to members yesterday was incredibly triumphant.

[** residuals = (in the plural) payments made to performers, writers and directors when a recorded broadcast is repeated. (wiktionary); (テレビ番組を再放送する際に役者や作家に支払われる)再使用料 (英辞郎) ]

[04:55] And for any residual payment, it was a flat fee. It wasn't -- it wasn't watch-based. It wasn't, because we kind of blew up during the pandemic, we were not compensated. We just had our flat fees.

[** to blow up = to become popular very quickly (wiktionary)]

[05:07] GEOFF BENNETT: So, Janice, as you well know, in this feast-or-famine entertainment industry, residuals or royalties, that's the thing that keeps these artists afloat.

[** feast or famine = a situation in which there is either an excess or a dearth of something (thefreedictionary). 浮き沈みの激しい。 仕事がある時は忙しすぎるくらいあるし、ない時はまったくない ]

[05:30] When Netflix came into the ecosystem, they created this model that at first seemed great. We're going to pay you basically more than the studios, the legacy studios, are going to pay you, and it's going to be an all-you-can-eat price. [* all-you-can-eat = Offering unlimited service for a fixed price per time period. ]

[** = a network of interconnected people, organizations, products or services that resembles a natural ecosystem due to the complex interdependencies (wiktionary) ]

[08:23] So, Fran Drescher, the president of SAG, formerly the star of "The Nanny," she has come out with, even in these very heated times, especially loaded language against the studios, calling them land barons, being particularly insulting personally to Robert Iger, the CEO of Disney.

[** land baron < A Baron is a fuedal noble that owns land and traditionally exploits peasant farmers. A “Land Baron" is a more modern concept, being some private individual who owns land and exploits renters as if they were a baron ruling over peasants. A Land Baron of Medieval Times is just a baron. We can infer that the Nanny is complaining that the Disney executives are exploiting their employees...
https://www.quora.com/What-did-Fran-Drescher-mean-when-she-referred-to-Disney-executives-as-land-barons-of-a-medieval-time ]

[10:01] News Wrap

Ukrainian military officials claim a missile strike on the Russian navy's Crimean headquarters killed Russia's Black Sea Fleet commander, thousands of ethnic Armenians are fleeing the Nagorno-Karabakh region after Azerbaijan recaptured it last week and the Biden administration announced it's investing $1.4 billion into improving the nation's aging railway system.
《In Hawaii, residents began returning to what's left of their Lahaina properties today; 》

[13:05] Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on the economic and political impact of a government shutdown

NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Amna Nawaz to discuss the latest political news, including the implications for the U.S. economy and political landscape as a potential government shutdown looms and union workers continue their strike against car manufacturers.
《月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを占う; 》

[22:22] So there is this thing in the justice system where you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. And you might lose your committees, but you can stick around.

[** (収賄で起訴されたBob Menendez上院議員が上院外交委員長の職を失う理由) = Senate Democratic Conference rules require members serving in leadership and as committee chairs to step down if charged with a felony. The lawmaker can resume his or her position if the charges are subsequently dropped or reduced to less than a felony... https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4218318-menendez-could-lose-foreign-relations-chairmanship-with-indictment/ ]

[22:51]★今日のおすすめ★ Biden hosts Pacific Island leaders in latest effort to counter China's influence

President Biden hosted a gathering of Pacific Island leaders Monday that was equal parts about the U.S. growing its relationships and working to counter China’s power in the region. Biden promised the nations economic and climate-related help and dedicated a new U.S. Coast Guard mission. Lisa Desjardins discussed the tensions across the Pacific Rim with Zach Cooper.
《President Biden hosted a gathering of Pacific Island leaders; economic and climate-related help; new U.S. Coast Guard mission; Zach Cooper, American Enterprise Institute; Solomon Islands is boycotting, developing a very close relationship to China; 》

[28:23] The United States has compacts of free association with three of the Pacific Islands. Those islands really lean towards Washington.

[** Compact of Free Association = The Compact of Free Association (COFA) is an international agreement establishing and governing the relationships of free association between the United States and the three Pacific Island sovereign states of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Republic of Palau. As a result, these countries are sometimes known as the Freely Associated States..
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_of_Free_Association ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) 自由連合盟約 ]

[29:47]★今日のおすすめ★ Family of Black teen suspended from school for his hairstyle sues Texas leaders

The family of Darryl George, a Black student in Texas suspended over his dreadlocks, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton. They allege Abbott and Paxton are not enforcing the Crown Act, which says there can be no action taken against someone based on hair texture or hairstyles. Geoff Bennett discussed more with State Rep. Rhetta Bowers.
《The family of Darryl George, a Black student in Texas suspended over his dreadlocks, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton; CROWN Act; Rhetta Bowers, Texas State Representative, authored the Texas CROWN Act; 》

[29:47] GEOFF BENNETT: The family of Darryl George, a Black high school student in Texas suspended over his dreadlocks, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton. His family alleges that Abbott and Paxton are not enforcing the CROWN Act, which went into effect in Texas on September 1. It bans race-based discrimination at schools and in the workplace by saying there can be no action taken against someone based on their hair texture or hairstyles, including locs and twists.

[** = CROWN Actとは何かを説明している部分。以前の番組にも出てきました ]

[31:50] The CROWN Act covers hairstyles. It does not cover hair length. So would the CROWN Act even apply in his specific case?
STATE REP. RHETTA BOWERS: It absolutely would. It's a direct violation of the CROWN Act, because those protective hairstyles are listed in the legislation and in the law. The fact that he wears his hair in locs, [* locs = dreadlocks ] culturally, people grow their hair in locs. So that is why. The hairstyle itself speaks for itself. Locs are grown long. So it is a direct violation of the CROWN Act.

[** = A protective hairstyle is a way of putting human hair so that it will not break or become dirty. Most of the time, when people talk about protective hairstyles, they mean natural African hair. A protective hairstyle tucks the ends of the hair into a braid, twist, or other shape so that they do not show. This stops the hair from moving, which makes it less likely to break or wear out.
https://www.wikiwand.com/simple/Protective_hairstyle ]

[34:27]★今日のおすすめ★ What scientists hope to learn from asteroid sample returned to Earth on NASA spacecraft

You may have heard about a NASA probe that successfully brought some samples from a deep-space asteroid back to Earth. It took four billion miles to get them, but researchers believe it will be worth it. You also may be wondering just why scientists want these samples from what's essentially a huge rock flying through space. Science correspondent Miles O'Brien explains.
《NASA; successfully brought samples from a deep-space asteroid back to Earth; Miles O'Brien; asteroid named Bennu; Dante Lauretta, principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx; Elaine Seasly, NASA's deputy planetary protection officer; Lori Glaze, NASA's Planetary Science Division director; 小惑星; オサイリス・レックス; 》

[35:31] MILES O'BRIEN: University of Arizona planetary scientist Dante Lauretta is the principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx

[** = OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer) is a NASA asteroid-study and sample-return mission...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSIRIS-REx ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ] .

[42:19] Sheila Johnson discusses her groundbreaking career and new memoir 'Walk Through Fire'

Sheila Johnson made history as America's first Black female billionaire after co-founding BET. She broke barriers and found success as an entrepreneur, hotel mogul and co-owner of multiple professional sports teams. But that success came at a cost and masked deep pain and trauma. Amna Nawaz sat down with Johnson to discuss her new book, "Walk Through Fire: A Memoir of Love, Loss and Triumph."
《Sheila Johnson; シーラ・ジョンソン; 新刊本、回顧録、『Walk Through Fire』; America's first Black female billionaire; co-founding of BET; Black Entertainment Television; entrepreneur; mythically, salamander is the only animal that can walk through fire and still come out alive; Salamander, her company's name; 》

[44:20] I mean, just to up and leave two children and a wife that depended on his income, she -- her bank account was in the name, in his name, credit cards, you name it. She didn't know which way to turn. And I think it just really manifested itself where I found her with a nervous breakdown.

[** up and (adverb) = Abruptly; unexpectedly ]

[45:35] And I think what happens in the African American race is that we're suppressed so much. We're taught to not speak out. We're taught to not talk about each other. Communication is very little. And even as a young person, they were saying you should be seen and not heard. And it just went against who I am.

[** < children should be seen and not heard (proverb) = Children should not speak among adults unless they are addressed; children should be quiet and well-behaved. ]

[47:01] But, in the meantime, behind the scenes, there was so much going on that -- people knew it too. They didn't really want to speak about it, but there were people out there that really loved watching what was going down. They loved hearing about it. There were digs [* dig = a sarcastic, taunting remark ] made at me. It was the ultimate betrayal.

[** to go down = to take place, happen; to unfold ]

[51:28] A Brief But Spectacular take on finding your voice

Writer Mary Otis' work grapples with issues of addiction, artistic purpose, and mother-daughter relationships. She recently performed excerpts from her debut novel, “Burst,” at Lincoln Center in New York City. She shares her Brief But Spectacular take on finding her voice.
《Mary Otis, writer; Burst; Brief But Spectacular take on finding her voice; 》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News





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