

PBS News Weekend Aug. 20, 2023




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[00:00] Introduction

[02:01] News Wrap

Hilary makes landfall along Mexico's Baja peninsula. Wildfires in eastern Washington state have killed one person and destroyed some 185 homes and buildings. The Netherlands and Denmark announced they will supply American-made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Spain won the Women's World Cup for the first time with its win over England.
《Hilary made landfall along Mexico's Baja peninsula; Netherlands and Denmark supply American-made F-16s to Ukraine; Spain won the Women's World Cup for the first time, defeating England; 》

[04:50]★今日のおすすめ★ Ukrainian non-profit helps thousands of amputees injured in the war get artificial limbs

As the war in Ukraine rages on, a critical need has emerged, with some 20,000 to 50,000 Ukrainians forced to amputate one or more limbs. The Ukrainian non-profit Superhuman Center is helping survivors move forward, offering reconstructive surgery and physical and psychological support. Co-founder Andrey Stavnitser joined Nick Schifrin to discuss.
《ウクライナ戦争犠牲者数、120,000 Ukrainians have been wounded, and close to 70,000 killed; Ukrainian non-profit Superhuman Center; co-founder Andrey Stavnitser; prosthetics; 義足、義手、》

[07:53] So the biggest issue was to create the ecosystem [** = a network of interconnected people, organizations, products or services that resembles a natural ecosystem due to the complex interdependencies (wiktionary)] , to bring the expertise into the country, the expertise of prosthetics. And it's not only prosthetics, it's also psychological, physiological rehabilitation. It's production of prosthetics, installation and maintenance -- has to come as a package because, you know, these people, they need complex, holistic solutions.

[10:29] With Spain’s historic win, a look at the progress and challenges facing women’s soccer

Spain won its first Women's World Cup with its defeat over England Sunday. Five years ago, the team lacked jerseys designed for women, high-quality facilities and enough physical trainers. Spain's historic win, and what they went through to achieve it, symbolizes both the progress and challenges still facing women's soccer. Meg Linehan, a senior writer for The Athletic, joined John Yang.
《Spain won its first Women's World Cup; women soccer; Meg Linehan, The Athletic; 女子ワールドカップサッカー、スペイン優勝、2023 FIFA Women's World Cup; 2023 FIFA女子ワールドカップ 》

[16:50]★今日のおすすめ★ Travel writer Rick Steves shares advice on navigating post-pandemic travel

Americans are traveling overseas in record numbers this summer; it’s the first full summer without pandemic restrictions since 2019. For many that will mean long lines, crowded tourist sites and some travel headaches. John Yang spoke with travel writer Rick Steves for tips on navigating this new era of travel.
《Rick Steves; Americans are traveling overseas in record numbers after three years of pandemic; トラベルガイド、旅行ガイド、ガイド本、コロナ後の旅行ブーム、リベンジ・トラベル、ため息橋、溜息の橋、嘆きの橋 》

[17:22] I've spent a couple of months in Europe so far this year, ranging from Spain to Estonia to Iceland. And the big issue is the crowds. There's sort of a feeling of revenge travel [** 日本語で「リベンジ・・・」という表現をよく聞くが、英語に直訳すると違和感を感じる場合が多い。でも、コロナで行けなかった旅行に今年は行くぞ、という意味のrevenge travelが、ここで実際に使われている。と言っても、they're calling itと付け加えているように、それほど一般的な表現とは思われない。ただし、スポーツの雪辱戦のrevenge (match)は、英語として普通に使われる ] , they're calling it. Everybody wants to get back there and do the trips that were canceled.

[18:24] I've learned the joy of second cities in Europe. Everybody goes to the first cities. Why not try Lyon or Marseilles after Paris? Why not go to Porto instead of Lisbon? You're going to go to Edinburgh. Be sure to check out Glasgow. Yes, go to Dublin, but don't miss Belfast. It's these rust belt industrial cities that used to be ignored that are now edgy [** = at the forefront of a trend; trend-setting ] and i think really rewarding. And they get you away from all the crowds.

[19:58] You know, I was filming in Venice recently and we were trying to find two lovers on a gondola going under the Bridge of Sighs. [** < The view from the Bridge of Sighs was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment. The bridge's English name was bequeathed by Lord Byron in the 19th century as a translation from the Italian "Ponte dei sospiri", from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_of_Sighs Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ] There's no lovers going under the bridge of sighs, they're all taking selfies, you know? And as a tour guide, I have to really remind my travelers, be in the moment [** = fully focused on or mentally involved in what one is doing or experiencing ] . That's a big challenge for us.

[20:15] And another big challenge is don't be sheep going where everybody's going. [** be (like) sheep = if a group of people are (like) sheep, they all behave in the same way or all behave as they are told, and cannot or will not act independently. (cambridge dictionary)] I mean, these days it's crowdsourced [* to crowdsource = to delegate a task to a large, diffuse group (wiktionary). ] . You've got a lot of people who've never been to Paris telling you where the best hot chocolate is. You know, you can let that design your itinerary. But really, it's important for us not to have that Instagram mentality where you got to stand on the same pier and get the same frame so you can prove to your friends that you're having a great time. Go over there and carve your own path.

[21:06] There's so many people talking about travel on Instagram, on YouTube channels, influencers who may be getting a lot of freebies from the things they're talking about. How has that changed how people learn about travel? How has that changed what you do?
>> In the future, I think there's going to be two kinds of travelers. Those who consume information smartly, and those who take information that comes at you with an agenda [**  John Yangの質問の中に、無料でいろいろもらっておいてそれを宣伝するようなインフルエンサーのことが出て来る。また、この直後に、ニセの観光案内所のようなものが出てくる。そのように何らかの思惑があって向こうからやって来る情報のこと。それを鵜呑みにして踊らされる旅行者と、情報をスマートに利用する旅行者に分かれていくだろう、とRick Stevesは言っている。 ] . You got to know how to travel like a temporary local. You got to know when you walk down the main street, the Damrak in Amsterdam, you're going to see a place that looks like a tourist information center, but it's actually a box office selling commercial ventures.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News


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