

映画「新青春」の制作ドタバタをつづります。冷や汗とあぶら汗と悔し涙と嬉し涙とともに。I'm going to write about the slapstick producti…


映画制作日記 #19 「情景」 | Production Notes #19 "The Scene"

映画制作日記 #19 「情景」 | Production Notes #19 "The Scene"

The shooting of the movie has begun. The actors and crew gathered early in the morning with their slightly worn out scripts in hand, as if they had been reading them for years. The shooting arrangemen

映画制作日記 #18「安全祈願」 | Production Notes #18 "Pray for Safety"

映画制作日記 #18「安全祈願」 | Production Notes #18 "Pray for Safety"

Finally, it was time to start filming. All the actors and actresses arrived in Tokushima, where the staff had been preparing for the shoot. We headed straight from the airport to pray for the safety o

映画制作日記#17「学は藤井草馬」 | Production Notes #17 “Manabu is Soma Fujii"

映画制作日記#17「学は藤井草馬」 | Production Notes #17 “Manabu is Soma Fujii"

I previously directed a feature film called "youth" in 2017. It was set in Tokushima, Japan, and it was about a day in the life of a local 20-something. At that time, Soma Fujii played the role of Man

映画制作日記 #16 「春花は村上由規乃」 | Production Notes #16 "Haruka is Yukino Murakami"

映画制作日記 #16 「春花は村上由規乃」 | Production Notes #16 "Haruka is Yukino Murakami"

When we decided to make a movie, we talked with the staff at the pub, "Well, who should play the main role? I asked the staff at a tavern. At that time, the assistant director Ichi and the actor Soma

映画制作日記 #15 「主題歌のこだわり」 | Production Notes #15 "Theme Song Obsession"

映画制作日記 #15 「主題歌のこだわり」 | Production Notes #15 "Theme Song Obsession"

When the film was still in the planning stage, I was writing the plot (original story) while listening to a song. All the films I've made so far have started in the same order. As far back as 1992, I

映画制作日記 #14 「愛すべき勝手な野郎ども」 | Production Notes #14 "Lovable Selfish Bastards"

映画制作日記 #14 「愛すべき勝手な野郎ども」 | Production Notes #14 "Lovable Selfish Bastards"

My film crew is always selfish. They get excited and proceed as they please. They go to shoot the actual scenery (the scenery in the film) without permission, and they decide the costumes without perm

映画制作日記 #13「簡単に書きやがって(苦笑)」 | Production Notes #13 "You write so easily (chuckles)”

映画制作日記 #13「簡単に書きやがって(苦笑)」 | Production Notes #13 "You write so easily (chuckles)”

The lead and supporting actors gathered for the first reading. The scriptwriter, assistant director, producer, and music director were also present. This is the first reading of the script, where all

短編映画 改め 映画制作日記 #12 「またやってしまった。。。」 | Production Notes #12 "I've been doing it again...”

短編映画 改め 映画制作日記 #12 「またやってしまった。。。」 | Production Notes #12 "I've been doing it again...”

The finalized script arrived in the mail as a script. Oh, I did it again. 3 years ago, when I made my first feature film, it was supposed to be a 30-minute short film, but it turned out to be a 90-min

短編映画制作日記 #11 「前例」 | Production Notes #11 "Precedent”

短編映画制作日記 #11 「前例」 | Production Notes #11 "Precedent”

A film cannot be made without the cooperation of many people. And when it comes to independent films, it's just a matter of people who want to do something that they don't have to do in the first plac

短編映画制作日記 #10 「小松島へ」 | Production Notes #10 "To Komatsushima"

短編映画制作日記 #10 「小松島へ」 | Production Notes #10 "To Komatsushima"

I went to Tokushima again. We went to Komatsushima City, a city by the sea, a big change from last time. Probably not the kind of city that comes up as a potential location when planning to make a mov

短編映画制作日記 #9 「美しい喜劇」 | Production Notes #9 "A Beautiful Comedy”

短編映画制作日記 #9 「美しい喜劇」 | Production Notes #9 "A Beautiful Comedy”

For this short film, I'm working with cinematographer Toshihiro Hayashi to capture the beauty of comedy and tragedy. We received a 40mm Classic Prime from SIGMA, the company that will be supporting us

短編映画制作日記 #8 「一連のうんこ」 | Production Notes #8 "A Series of Poops”

短編映画制作日記 #8 「一連のうんこ」 | Production Notes #8 "A Series of Poops”

A scene of guitar playing that appears in the scenario. That would be about 10 scenes. In other words, I will be creating 10 original songs. Once again, I asked Shinya Kiyokawa to write the songs. Exc

短編映画制作日記 #7 「まさかのロケ地変更」 | Production Notes #7 "Unexpected Change of Location”

短編映画制作日記 #7 「まさかのロケ地変更」 | Production Notes #7 "Unexpected Change of Location”

The script is finalized and we're about to start location scouting! Just as I was about to start location scouting, the production manager gave me a passionate presentation. The location was changed.
