
映画制作日記 #19 「情景」 | Production Notes #19 "The Scene"

The shooting of the movie has begun. The actors and crew gathered early in the morning with their slightly worn out scripts in hand, as if they had been reading them for years. The shooting arrangements were made by assistant director Ichi and line producer Tsugaoka. The script is mainly about the actors' performances and lines. In some places, scenes are written with so few words that you can miss them between the lines. A rising sun, a full moon in the night sky, and so on. These few words are very important in the story, but they are also tricky to capture. A full moon comes only once a month, and I have to stare at the weather forecast every day to capture the sunrise. Even when I get ready and go to the place where I can shoot the scene, I have to watch the clock nervously, waiting for the sun or clouds to move. The scenery in a film is like the punctuation in a sentence, setting the rhythm and in some cases, adding important lines to the scenery. In this way, the scenery becomes a scene. To be continued.
