
映画制作日記#17「学は藤井草馬」 | Production Notes #17 “Manabu is Soma Fujii"

I previously directed a feature film called "youth" in 2017. It was set in Tokushima, Japan, and it was about a day in the life of a local 20-something. At that time, Soma Fujii played the role of Manabu (Gaku). This time, the film is also set in Tokushima Prefecture. And the role of Manabu is played by Souma. To tell you the truth, this new film "Shin Seishun" is connected to "youth". It is both a sequel and a spin-off. And I had some difficult orders for Souma. It is an expression of dragging and rubbing out the character of Gaku. The story is about a guy who, in the eyes of the world, is useless, but who is single-mindedly in love with a girl, even his blood cousin. In this day and age, when people don't know "what" and "how" pure love is, this film depicts not being afraid, not being mean, and looking at the other person straight on. This time, I would like to have this flirtatious and useless study make me cry. To be continued.
