
香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 13

お盆あけてから初めての投稿です。友人から来たメッセージの翻訳の続きです。今回は8月10日分です。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Massage on Aug. 10) The police fired more than 800 cans of tear gas on 5Aug, in a single day, in various distr

    • 香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 12

      続きです。8月7日にもらったメッセージはこの分で最後です。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are so many wrongs and evil and injustice since the start of the events. But amongst everything bad, this is when I really sa

      • 香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 11

        続きます。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- That weekend, 2 millions people, together with the man’s soul, march to the headquarter again. This time everyone was wearing black, moaning the lost life

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          続きます。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In May, Bar Association wrote against the bill for the 3rd time, later the academics and religious group signed a petition against the bill too. On 6Jun, 3

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          続きます。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- We tried countless ways to ask them to stop, to wish they would listen, used up all of the peaceful methods to get them do something that is beneficial to

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          香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 8

          ここから、8月7日に頂いたメッセージになります。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——————————— (My comment) I started to translate it and posted it (to my blog). I will continue every day. (私のコメント) あなたのメッセージを訳し始めました。毎日

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          続きです。ここまでが8月5日に友人から届いたメッセージです。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- One hit the head of a reporter who were immediately bleeding and were given first aid. From the look of it he needed ambulance, an

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          香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ6

          続きです。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is how many tear gas was fired in Wong Tai Sin (one of the district in hk) today. The police spokesman said from 9Jun until this afternoon, they fired

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          続きます。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, all of this is triggered by our “chief executive” Carrie Lam trying to pass an extradition bill which will allow Chinese government to transfer whoev

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          続きます。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not even the hospitals are safe. Police have a computer system to obtain hospital information, if they suspect you got the injuries from protest, they will

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          続きです。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hk police nowadays is worse than gangsters... and people who has seen live news from individual reporters are living in fear every day now 香港警察は暴力団関係者

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          昨日の記事の続きになります。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And as the government continue to disregard all the injustice that has been happening for 2 months, and only come out once in a while to point the

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          香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 1