香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 1




HK has been a hellhole since June... the police works with our corrupted useless government, who has no wisdom to handle any social affairs, only look to the Chinese govt for instructions, while the Chinese govt is already in deep shit economically, and don’t want to get their hands dirty on the HK events this time

So now basically the police has taken over to rule, and we are in a very quick process of turning into a “police state”. They uses tear gas and guns towards anyone any time they feel like to, and harassed anyone who wears black, together with their supporters (like their families and some foolish people who were brainwashed by the single authorised tv channel TVB), they attack people who protest against the government totalitarianism, against the excessive violence from police, and asked for what we have been promised (dual-election universal suffrage)

We are like living in war zone now, but real hk people love our city, and so far we manage to keep it the way it is, unlike what usually happens during political unrest in all other countries, the protesters did not caused any damage to it

On the other hand, the police has been working with triad gangsters, and the violence they used has caused a lot of harm among the common people

A girl was shot in the head and lost one of her eyes, another one was being sexually harassed last night by 6-7 police who tore off her pants, someone throw explosive material to downstairs crowd from police apartments…

Every night there are many people being beat up by police til there are blood all over them…


