香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ 9



We tried countless ways to ask them to stop, to wish they would listen, used up all of the peaceful methods to get them do something that is beneficial to the people as well. But again and again, we were ignored and rejected. We tried so hard to live in a city where it has the highest cost of living, we suffered in silence for so long. Yesterday, someone wrote on a wall: “If only peaceful protest worked, we wouldn’t need to come out every week.”


The extradition bill proposal come out for “public consultation” in February, the lawyers in Hong Kong Bar Association and chairperson of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce voiced out against it, because they immediately realise how big a damage to our system if it passed, but the government still go on to draft the bill in April, so the Bar Association (a.k.a the lawyers) voiced their objection again. Still, the next day, the bill passed the firs reading in the support pro-chinese Legislative councillors.
Because of that, 130k people marched on street urging the government to list to professional advice, but the government did not respond.



