香港で今起きている事 大規模デモについて友人がくれたメッセージ6



This is how many tear gas was fired in Wong Tai Sin (one of the district in hk) today. The police spokesman said from 9Jun until this afternoon, they fired over a thousand cans of tear gas and used over 300 bullet, most of them as seen in live stream news, were directly shoot at protesters, aiming at their heads and in crowds.


(My comment)
It’s real…oh, no…Is the police also HK people? I don’t understand why they can do such terrible thing…what a shame!

It is..... there are many more other pictures that will show you how the police had turn hk into a war zone... but they are rather disturbing. Last night, **** district I’m living in also attacked by tear gas. I saw on live stream news that at first there were not many protesters, then suddenly the police shot out around 7-8 tear gas, when there are many locals around, and cars were passing through... they provoked the protesters and more came to “help” and blocked the road. Later, when the protesters were slowly moving back and retreated, they fired a lots of tear gas as well.

そうなんです・・・。他にもまだまだ、警察がどのようにして香港を戦闘地域に変えていったのかがわかる写真がたくさんあります・・・。むしろ彼らは平和を乱しています。昨晩、 私が住んでいる****地区(注:友人の個人情報なので伏せています)も催涙ガスで攻撃されました。私はそれをライブ中継ニュースで見ていたのですが、最初、そんなに沢山の抗議者はいなかったのです。だけど突然、警察が7−8缶の催涙ガスを噴射しました。沢山の地元の人が周りにいて、車も普通に通っていたのです・・・。彼らは抗議者を挑発し、さらに多くの警察が「救助」に来て道路を封鎖しました。そして抗議者がゆっくり下がって後退したところで、彼らは何発もの催涙ガスを噴射したのです。


