
AIにゃんこ英単語 英検1級レベル 1~200(テキストのみ)


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1. Plod

  • Accentuation: /plɒd/

  • Japanese Translation: どんどん歩く

  • English-English Definition: To walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly and steadily without enthusiasm or excitement.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The old cat plodded through the garden, carefully inspecting each plant as if searching for a lost treasure.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 古い猫は、失われた宝物を探しているかのように、それぞれの植物を注意深く検査しながら、庭をどんどん歩きました。

2. Blurt

  • Accentuation: /blɜːrt/

  • Japanese Translation: うっかり言う

  • English-English Definition: To say something suddenly and without careful consideration.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the quiet of the night, the young cat blurted out a loud meow, startling the sleeping household.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 夜の静けさの中で、若い猫がうっかり大きな鳴き声を出し、眠っていた家族を驚かせました。

3. Apprehensive

  • Accentuation: /ˌæprɪˈhɛnsɪv/

  • Japanese Translation: 懸念している

  • English-English Definition: Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The small cat looked apprehensive as it stood at the edge of the water, unsure about taking its first swim.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さな猫は、最初の泳ぎをするかどうか不安そうに水の端に立っていました。

4. Ingenious

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈdʒiːniəs/

  • Japanese Translation: 独創的な

  • English-English Definition: (Of a person) clever, original, and inventive.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The ingenious cat devised a clever system of pulleys and levers out of sticks and strings to retrieve its toy from under the couch.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: その独創的な猫は、ソファの下からおもちゃを取り出すために、棒と糸から滑車とレバーの巧妙なシステムを考案しました。

5. Splendor

  • Accentuation: /ˈsplɛndər/

  • Japanese Translation: 豪華さ

  • English-English Definition: Magnificent and splendid appearance; grandeur.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The majestic cat sat atop the hill, its fur reflecting the splendor of the sunset sky, from deep oranges to soft pinks.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 豪華な猫は丘の上に座っており、その毛皮は深いオレンジ色から柔らかいピンク色に至るまでの夕日の空の豪華さを反映していました。

6. Malign

  • Accentuation: /məˈlaɪn/

  • Japanese Translation: 悪意のある

  • English-English Definition: To speak about someone in a spitefully critical manner.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Overhearing a rumor in the alley, the streetwise cat knew not to trust the malign whispers that sought to tarnish the reputation of the gentle old cat.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 路地で噂を耳にした街の賢い猫は、優しい老猫の評判を傷つけようとする悪意のあるささやきを信じてはいけないと知っていました。

7. Manifesto

  • Accentuation: /ˌmænɪˈfɛstoʊ/

  • Japanese Translation: 宣言

  • English-English Definition: A public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a determined gaze, the ambitious cat stood on a podium, passionately presenting its manifesto to the gathered assembly of neighborhood cats.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 決意を込めた眼差しで、野心的な猫は演壇に立ち、集まった近所の猫たちに情熱的に自分の宣言を発表しました。

8. Funnel

  • Accentuation: /ˈfʌnəl/

  • Japanese Translation: じょうご

  • English-English Definition: A tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid or powder into a small opening.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious kitten played with a large funnel, trying to peek through the wide end while its body was almost entirely covered by the narrow end.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な子猫は、大きなじょうごで遊び、広い端を覗き込もうとしながらその体が狭い端にほとんど完全に覆われていました。

9. Hoarse

  • Accentuation: /hɔːrs/

  • Japanese Translation: しわがれ声の

  • English-English Definition: Having a rough or harsh sounding voice, typically as a result of a sore throat or shouting.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: After meowing all night for the moon to come closer, the little cat's voice grew hoarse, echoing softly in the morning light.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 月が近づくように一晩中鳴き続けた後、小さな猫の声はしわがれて、朝の光の中でそっと反響しました。

10. Maritime

  • Accentuation: /ˈmærɪtaɪm/

  • Japanese Translation: 海事の

  • English-English Definition: Connected with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat, dressed in a sailor's outfit, showed its maritime expertise by skillfully navigating the boat through the waves.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: セーラー服を着た猫は、波を巧みに操船することで、その海事の専門知識を示しました。

11. Irate

  • Accentuation: /aɪˈreɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 怒っている

  • English-English Definition: Feeling or characterized by great anger.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The irate cat hissed and arched its back when the new puppy tried to play with its tail.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しい子犬が尾を弄ぼうとしたとき、怒っている猫はヒスをして背中を丸めました。

12. Vulnerability

  • Accentuation: /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪlɪti/

  • Japanese Translation: 脆弱性

  • English-English Definition: The quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The small, vulnerable-looking kitten sat alone, its big eyes reflecting a deep sense of vulnerability as it searched for comfort in the vast, empty room.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さく、脆弱に見える子猫が一人で座っており、その大きな目は広く空っぽの部屋の中で慰めを求める際の深い脆弱性を反映していました。

13. Nucleus

  • Accentuation: /ˈnjuːkliəs/

  • Japanese Translation:

  • English-English Definition: The central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cozy corner of the living room, with its warm sunlight and soft cushions, became the nucleus for the cat's daily activities.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: リビングルームの居心地の良い角、その暖かい日差しと柔らかいクッションが、猫の日常活動の核となりました。

14. Interminable

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈtɜːmɪnəbl/

  • Japanese Translation: 長引く

  • English-English Definition: Endless or seemingly endless because of being very long or tedious.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The small cat gazed out the window at the interminable rain, its whiskers twitching with impatience to explore the outside world.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さな猫は、外の世界を探検することに対する焦りでひげをぴくぴくさせながら、終わりのない雨を窓からじっと見つめていました。

15. Exposition

  • Accentuation: /ˌɛkspəˈzɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 説明

  • English-English Definition: A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The scholarly cat, wearing glasses, sat behind a desk, offering a detailed exposition on the history of feline explorers.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 眼鏡をかけた学識ある猫は、机の後ろに座り、猫の探検家の歴史に関する詳細な説明を提供しました。

16. Impersonate

  • Accentuation: /ɪmˈpɜːrsəˌneɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: まねる

  • English-English Definition: To pretend to be someone else for entertainment or fraud.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The playful cat decided to impersonate its owner, standing on its hind legs and donning glasses and a small hat, much to the amusement of everyone watching.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び心のある猫は、見ている人たちを楽しませるために、後ろ足で立ち、眼鏡と小さな帽子をかぶって飼い主のまねをすることにしました。

17. Singular

  • Accentuation: /ˈsɪŋɡjələr/

  • Japanese Translation: 独特の

  • English-English Definition: Exceptionally good or great; remarkable.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the bustling cat park, the singular cat with its vibrant fur pattern stood out, captivating the attention of all.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賑やかな猫の公園で、鮮やかな毛皮の模様を持つ独特の猫が目立ち、すべての注目を集めました。

18. Resonance

  • Accentuation: /ˈrɛzənəns/

  • Japanese Translation: 共鳴

  • English-English Definition: The quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The room was filled with the deep, melodious resonance of the cat's purring, creating a tranquil atmosphere that calmed everyone present.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 部屋は猫のゴロゴロとした深くメロディアスな共鳴で満たされ、そこにいる全員を落ち着かせる静かな雰囲気を作り出しました。

19. Juvenile

  • Accentuation: /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl/

  • Japanese Translation: 若年の

  • English-English Definition: For or relating to young people; youthful.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The juvenile cat's playful leaps and bounds in pursuit of a butterfly captured the carefree joy of its youth.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 若年の猫が蝶を追いかけるためにする楽しげな跳躍は、その若さの無邪気な喜びを捉えていました。

20. Elaborate

  • Accentuation: /ɪˈlæbərət/

  • Japanese Translation: 精巧な

  • English-English Definition: Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cats enjoyed their elaborate castle, with its turrets, bridges, and cozy nooks, reveling in the luxury of their intricate home.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫たちは、塔や橋、そして居心地の良い隅々まで備えた精巧な城での生活を楽しんでおり、複雑に設計された自宅の豪華さに浸っていました。

21. Append

  • Accentuation: /əˈpɛnd/

  • Japanese Translation: 追加する

  • English-English Definition: To add something as an attachment or supplement.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The clever cat used its paw to append a sticky note with a fish drawing to the family message board, humorously indicating its desire for a fishy treat.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、魚の絵が描かれた付箋を家族のメッセージボードに追加することで、ユーモラスに魚のおやつを欲していることを示しました。

22. Upstage

  • Accentuation: /ˈʌpˌsteɪdʒ/

  • Japanese Translation: 注目を奪う

  • English-English Definition: To divert attention from someone towards oneself; to overshadow.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a playful display of rivalry, the small kitten upstaged the dog during the family photo, leaping into the spotlight with a pose too adorable to ignore.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 家族写真で犬を注目の的にする遊び心あふれる競争の中で、小さな子猫は抗いがたいほど魅力的なポーズでスポットライトを浴び、注目を奪いました。

23. Smug

  • Accentuation: /smʌɡ/

  • Japanese Translation: 自己満足した

  • English-English Definition: Having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The smug cat sat on the sunny windowsill, wearing a satisfied grin, clearly proud of its latest clever escapade.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 自己満足した猫は、日当たりの良い窓辺に座り、満足そうな笑みを浮かべていました。明らかに、その最新の賢い逃走に誇りを感じています。

24. Abominable

  • Accentuation: /əˈbɒmɪnəbl/

  • Japanese Translation: ひどく悪い

  • English-English Definition: Causing moral revulsion; very bad or unpleasant.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Amidst the flour-covered kitchen, with broken dishes beneath its paws, the cat wore a look of abominable mischief, its eyes wide with a mix of guilt and surprise.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小麦粉で覆われたキッチンの中で、足元には割れた皿が散乱し、猫はひどくいたずらっぽい顔をしており、罪悪感と驚きが混ざった大きな目をしていました。

25. Resonant

  • Accentuation: /ˈrɛzənənt/

  • Japanese Translation: 鳴り響く

  • English-English Definition: (Of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the serene garden, the cat's deep purring was resonant, harmonizing with the gentle sounds of nature, and enhancing the tranquil atmosphere.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 穏やかな庭で、猫の深いゴロゴロとした音は鳴り響き、自然の優しい音と調和して、穏やかな雰囲気を高めました。

26. Aspiration

  • Accentuation: /ˌæspəˈreɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 大望

  • English-English Definition: A hope or ambition of achieving something.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The ambitious cat gazed out the window at the stars, its eyes wide with aspiration, dreaming of adventures beyond.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 野心的な猫は、星を見つめながら窓の外を見ており、何かを成し遂げることへの希望や野望を持って、目を輝かせていました。

27. Collision

  • Accentuation: /kəˈlɪʒən/

  • Japanese Translation: 衝突

  • English-English Definition: An instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a humorous twist of fate, the curious cat's pursuit of a bouncing ball ended in a mild collision with the unsuspecting dog, sending toys and a plant pot tumbling in the chaos.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: おもしろおかしい運命のひねりで、好奇心旺盛な猫が跳ねるボールを追いかけるのは、何も知らずにいた犬との軽い衝突で終わり、おもちゃや鉢植えが混乱の中で転がりました。

28. Nudge

  • Accentuation: /nʌdʒ/

  • Japanese Translation: そっとつつく

  • English-English Definition: To push gently or touch with the nose or paw, especially to attract attention or encourage movement.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The small kitten gave a gentle nudge to the larger ball with its nose, focused and determined to make it roll.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さな子猫は、集中してボールを転がそうと決意し、鼻で大きなボールにそっとつつきました。

29. Culmination

  • Accentuation: /ˌkʌlmɪˈneɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 頂点

  • English-English Definition: The highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: After a day filled with playful escapades, the cat's adventurous journey culminated in a triumphant ascent to the top of a tall tree, basking in the glow of a stunning sunset.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び心あふれる冒険でいっぱいの一日の後、猫の冒険の旅は高い木の頂上への勝利の登頂で頂点に達し、壮観な夕日の輝きの中で浸りました。

30. Renounce

  • Accentuation: /rɪˈnaʊns/

  • Japanese Translation: 放棄する

  • English-English Definition: Formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession).

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat decisively turned its back on the plate of vegetables, renouncing them in favor of the more appealing bowl of fish.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は野菜の皿に背を向け、より魅力的な魚のボウルを選び、野菜を断固として放棄しました。

31. Locomotive

  • Accentuation: /ˌloʊkəˈmoʊtɪv/

  • Japanese Translation: 機関車

  • English-English Definition: A powered rail vehicle used for pulling trains.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The adventurous cat, donning a conductor's cap, operated a miniature locomotive through a landscape filled with oversized flowers and whimsical mushrooms.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 冒険好きな猫は、車掌の帽子をかぶり、巨大な花や風変わりなキノコでいっぱいの風景を通って、小さな機関車を操作しました。

32. Abruptly

  • Accentuation: /əˈbrʌptli/

  • Japanese Translation: 突然に

  • English-English Definition: Suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat abruptly stopped its chase, causing a cloud of dust to rise around its paws, its attention caught by something unseen.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は追いかけを突然に止め、その前足の周りにほこりの雲を巻き起こし、見えない何かに注意が引かれました。

33. Strand

  • Accentuation: /strænd/

  • Japanese Translation: 糸の一本

  • English-English Definition: A single thin length of something such as thread, fiber, or wire, especially as twisted together with others.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious cat playfully tangled itself in a strand of yarn, creating a whimsical scene amidst the cozy living room.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は、居心地の良いリビングルームの中で、糸の一本に自らを遊び心で絡ませ、風変わりな光景を作り出しました。

34. Profane

  • Accentuation: /prəˈfeɪn/

  • Japanese Translation: 不敬な

  • English-English Definition: Relating to or treating something sacred with disrespect.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a playful defiance of the usual solemnity, the cat stood on its hind legs, appearing to deliver a profane lecture to its feline audience, surrounded by toys and chalkboard doodles.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 通常の厳粛さに遊び心で反抗するかのように、猫は後ろ足で立ち、おもちゃや黒板の落書きに囲まれながら、その猫の聴衆に不敬な講義を行っているように見えました。

35. Celestial

  • Accentuation: /səˈlɛstɪəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 天の

  • English-English Definition: Pertaining to the sky or visible heaven, or to the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as in celestial body.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat with a celestial coat, sprinkled with stars, sat majestically on a moonlit hill, its eyes glowing like distant galaxies.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 星でちりばめられた天のコートをまとった猫は、遠くの銀河のように輝く目を持ち、月明かりの丘の上に威風堂々と座っていました。

36. Latitude

  • Accentuation: /ˈlætɪˌtjuːd/

  • Japanese Translation: 緯度

  • English-English Definition: The angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a look of curiosity, the adventurous cat walked along the lines of latitude on a giant globe, exploring different regions with each step.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は、巨大な地球儀の緯度の線を歩き、一歩ごとに異なる地域を探検しました。

37. Altercation

  • Accentuation: /ˌɔːltərˈkeɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 口論

  • English-English Definition: A noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The two cats had a minor altercation over a toy mouse, their playful tussle filled with mock anger and surprise.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 二匹の猫はおもちゃのネズミをめぐって小さな口論をし、彼らの遊び心のあるもみ合いは、見せかけの怒りと驚きでいっぱいでした。

38. Grate

  • Accentuation: /ɡreɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: おろす

  • English-English Definition: To reduce (food) to small shreds by being rubbed on a grater.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat attempted to play the grater like a guitar, its expression a mix of concentration and frustration, as it discovered the sounds produced were far from musical.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はおろし金をギターのように演奏しようと試みましたが、作られた音が音楽的ではないことに気づき、集中と失望の表情を浮かべました。

39. Circumference

  • Accentuation: /sərˈkʌmfərəns/

  • Japanese Translation: 円周

  • English-English Definition: The enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the garden's sunny embrace, the cat chased its tail in a perfect circle, playfully embodying the concept of circumference.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 庭の日なたで、猫は完璧な円を描くように自分の尾を追いかけ、遊び心で「円周」の概念を体現しました。

40. Inhale

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈheɪl/

  • Japanese Translation: 吸い込む

  • English-English Definition: To breathe in; draw air or another substance into the lungs.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat stood on its hind legs, deeply inhaling the irresistible aroma of a freshly opened can of tuna, with a look of pure bliss on its face.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は後ろ足で立ち、新鮮なツナの缶を開けたときの抗いがたい香りを深く吸い込み、その顔には純粋な幸福の表情が浮かんでいました。

41. Falter

  • Accentuation: /ˈfɔːltər/

  • Japanese Translation: つまずく

  • English-English Definition: To lose strength or momentum; to move hesitantly or unsteadily; to show uncertainty or lack of confidence.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The confident cat faltered mid-leap between the couch and the coffee table, suddenly unsure of its landing.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 自信に満ちた猫がソファとコーヒーテーブルの間で飛び跳ねる途中でつまずき、着地に突然不安を感じました。

42. Harrowing

  • Accentuation: /ˈhærəʊɪŋ/

  • Japanese Translation: 悲惨な

  • English-English Definition: Acutely distressing or painful.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The brave cat glanced back at the wild garden from which it narrowly escaped, its expression a mix of relief and lingering fear from the harrowing adventure.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 勇敢な猫は、かろうじて脱出した野生の庭を振り返り、悲惨な冒険からの安堵と残る恐怖が混ざった表情をしていました。

43. Prerequisite

  • Accentuation: /ˌpriːˈrɛkwɪzɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 必要条件

  • English-English Definition: A thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Before settling down for its nap, the cat insisted on a specific prerequisite: a perfectly arranged pillow and blanket.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 昼寝をする前に、猫は特定の必要条件を主張しました:完璧に整えられた枕と毛布。

44. Blink

  • Accentuation: /blɪŋk/

  • Japanese Translation: まばたき

  • English-English Definition: To shut and open the eyes quickly, especially to keep them moist and to blink away dust.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the cozy living room, the cat and its human locked eyes in a blink contest, each with an expression of intense focus, neither willing to be the first to blink.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 居心地の良いリビングルームで、猫とその人間はまばたきコンテストで目を見つめ合い、どちらも集中した表情で、最初にまばたきをすることを拒否しました。

45. Tatter

  • Accentuation: /ˈtætər/

  • Japanese Translation: ボロボロにする

  • English-English Definition: To make or become ragged or worn to shreds.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat proudly in front of the curtain it had playfully tattered, with bits of fabric clinging to its claws and fur, a testament to its mischievous achievement.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は遊び心でボロボロにしたカーテンの前に誇らしげに座っており、その爪と毛皮には布の切れ端がくっついていました。これはそのいたずらの成果の証です。

46. Recklessly

  • Accentuation: /ˈrɛkləsli/

  • Japanese Translation: 無謀に

  • English-English Definition: In a way that is unthinking and careless, often willing to take risks.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat dashed through the living room recklessly, joy radiating from its wild expression as it toppled a vase and books, completely immersed in the thrill of the moment.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は無謀にリビングルームを駆け抜け、花瓶や本を倒しながら、その瞬間のスリルに完全に没頭して、野生の表情から喜びを放っていました。

47. Outweigh

  • Accentuation: /aʊtˈweɪ/

  • Japanese Translation: 〜より重要である

  • English-English Definition: To be heavier, greater, or more significant than something else.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The smug cat balanced on one side of the scale, its weight surprisingly outweighing a pile of treats on the other, a look of pride and surprise on its face.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 自信に満ちた猫が天秤の一方の側にバランスをとり、その重さが他方の側のおやつの山を驚くほど上回っており、その顔には誇りと驚きの表情が浮かんでいました。

48. Whine

  • Accentuation: /waɪn/

  • Japanese Translation: 泣き言を言う

  • English-English Definition: To make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat at the closed door, whining dramatically with big, pleading eyes, expressing its impatience to be let outside.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は閉じたドアの前に座り、大きな懇願する目で劇的に泣き言を言い、外に出たいという焦りを表現していました。

49. Cruelty

  • Accentuation: /ˈkruːəlti/

  • Japanese Translation: 残酷

  • English-English Definition: Behavior that causes pain or suffering to others, especially intentionally or with indifference.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Watching the cat gaze longingly at the safely out-of-reach fish tank, one might ponder the subtle cruelties of unfulfilled desires, even in such a benign scenario.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 安全に手の届かない場所にある魚の水槽を切望して見つめる猫を見ていると、たとえそれが穏やかなシナリオであっても、果たされない欲望の微妙な残酷さについて考えさせられるかもしれません。

50. Ultimately

  • Accentuation: /ˈʌltɪmətli/

  • Japanese Translation: 最終的に

  • English-English Definition: Finally, after a series of events or processes.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: After a day filled with playful misadventures, the cat ultimately found its solace curled up in its favorite cozy nook, surrounded by signs of the day's activities.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 一日中遊び心のある悪戯でいっぱいだった後、猫は最終的にその日の活動の兆候に囲まれながら、お気に入りの居心地の良い隅で丸まって慰めを見つけました。

51. Tactics

  • Accentuation: /ˈtæk.tɪks/

  • Japanese Translation: 戦術

  • English-English Definition: The art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end; specific maneuvers or strategies used to achieve a particular short-term goal.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat employed clever tactics to sneak past the sleeping dog and reach its hidden stash of treats.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は隠されたおやつの場所にたどり着くために、眠っている犬をこっそりと通り過ぎるための巧妙な戦術を使いました。

52. Filter

  • Accentuation: /ˈfɪl.tər/

  • Japanese Translation: フィルター

  • English-English Definition: A device used to remove impurities or solid particles from a liquid or gas passed through it.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious cat carefully examined the water filter, its paws gently touching the sides as it watched the water flow through with a tilted head.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は、水フィルターを慎重に調べ、頭を傾けながら水が通り抜けるのをじっと見つめていました。

53. Muse

  • Accentuation: /mjuːz/

  • Japanese Translation: 熟考する

  • English-English Definition: To be absorbed in thought; to consider something thoughtfully and at length.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The thoughtful cat sat by the window, gazing outside and musing over the mysteries of the outside world with deep contemplation.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 思慮深い猫は窓辺に座り、外の世界の神秘について深く熟考しながら外を見つめていました。

54. Usurp

  • Accentuation: /juːˈsɜːrp/

  • Japanese Translation: 奪う

  • English-English Definition: To take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force; to take over or occupy without right.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The small kitten usurped the older cat's favorite sunlit cushion by the window, settling in with a look of triumph, while the older cat watched with a mix of surprise and mild annoyance.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さな子猫は、窓際の日当たりの良いクッションを年上の猫から奪い、勝ち誇ったように快適に落ち着きました。一方、年上の猫は驚きとわずかないらだちを交えて見ていました。

55. Spate

  • Accentuation: /speɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 一連の

  • English-English Definition: A large number of similar things or events appearing or occurring in quick succession.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: A sudden spate of curiosity led a group of cats to all try fitting into a single cardboard box, resulting in a humorous pile-up.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 突然の好奇心の波が一群の猫を一つのダンボール箱に入ろうとさせ、おかしな山積みになりました。

56. Residence

  • Accentuation: /ˈrezɪdəns/

  • Japanese Translation: 住居

  • English-English Definition: A place where one lives; a home.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat found its residence in the most unexpected of places, curling up comfortably in a desk drawer amidst pens and paper.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は最も予想外の場所に住居を見つけ、ペンや紙に囲まれたデスクの引き出しの中で快適に丸まっていました。

57. Fraternity

  • Accentuation: /frəˈtɜːrnɪti/

  • Japanese Translation: 兄弟愛

  • English-English Definition: A group of people sharing a common profession or interests, characterized by mutual support and solidarity.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the tranquil garden, a diverse group of cats sat in a circle, their fraternity shining through as they shared a moment of peace and unity.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 穏やかな庭で、さまざまな猫のグループが円を描いて座り、平和と統一の瞬間を共有する中で、彼らの兄弟愛が輝いていました。

58. Coup

  • Accentuation: /kuː/

  • Japanese Translation: クーデター

  • English-English Definition: A sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government, or in a lighter context, a notably successful, unexpected stroke of luck.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a daring coup, the clever cat claimed the most comfortable spot in the house, leaving its rival in disbelief at the sudden takeover.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 大胆なクーデターで、賢い猫は家の中で最も快適な場所を主張し、その突然の乗っ取りにライバルを信じられない思いにさせました。

59. Auspice

  • Accentuation: /ˈɔː.spɪs/

  • Japanese Translation: 保護

  • English-English Definition: Protection or support; patronage; a divine or prophetic token.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Under the auspices of the moon, the cat perched on the rooftop, its eyes glowing softly as it oversaw the safety of its territory with mystical vigilance.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 月の保護のもと、猫は屋根の上にとまり、その領域の安全を神秘的な警戒心で見守りながら、目を柔らかく輝かせました。

60. Hedonism

  • Accentuation: /ˈhiː.də.nɪ.zəm/

  • Japanese Translation: 快楽主義

  • English-English Definition: The ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Sprawled luxuriously on a fluffy pillow in a sunbeam, surrounded by toys and treats, the cat embodied hedonism, savoring every moment of pleasure without a care in the world.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: おもちゃやおやつに囲まれ、日だまりの中でふかふかの枕に豪華に横たわる猫は、快楽主義を体現していました。この世の中のことを何一つ心配することなく、快楽の一瞬一瞬を味わっていました。

61. Solicit

  • Accentuation: /səˈlɪsɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 懇願する

  • English-English Definition: To ask for or try to obtain something from someone.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat attempted to solicit its busy human's attention with a series of endearing tactics, from gently tapping with its paw to loudly meowing and placing its toy by the human's feet.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は、足でそっとタップすることから大声で鳴くこと、そしておもちゃを人間の足元に置くことまで、一連の愛らしい戦術で忙しい人間の注意を引こうとしました。

62. Hallmark

  • Accentuation: /ˈhɔːl.mɑːrk/

  • Japanese Translation: 特徴

  • English-English Definition: A distinctive feature, especially one of excellence.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's hallmark behavior of knocking items off the table was on full display, its paw mischievously pushing a glass to the edge as its human watched with a blend of amusement and exasperation.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: テーブルの上の物を落とすという猫の特徴的な行動が十分に展示されており、その肉球がいたずらっぽくグラスを端に押しやるとき、人間は面白がりながらも苛立ちを隠せませんでした。

63. Jinx

  • Accentuation: /dʒɪŋks/

  • Japanese Translation: 災いをもたらすもの

  • English-English Definition: A person or thing that brings bad luck.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: As the cat flicked its tail across the board game, scattering pieces everywhere, it became an unwitting jinx, causing a playful disruption to the game.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫が尾を振ってボードゲームの駒をあちこちに散らばせたとき、それは意図せずに災いをもたらす存在となり、ゲームに楽しい混乱を引き起こしました。

64. Oxide

  • Accentuation: /ˈɒk.saɪd/

  • Japanese Translation: 酸化物

  • English-English Definition: A chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom and one other element in its chemical formula.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat, donning safety goggles and a lab coat, humorously mixed chemicals, including 'O2', to demonstrate the formation of an oxide in its home science lab.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 安全ゴーグルとラボコートを着用した猫は、自宅の科学実験室で、「O2」を含む化学物質を混合し、酸化物の形成をユーモラスに実演しました。

65. Enchant

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈtʃɑːnt/

  • Japanese Translation: 魅了する

  • English-English Definition: To fill (someone) with great delight; to cast a spell over (someone or something).

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat, donning a wizard's hat and wielding a wand, cast a spell to enchant the toys around it, bringing them to life with magical ease.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 魔法使いの帽子をかぶり、杖を持った猫は、周りのおもちゃに魔法をかけて命を吹き込み、魔法のように簡単にそれらを魅了しました。

66. Concession

  • Accentuation: /kənˈsɛʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 譲歩

  • English-English Definition: The act of yielding or conceding, as in a debate or competition; a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Reluctantly making a concession, the cat scooted over to share its sunny spot on the couch with the blissfully unaware dog.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はしぶしぶ譲歩して、その意識のない犬と一緒にソファの日当たりの良い場所を共有するために移動しました。

67. Pellet

  • Accentuation: /ˈpɛlɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 小さな玉

  • English-English Definition: A small, rounded, compressed mass of a substance.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat gleefully played with the small pellet, batting it around the hardwood floor with playful energy and delight.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は小さな玉で楽しそうに遊び、遊び心に満ちたエネルギーと喜びで硬木の床の上を打ちました。

68. Perimeter

  • Accentuation: /pəˈrɪmɪtər/

  • Japanese Translation: 周囲

  • English-English Definition: The continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure; the outer limits or edge of an area or object.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat meticulously patrolled the perimeter of its garden territory, marking its presence with a sense of ownership and vigilance.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はその庭の領域の周囲を入念にパトロールし、所有権と警戒心を持ってその存在を示しました。

69. Complimentary

  • Accentuation: /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentəri/

  • Japanese Translation: 無料の

  • English-English Definition: Given or supplied free of charge.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat reveled in the luxury of a complimentary spa treatment, complete with bubble baths and massages, looking the picture of relaxation.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はバブルバスやマッサージを含む無料のスパトリートメントの贅沢さに浸り、リラクゼーションの極致を楽しんでいる様子でした。

70. Clot

  • Accentuation: /klɒt/

  • Japanese Translation: 塊

  • English-English Definition: A thick mass of coagulated liquid, especially blood, or any material forming a lump or lumps.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat found itself playfully tangled in a thick blanket, its head and paws peeking out from the fabric clot, a picture of bewilderment and amusement.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は厚い毛布に遊び心で絡まってしまい、その頭と肉球が布の塊から覗いていました。困惑と楽しみが混ざった様子でした。

71. Abridged

  • Accentuation: /əˈbrɪdʒd/

  • Japanese Translation: 要約された

  • English-English Definition: Shortened by condensing or rewriting; a version of a text that is shorter than the original.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat curiously next to a pile of books, its eyes particularly drawn to the abridged version that was noticeably smaller than the rest, sparking its scholarly interest.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は本の山の隣に好奇心を持って座り、特に残りの部分よりも目に見えて小さい要約されたバージョンにその目を引かれ、学問的な興味をそそられました。

72. Condescending

  • Accentuation: /ˌkɒndɪˈsɛndɪŋ/

  • Japanese Translation: 人を見下すような

  • English-English Definition: Having or showing an attitude of patronizing superiority.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat back with a condescending look, eyeing the new toy with an air of superiority, as if it were far too sophisticated for such simple amusements.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は人を見下すような表情で後ろに座り、優越感を漂わせながら新しいおもちゃを眺め、それが単純な遊びにはあまりにも洗練されているかのようでした。

73. Congressman

  • Accentuation: /ˈkɒŋɡrəsmən/

  • Japanese Translation: 議員

  • English-English Definition: A member of the United States Congress, especially of the House of Representatives.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Dressed in a formal suit, the cat congressman stood at the podium, addressing the assembly of diverse cats with a speech that was both inspiring and thought-provoking.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: フォーマルなスーツを着た猫の議員は、演壇に立ち、多様な猫の集会に向けて、啓発的で考えさせられるスピーチを行いました。

74. Insecticide

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈsɛktɪsaɪd/

  • Japanese Translation: 殺虫剤

  • English-English Definition: A substance used for killing insects.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Dressed as a garden superhero, the clever cat wielded its tiny backpack sprayer like a knight, bravely using insecticide to protect the garden's lush flowers and vegetables from pesky invaders.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 庭のスーパーヒーローに扮した賢い猫は、小さなバックパック式噴霧器を騎士のように振り回し、厄介な侵入者から庭の豊かな花や野菜を守るために勇敢に殺虫剤を使いました。

75. Confidential

  • Accentuation: /ˌkɒnfɪˈdɛnʃəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 機密の

  • English-English Definition: Intended to be kept secret.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the dimly lit alley, the detective cat stealthily exchanged a folder marked 'Confidential' with its partner, both aware of the gravity of the information within.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 薄暗い路地で、探偵猫は「機密」とマークされたフォルダーを相棒とこっそり交換し、その中の情報の重要性を両方とも認識していました。

76. Address

  • Accentuation: /əˈdrɛs/

  • Japanese Translation: 演説

  • English-English Definition: A formal speech or written statement directed to a particular group of people.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The dignified cat, dressed in formal attire, captivated the audience with its compelling address on the importance of community in the animal kingdom.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: フォーマルな服装をした威厳ある猫は、動物界におけるコミュニティの重要性についての説得力のある演説で聴衆を魅了しました。

77. Exploitation

  • Accentuation: /ˌɛksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 搾取

  • English-English Definition: The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a vivid display of exploitation, the larger cat lounged lazily on a plush cushion, overseeing the smaller cats as they tirelessly worked to build its extravagant throne of toys and treats.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 搾取の生き生きとした展示の中で、より大きな猫は豪華なクッションの上で怠惰に寛ぎ、小さな猫たちがその豪華な玩具とおやつの玉座を疲れ知らずに建設するのを監督しました。

78. Dictate

  • Accentuation: /ˈdɪkteɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 命令する

  • English-English Definition: To give orders with total authority or to read aloud for someone else to write down.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The bossy cat, perched behind a large desk with glasses perched on its nose, dictated notes to a group of diligent kittens, each eagerly scribbling down every authoritative word.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 大きな机の後ろに座り、鼻にメガネをかけた横柄な猫が、一生懸命にすべての権威ある言葉を書き留めている一群の熱心な子猫たちに命令を出しました。

79. Fad

  • Accentuation: /fæd/

  • Japanese Translation: 一時的流行

  • English-English Definition: An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cats in the park were all swept up in the latest fad, wearing oversized sunglasses and strutting like celebrities, much to the amusement of the onlooking animals.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 公園の猫たちは最新の一時的流行にすっかり乗せられ、巨大なサングラスをかけて有名人のように闊歩し、見ている動物たちを楽しませました。

80. Leach

  • Accentuation: /liːtʃ/

  • Japanese Translation: 漏出する

  • English-English Definition: To cause (a liquid) to drain away from a material, especially soil, or to dissolve out a soluble constituent from (solid material), especially by the action of percolating liquid.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious cat, donned in a tiny lab coat and safety goggles, meticulously set up a homemade filtration system to explore how water could leach nutrients from soil, demonstrating a keen interest in the science behind the process.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さなラボコートと安全ゴーグルを着用した好奇心旺盛な猫は、水がどのように土壌から栄養素を漏出させるかを探求するために、手作りのろ過システムを入念に設置し、その過程の背後にある科学に鋭い関心を示しました。

81. Interstate

  • Accentuation: /ˈɪntərˌsteɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 州間高速道路

  • English-English Definition: A highway in the United States that is part of a network of roads connecting major cities across states.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: A group of adventurous cats embarked on a road trip, cruising down the interstate in a colorful convertible, their sunglasses reflecting the freedom of the open road.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 冒険心旺盛な猫のグループがロードトリップに出発し、カラフルなオープンカーで州間高速道路をクルーズし、サングラスが開放的な道路の自由を反映していました。

82. Deputy

  • Accentuation: /ˈdɛp.jʊ.ti/

  • Japanese Translation: 副官

  • English-English Definition: A person who is appointed to undertake the duties of a superior in the superior's absence.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat, dressed as a deputy sheriff with a badge and cowboy hat, stood confidently in front of the sheriff's office, ready to maintain order in the Wild West town.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: バッジとカウボーイハットを身に着けた副保安官としての猫は、保安官事務所の前に自信を持って立ち、ワイルドウエストの町の秩序を維持する準備ができていました。

83. Assimilate

  • Accentuation: /əˈsɪməˌleɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 同化する

  • English-English Definition: To absorb and integrate (people, ideas, or culture) into a wider society or culture.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the cozy living room, diverse cats gathered around the newcomer, offering gestures of friendship and acceptance, as it began to assimilate into their warm, welcoming community.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 居心地の良いリビングルームで、様々な猫が新参者の周りに集まり、友情と受け入れのジェスチャーを提供し、それが温かく歓迎されるコミュニティに同化し始めました。

84. Skyrocket

  • Accentuation: /ˈskaɪˌrɒkɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 急上昇する

  • English-English Definition: To increase rapidly above the usual level.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cats' innovative creation, a homemade 'skyrocket,' took off into the sky, symbolizing their ambitions and dreams skyrocketing to new heights.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫たちの革新的な創造物、「スカイロケット」は空に向かって離陸し、彼らの野望と夢が新たな高みへと急上昇することを象徴していました。

85. Brigade

  • Accentuation: /brɪˈɡeɪd/

  • Japanese Translation: 旅団

  • English-English Definition: A group of people organized for a specific activity or purpose.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: A brigade of brave cats, donning firefighter helmets and wielding miniature gear, worked in unison to extinguish a small blaze, safeguarding the garden and its feathered residents.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 消防士のヘルメットをかぶり、ミニチュアの装備を操る勇敢な猫の旅団が一丸となって小さな火災を消し止め、庭とその羽毛の住人たちを守りました。

86. Legitimacy

  • Accentuation: /ləˈdʒɪtɪməsi/

  • Japanese Translation: 合法性

  • English-English Definition: The lawfulness or authenticity of something, or the general acceptance of an authority, rule, or value.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a grand ceremony within the hall of honor, a young kitten received the crown of legitimacy from the elder cats, marking a rite of passage celebrated with solemn pride.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 名誉のホールでの盛大な式典で、若い子猫は長老たちから正当性の冠を授かり、厳粛な誇りをもって祝われる通過儀礼の一環を迎えました。

87. Confederation

  • Accentuation: /kənˌfɛdəˈreɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 連合

  • English-English Definition: An organization that consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Under the shade of a large tree, a confederation of cats from across the neighborhoods convened in a grand council, each wearing attire representing their area, to deliberate on the well-being of their collective territories.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 大きな木の陰で、さまざまな地域からの猫の連合が、それぞれが自分の地域を代表する衣装を着て、共同の領土の福祉について協議するために、盛大な評議会に集まりました。

88. Languishing

  • Accentuation: /ˈlæŋɡwɪʃɪŋ/

  • Japanese Translation: しぼむ

  • English-English Definition: Suffering from being forced to remain in an unpleasant situation or place, or feeling weak or dispirited.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat languishing by the window, gazing out at the rain with a look of longing for the sunny days it used to enjoy in the garden.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は窓辺にしぼんで座り、庭で楽しんでいた晴れた日々を懐かしむような憧れの表情で雨を見つめていました。

89. Confluence

  • Accentuation: /ˈkɒnfluəns/

  • Japanese Translation: 合流

  • English-English Definition: The junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately equal width, or an act or process of merging.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: As the two vibrant streams of cats from different directions met, they formed a beautiful confluence, mingling and playing in unity in the open field.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 異なる方向から来た二つの活気ある猫の流れが出会ったとき、彼らは開けた野原で一体となって交じり合い、遊びながら美しい合流を形成しました。

90. Cataclysm

  • Accentuation: /ˈkatəklɪzəm/

  • Japanese Translation: 大災害

  • English-English Definition: A large-scale and violent event in the natural world.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: As the cataclysm unfolded with the sky torn asunder by lightning and dark clouds, the cats of the neighborhood banded together, finding strength and shelter amidst the chaos.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 空が雷と暗い雲によって引き裂かれる大災害が起こる中、近所の猫たちは一致団結し、混乱の中で強さと避難所を見つけました。

91. Elude

  • Accentuation: /ɪˈluːd/

  • Japanese Translation: を巧妙に逃れる

  • English-English Definition: Evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a spirited game of tag, the clever cat effortlessly eluded the playful pursuit of the determined kittens, weaving through the garden's nooks with agile grace.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 元気な鬼ごっこのゲームで、賢い猫は決意した子猫たちの遊び心ある追跡を巧みに逃れ、庭の隅々を俊敏に縫うように走りました。

92. Rendition

  • Accentuation: /rɛnˈdɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 解釈

  • English-English Definition: A performance or interpretation, especially of a dramatic role or piece of music.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the art studio, the cat artist presented its rendition of a famous scene, masterfully painting a canvas where cats whimsically took the place of the original subjects.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: アートスタジオで、猫の芸術家は有名なシーンの解釈を披露し、オリジナルの主題に代わって猫が風変わりに登場するキャンバスを巧みに描きました。

93. Detach

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈtætʃ/

  • Japanese Translation: 分離する

  • English-English Definition: To separate or remove something from something else that it is connected to.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat on the windowsill, detached from the bustling world outside, finding solace in the quiet of its own space as a gentle breeze played with the curtain beside it.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は窓辺に座り、外の忙しい世界から離れて、隣のカーテンをそっと揺らす優しい風の中で、自分の空間の静けさに慰めを見つけました。

94. Contaminate

  • Accentuation: /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 汚染する

  • English-English Definition: To make something impure or unsuitable by contact or mixture with something unclean, bad, etc.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: A concerned cat, donning a small protective mask, stood by the once-clear stream now contaminated with pollutants, vowing to fight for the restoration of its natural beauty.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さな保護マスクを着用した心配そうな猫が、かつては澄んでいたが今は汚染物質で汚染された小川のそばに立ち、その自然の美しさを取り戻すために戦うことを誓いました。

95. Monotonously

  • Accentuation: /məˈnɒtənəsli/

  • Japanese Translation: 単調に

  • English-English Definition: In a manner lacking in variety and interest; tediously unvarying.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat paced monotonously back and forth along the same path in the sparse room, its movements and expression devoid of any excitement or variation.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は飾り気のない部屋で同じ道を行ったり来たりと単調に歩き続け、その動きと表情はどんな興奮や変化も欠けていました。

96. Indignation

  • Accentuation: /ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 憤慨

  • English-English Definition: Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With its fur bristled and ears laid back, the cat's narrowed eyes glared in indignation at the unseen slight, feeling deeply wronged by the unfair treatment.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 毛を逆立て、耳を後ろに倒し、見えない侮辱に対して狭めた目で憤慨のまなざしを向ける猫は、不公平な扱いによって深く傷ついていると感じていました。

97. Gazette

  • Accentuation: /ɡəˈzɛt/

  • Japanese Translation: 官報、新聞

  • English-English Definition: A newspaper or official journal.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: A group of curious cats gathered around their daily gazette, eagerly discussing the latest news, the weather forecast, and the much-anticipated fish market updates.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫のグループが、最新ニュース、天気予報、そして非常に待ち望まれた魚市場の更新情報について熱心に議論するために、彼らの日刊ガゼットの周りに集まりました。

98. Hypothetical

  • Accentuation: /ˌhaɪpəˈθɛtɪkəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 仮説の

  • English-English Definition: Involving or based on a suggested idea or theory rather than a proven fact; speculative.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a cozy room filled with books, a group of cats with tiny glasses engaged in a lively debate over a hypothetical scenario about discovering an unheard-of fish in their neighborhood pond.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 本でいっぱいの居心地の良い部屋で、小さなメガネをかけた猫のグループが、地域の池で聞いたことのない種類の魚を発見するという仮説的なシナリオについて活発な議論に興じていました。

99. Irrefutable

  • Accentuation: /ˌɪrɪˈfjuːtəbl/

  • Japanese Translation: 反駁できない

  • English-English Definition: Impossible to deny or disprove; undeniable.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Sitting proudly next to the tipped-over vase, the cat's smug expression and the scattered paw prints offered irrefutable evidence of its mischief, yet its charm made it impossible to stay mad.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ひっくり返った花瓶の隣に誇らしげに座る猫の得意げな表情と散らばった肉球の跡が、そのいたずらの反駁できない証拠を提供していましたが、その魅力は怒ることを不可能にしていました。

100. Chaotic

  • Accentuation: /keɪˈɒtɪk/

  • Japanese Translation: 混沌とした

  • English-English Definition: In a state of complete confusion and disorder.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The kitchen turned into a chaotic playground as the cats unleashed their energy, with one swinging from the chandelier, another causing a cascade of items from the counter, and yet another leaving a trail in the spilled flour.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫たちがそのエネルギーを解放すると、キッチンは混沌とした遊び場に変わりました。一匹はシャンデリアからぶら下がり、もう一匹はカウンターからアイテムの滝を引き起こし、さらに別の一匹はこぼれた小麦粉に跡を残しました。

101. Extrinsic

  • Accentuation: /ɛkˈstrɪnsɪk/

  • Japanese Translation: 外的な

  • English-English Definition: Not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from outside.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Adorned with a superhero cape and mask, the cat stood on a pedestal, embodying extrinsic qualities admired by the onlooking cats, showcasing that recognition and rewards often come from external sources.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: スーパーヒーローのマントとマスクを身につけた猫は、台座の上に立ち、外から見る猫たちによって賞賛される外的な資質を体現していました。これは、認識や報酬がしばしば外部の源から来ることを示しています。

102. Leash

  • Accentuation: /liːʃ/

  • Japanese Translation: リード

  • English-English Definition: A strap or cord for restraining and guiding a dog or other animal.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a playful twist of roles, the cat proudly led its human on a leash through the park, showcasing a unique take on guidance and companionship.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 役割を逆転させた楽しいひねりで、猫は公園を通って人間をリードで誇らしげに導き、ガイダンスと仲間意識に対するユニークな取り組みを示しました。

103. Gullible

  • Accentuation: /ˈɡʌlɪbəl/

  • Japanese Translation: だまされやすい

  • English-English Definition: Easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The trickster cat convinced the gullible cat that the box contained invisible mice, and with wide eyes of wonder, the gullible cat peered inside, expecting to see something extraordinary.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: いたずら好きな猫は、箱の中には目に見えないネズミが入っているとだまされやすい猫を納得させ、驚きの目を丸くして、その猫は何か特別なものを見ることを期待して中を覗き込みました。

104. Dally

  • Accentuation: /ˈdæli/

  • Japanese Translation: ぐずぐずする

  • English-English Definition: To waste time; dawdle.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the warmth of the sunny garden, the cats dally without a care, one sprawled in the sunlight, another chasing a butterfly leisurely, and yet another playing with a ball of yarn with no rush at all.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 日当たりの良い庭の暖かさの中で、猫たちは何の心配もなくぐずぐずとしています。一匹は日の光の中で寝そべり、もう一匹はゆっくりと蝶を追いかけ、さらに別の一匹は全く急ぐことなく毛糸の玉で遊んでいます。

105. Diversion

  • Accentuation: /daɪˈvɜːʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 気晴らし

  • English-English Definition: The act of diverting attention away from someone or something, often to distract or entertain.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a clever act of diversion, the cat knocked over a vase to distract the humans, swiftly stealing a treat from the kitchen counter amidst the ensuing confusion.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 気晴らしの巧妙な行為として、猫は人間の注意をそらすために花瓶を倒し、その後の混乱の中でキッチンカウンターからおやつを素早く盗み取りました。

106. Ensemble

  • Accentuation: /ɒnˈsɒmbl/

  • Japanese Translation: アンサンブル

  • English-English Definition: A group of items viewed as a whole rather than individually.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat ensemble gathered on the rooftop at sunset, each member contributing to a harmonious chorus that echoed through the neighborhood.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 日没時に屋上に集まった猫のアンサンブルは、メンバーそれぞれが調和のとれた合唱を披露し、その歌声が近隣に響き渡りました。

107. Divisive

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈvaɪsɪv/

  • Japanese Translation: 分裂を引き起こす

  • English-English Definition: Tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The introduction of the new toy turned out to be quite divisive among the cat community, with two factions forming on either side of the room, each eyeing the other suspiciously over their differing views.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しいおもちゃの導入は、猫のコミュニティの間でかなり分裂を引き起こし、部屋の反対側に2つの派閥が形成され、それぞれが異なる見解を持つ他方を疑わしげに見つめました。

108. Unscrupulous

  • Accentuation: /ʌnˈskruːpjʊləs/

  • Japanese Translation: 非良心的な

  • English-English Definition: Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The unscrupulous cat, seizing the moment of distraction, deftly sneaked treats from the jar, its eyes gleaming with mischief and satisfaction as it indulged in its stealthy feast.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 注意が逸れた瞬間を捉え、非良心的な猫は器用に瓶からおやつをこっそりと盗み取り、悪戯と満足感に目を輝かせながらこっそりと宴を楽しみました。

109. Fuel

  • Accentuation: /fjuːəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 燃料

  • English-English Definition: A material that is burned or consumed to produce energy.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: At the whimsical fuel station, a cat attendant cheerfully served milk to a variety of cat-driven vehicles, fueling their playful adventures with a unique energy source.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 風変わりな給油所では、給油係の猫がさまざまな猫が運転する車両にミルクを元気よく提供し、ユニークなエネルギー源で彼らの遊び心あふれる冒険を燃やしました。

110. Extrovert

  • Accentuation: /ˈɛkstrəvɜːrt/

  • Japanese Translation: 外向的な人

  • English-English Definition: A person who is outgoing and naturally sociable, drawing energy from being around other people.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: At the lively cat party, the extroverted cat, donning a party hat and flashing a wide smile, joyfully mingled with every guest, embodying the essence of sociability and enthusiasm.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 活気に満ちた猫のパーティーで、パーティーハットをかぶり、幅広い笑顔を見せる外向的な猫が、すべてのゲストと楽しく交流し、社交性と熱意の本質を体現していました。

111. Definitive

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈfɪnɪtɪv/

  • Japanese Translation: 決定的な

  • English-English Definition: (Of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a courtroom setting, the wise judge cat delivered a definitive verdict on the best toy, leaving no room for dispute among the eagerly waiting feline audience.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 裁判所のような場で、賢い裁判官の猫は最高のおもちゃについて決定的な評決を下し、心待ちにしていた猫の観客の間で議論の余地を残しませんでした。

112. Working-Class

  • Accentuation: /ˈwɜːkɪŋ klæs/

  • Japanese Translation: 労働階級

  • English-English Definition: The social group consisting of people who are employed for wages, especially in manual or industrial work.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the bustling cat city, the working-class cats, donned in overalls and helmets, tirelessly worked on construction, plumbing, and electrical projects, proving to be the backbone of their thriving community.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賑やかな猫の街で、つなぎとヘルメットを着た労働階級の猫たちは、建設、配管、電気工事のプロジェクトに疲れ知らずに取り組み、その繁栄するコミュニティの中心であることを証明しました。

113. Irrational

  • Accentuation: /ɪˈræʃənəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 不合理な

  • English-English Definition: Not logical or reasonable.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's encounter with the cucumber, which it irrationally mistook for a dangerous snake, led to a comically exaggerated display of fear in the safety of its living room.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 危険なヘビと不合理に誤認したキュウリとの遭遇は、自宅のリビングルームの安全な場所で、コミカルに誇張された恐怖の表現につながりました。

114. Plaster

  • Accentuation: /ˈplæstər/

  • Japanese Translation: ギプス

  • English-English Definition: A soft mixture of lime with sand or cement and water for spreading on walls, ceilings, or other structures to form a smooth hard surface when dried.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a curious twist of fate at the renovation site, a cat became an accidental masterpiece, covered in plaster, bewildering its feline friends who mistook it for a new statue amidst the art and chaos.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 改装現場での好奇心旺盛な運命のひねりにより、猫は偶然の傑作となり、ギプスで覆われ、芸術と混乱の中で新しい彫像と間違えられたそのフェリンの友達を当惑させました。

115. Avuncular

  • Accentuation: /əˈvʌŋkjʊlər/

  • Japanese Translation: おじのような

  • English-English Definition: Kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The avuncular cat, with glasses perched on its nose, shared tales of wisdom and adventure from the comfort of its armchair, captivating the eager kittens gathered around with wide eyes of wonder.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 鼻にメガネをかけたおじのような猫は、そのアームチェアの快適さから知恵と冒険の話を共有し、驚きの目をした熱心な子猫たちを魅了しました。

116. Fortitude

  • Accentuation: /ˈfɔːrtɪtjuːd/

  • Japanese Translation: 不屈の精神

  • English-English Definition: Courage in pain or adversity.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With unmatched fortitude, the cat tackled each obstacle in the backyard course, its determined gaze and agile movements a testament to its resilience and unwavering spirit.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 比類のない不屈の精神で、猫は裏庭のコースの各障害物に挑み、その決意のある視線と敏捷な動きは、その回復力と揺るぎない精神の証でした。

117. Bigot

  • Accentuation: /ˈbɪɡət/

  • Japanese Translation: 偏見を持った人

  • English-English Definition: A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The old cat, known as a bigot in the neighborhood, refused to share the sunny spot with cats of different colors, missing out on the chance to make new friends.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 地域で偏見を持った人として知られている老猫は、異なる色の猫と日向の場所を共有することを拒否し、新しい友達を作るチャンスを逃しました。

118. Dermatologist

  • Accentuation: /ˌdɜːrməˈtɒlədʒɪst/

  • Japanese Translation: 皮膚科医

  • English-English Definition: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats skin diseases.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: After noticing her cat's persistent itchiness, Mrs. Whiskerson took her beloved feline to a renowned cat dermatologist, who expertly prescribed the perfect treatment.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: Whiskerson夫人は、愛猫の持続するかゆみに気付いた後、著名な猫の皮膚科医に連れて行き、その医師は見事に完璧な治療法を処方しました。

119. Engross

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈɡroʊs/ or /ɛnˈɡroʊs/

  • Japanese Translation: 夢中にさせる

  • English-English Definition: To absorb all the attention or interest of; to occupy completely.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The mysterious new toy managed to engross the cat completely, as it spent hours figuring out its mechanisms, oblivious to the world around it.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しいおもちゃの謎は猫を完全に夢中にさせ、周囲の世界を忘れて何時間もその仕組みを解明するのに費やしました。

120. Warranty

  • Accentuation: /ˈwɔːrənti/

  • Japanese Translation: 保証

  • English-English Definition: A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's new scratching post came with a warranty, ensuring that any adventures it embarked on would be worry-free, much to the cat's and its owner's delight.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の新しい爪とぎポストには保証が付いており、それがどのような冒険に出かけても、猫とその飼い主の喜びに、無用の心配はないことを保証していました。

121. Forebode

  • Accentuation: /fɔːrˈboʊd/

  • Japanese Translation: 予感させる

  • English-English Definition: To have a strong inner feeling or notion of a future misfortune, evil, etc.; to predict or foretell something bad.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's sudden restless behavior and constant meowing seemed to forebode a change in the weather, alerting its owners to the approaching storm.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の突然の落ち着きない振る舞いと絶え間ない鳴き声は、天候の変化を予感させ、近づいている嵐をその飼い主に警告しているようでした。

122. Mirth

  • Accentuation: /mɜːrθ/

  • Japanese Translation: 歓喜

  • English-English Definition: Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The room was filled with mirth as the playful cat entertained everyone with its silly antics, chasing its own shadow around in circles.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 部屋は歓喜に満ちていました。遊び心のある猫が、自分の影を追いかけて輪になるというおかしな行動で皆を楽しませたからです。

123. Foray

  • Accentuation: /ˈfɔːreɪ/

  • Japanese Translation: 進出

  • English-English Definition: A sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially to obtain something; a raid.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's nightly foray into the kitchen, in search of treats hidden away in the cupboard, was an adventurous quest filled with stealth and cunning.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: キッチンに隠されたおやつを求めての猫の夜間の進出は、隠密行動と知恵を駆使した冒険的な探求でした。

124. Quandary

  • Accentuation: /ˈkwɒndəri/

  • Japanese Translation: 板挟み

  • English-English Definition: A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat found itself in a quandary, unable to decide whether to chase the fluttering butterfly outside or to curl up in the cozy sunbeam filtering through the window.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は板挟みの状態に陥り、窓から差し込む温かな日差しの中で丸まるか、外で舞う蝶を追いかけるか決めかねていました。

125. Nomadic

  • Accentuation: /nəʊˈmædɪk/

  • Japanese Translation: 遊牧の

  • English-English Definition: Living the life of a nomad; wandering.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a small backpack as its only possession, the nomadic cat traversed forests, deserts, and bustling cities, embracing the freedom and discovery that came with each new horizon.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 唯一の所持品である小さなバックパックを背負い、遊牧の猫は森、砂漠、そしてにぎやかな都市を横断し、新しい地平線ごとに得られる自由と発見を受け入れました。

126. Bard

  • Accentuation: /bɑːrd/

  • Japanese Translation: 吟遊詩人

  • English-English Definition: A poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Under the moonlit sky, the cat bard, with its medieval cloak fluttering in the breeze, captivated the forest's inhabitants with epic tales of feline bravery and adventure, strumming its lute to the rhythm of ancient songs.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 月明かりの下、中世のマントがそよ風にはためく吟遊詩人の猫は、古代の歌のリズムに合わせてリュートをかき鳴らしながら、猫の勇敢さと冒険の壮大な物語で森の住人を魅了しました。

127. Prudence

  • Accentuation: /ˈpruːdəns/

  • Japanese Translation: 慎重

  • English-English Definition: The quality of being cautious and wise in practical affairs, avoiding unnecessary risks.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a detective's hat perched atop its head, the cat displayed remarkable prudence, meticulously examining a mysterious object with a magnifying glass before deciding how to proceed.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 探偵の帽子を頭に乗せ、猫は顕著な慎重さを示し、どう進むかを決める前に拡大鏡で不思議な物体を入念に調べました。

128. Abrupt

  • Accentuation: /əˈbrʌpt/

  • Japanese Translation: 突然の

  • English-English Definition: Happening suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's peaceful afternoon was interrupted by an abrupt leap into the air, startled by a toy springing from the box, capturing the essence of surprise and sudden action.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の穏やかな午後は、箱から飛び出したおもちゃに驚いて空中に突然跳ね上がることで中断され、驚きと突然の行動の本質を捉えました。

129. Enmity

  • Accentuation: /ˈɛn.mɪ.ti/

  • Japanese Translation: 敵意

  • English-English Definition: Deep-seated, often mutual hatred or hostility.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the serene garden, the two cats sat with their backs turned to each other, tails entwined yet each casting a glance filled with enmity, a silent testament to their unresolved feud.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 穏やかな庭で、2匹の猫は背中合わせに座り、尾は絡み合っているものの、それぞれが解決されていない確執の静かな証しとして敵意を込めた視線を交わしました。

130. Exhortation

  • Accentuation: /ˌɛksɔːrˈteɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 勧告

  • English-English Definition: An earnest or strong urging or encouragement, especially towards a positive action or attitude.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The older cat, standing on a podium with a tiny megaphone, offered words of exhortation to the attentive kittens, inspiring them to explore the world with courage and curiosity.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 小さなメガホンを持って演壇に立つ年長の猫は、注意深く聞いている子猫たちに対して勧告の言葉を提供し、勇気と好奇心を持って世界を探索するように彼らを奮い立たせました。

131. Soothe

  • Accentuation: /suːð/

  • Japanese Translation: 和らげる

  • English-English Definition: To gently calm or relieve pain or distress.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the quiet of the evening, the gentle cat curled up on their lap, its soft purring soothing the person's weary heart, enveloping the room in warmth and serenity.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 夕暮れ時の静けさの中で、穏やかな猫が彼らの膝の上に丸まり、その柔らかいゴロゴロという音が人の疲れた心を和らげ、部屋全体を温かさと静寂で包み込みました。

132. Eclipse

  • Accentuation: /ɪˈklɪps/

  • Japanese Translation: 日食、月食

  • English-English Definition: The phenomenon of one celestial body moving into the shadow of another, obscuring it partially or completely.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Perched on a hill, the cat, donning tiny eclipse glasses, gazed in awe at the celestial dance, where the moon cloaked the sun in a temporary shadow, turning day into night.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 丘の上にとまって、小さな日食用メガネをかけた猫は、月が太陽を一時的な影で覆い、昼を夜に変える天体のダンスを畏敬の念を持って見つめました。

133. Perjury

  • Accentuation: /ˈpɜːrdʒəri/

  • Japanese Translation: 偽証

  • English-English Definition: The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the feline courtroom, the cat witness raised its paw, promising to speak the truth, yet the evidence of knocked-over items and its guilty look spoke volumes of perjury.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の法廷で、証人の猫は真実を語ると誓って肉球を上げましたが、倒れたアイテムの証拠とその罪悪感のある表情は、偽証の事実を大声で語っていました。

134. Plagiarize

  • Accentuation: /ˈpleɪdʒəraɪz/

  • Japanese Translation: 盗用する

  • English-English Definition: To take someone else's work or ideas and pass them off as one's own.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the cozy study room, one cat, donning glasses and seemingly focused on its laptop, was caught plagiarizing as it sneakily glanced at the original work of its feline colleague, who was deeply engrossed in crafting something new.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 居心地の良い書斎で、メガネをかけてラップトップに集中しているように見える一匹の猫が、何か新しいものを作り込んでいる同僚の猫のオリジナルの作品をこっそりと盗み見ることで、盗用しているところを捕まえられました。

135. Truncate

  • Accentuation: /ˈtrʌŋkeɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 切り詰める

  • English-English Definition: To shorten something by cutting off the top or end.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a comedic effort to truncate itself to fit, the cat squished halfway into a too-small box, leaving its back half humorously sticking out as if neatly clipped off by the box's edge.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 自分を箱に合わせて切り詰めるというコミカルな努力で、猫は小さすぎる箱に半分だけ押し込まれ、後半部が箱の端によってきれいに切り取られたかのように滑稽に突き出ていました。

136. Insignia

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈsɪɡniə/

  • Japanese Translation: 記章

  • English-English Definition: A distinguishing mark or symbol of a certain status, affiliation, or achievement.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The heroic cat, adorned with a cape and a badge featuring its unique insignia, stood on the city's highest rooftop, its emblem glowing against the twilight sky, a symbol of protection and bravery.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ユニークな記章をつけたマントとバッジを身につけた英雄的な猫は、都市の最も高い屋上に立ち、そのエンブレムが夕暮れの空に対して輝き、保護と勇気の象徴として輝いていました。

137. Vouch

  • Accentuation: /vaʊtʃ/

  • Japanese Translation: 保証する

  • English-English Definition: To assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience that something is true or accurately described; to guarantee.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: One cat presented a half-eaten fish to its skeptical friend, vouching for the undiscovered fishing spot's abundance, while another cat brought a third as a witness to corroborate an extraordinary tale of adventure.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 一匹の猫が半分食べられた魚を懐疑的な友人に提示し、まだ発見されていない釣り場の豊富さを保証した一方で、別の猫は驚くべき冒険の話を裏付けるために第三の猫を証人として連れてきました。

138. Dupe

  • Accentuation: /djuːp/

  • Japanese Translation: だます

  • English-English Definition: To deceive someone into believing something that is not true.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat, with eyes locked on the laser dot, was completely duped into believing it was chasing real prey, unaware of the human behind the playful deception.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: レーザーポインターの点に目を奪われた猫は、実際の獲物を追いかけていると完全に騙されており、遊び心のある欺瞞の背後にいる人間のことはまったく気づいていませんでした。

139. Decency

  • Accentuation: /ˈdiːsənsi/

  • Japanese Translation: 礼儀正しさ

  • English-English Definition: The quality of being polite and respectable; showing respect for the dignity of others.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a cozy nook of their home, one cat extended a gesture of decency by offering its blanket to a fellow feline in need, creating a heartwarming scene of compassion and care.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 彼らの家の居心地の良い隅で、一匹の猫が困っている仲間の猫に毛布を提供するという礼儀正しさのジェスチャーを伸ばし、思いやりと世話の心温まるシーンを作り出しました。

140. Outburst

  • Accentuation: /ˈaʊtbɜːrst/

  • Japanese Translation: 爆発

  • English-English Definition: A sudden and violent release of emotions or energy.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat's dramatic outburst upon sighting a harmless cucumber, mistaking it for a snake, sent household items flying in a comedic display of surprise and fear.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 害のないキュウリをヘビと間違えて見た猫の劇的な爆発は、驚きと恐怖のコミカルな展示で家庭用品を飛ばしました。

141. Contagious

  • Accentuation: /kənˈteɪdʒəs/

  • Japanese Translation: 伝染性の

  • English-English Definition: (Of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The laughter and joy in the room became contagious as the playful cat chased its tail, causing everyone watching to burst into giggles.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 部屋の中で遊び心のある猫が自分の尾を追いかけると、それを見ている全員が笑いに包まれ、笑いと喜びが伝染するようになりました。

142. Incarnation

  • Accentuation: /ˌɪnkɑːrˈneɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 化身

  • English-English Definition: The embodiment of a deity or spirit in some earthly form.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: As the first light of dawn touched the city, the legendary cat hero, an incarnation of ancient myths, stood majestically on a rooftop, its cloak fluttering in the breeze, ready to embrace its new role in the modern world.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 夜明けの最初の光が都市に触れると、古代の神話の化身である伝説の猫の英雄が、現代の世界での新しい役割を受け入れる準備ができて、屋上に威風堂々と立っていました。そのマントはそよ風にはためいていました。

143. Diorama

  • Accentuation: /ˌdaɪəˈrɑːmə/

  • Japanese Translation: 立体模型

  • English-English Definition: A model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The meticulously crafted diorama captured a day in the life of a cat, featuring a cozy living room, a kitchen filled with cat-friendly gadgets, and a vibrant garden scene, all depicted in charming detail.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 細心の注意を払って作られたこの立体模型は、快適なリビングルーム、猫向けのガジェットで満たされたキッチン、そして鮮やかな庭の風景を含む、猫の一日を魅力的な詳細で捉えました。

144. Depiction

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈpɪkʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 描写

  • English-English Definition: The action or result of depicting something, especially in art.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The creative cat spent the afternoon in its studio, working on a colorful depiction of itself on the canvas.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 創造的な猫は、キャンバス上に自分自身のカラフルな描写をするために、スタジオで午後を過ごしました。

145. Vicarious

  • Accentuation: /vaɪˈkɛəriəs/

  • Japanese Translation: 代理の

  • English-English Definition: Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat lived a vicarious adventure, its eyes glued to the nature documentary, feeling the thrill of the chase as if it were amongst the birds on the screen.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は代理の冒険を生きていました。その目は自然ドキュメンタリーに釘付けで、まるで画面上の鳥たちの中にいるかのような追跡のスリルを感じていました。

146. Arson

  • Accentuation: /ˈɑːrsən/

  • Japanese Translation: 放火

  • English-English Definition: The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Upon discovering the charred remains of his favorite cardboard box, the cat glared accusingly at the mischievous kitten, humorously suspecting it of "arson."

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: お気に入りのダンボール箱の焼け焦げた残骸を発見した猫は、「放火」の疑いでいたずら好きな子猫を非難のまなざしで見つめました。

147. Augment

  • Accentuation: /ɔːɡˈment/

  • Japanese Translation: 増加させる

  • English-English Definition: To make something greater by adding to it; increase.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The clever cat augmented its reach by constructing a makeshift ladder from household items to access the treats on the high shelf.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、高い棚のおやつにアクセスするために家庭用品から作った即席のはしごで、その届く範囲を増加させました。

148. Amenity

  • Accentuation: /əˈmiːnɪtɪ/

  • Japanese Translation: 便利施設

  • English-English Definition: A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cats at the luxurious spa enjoyed a variety of amenities, from sunlit pools to relaxing massages, all designed for their utmost comfort and joy.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 豪華なスパの猫たちは、日光浴プールからリラックスマッサージまで、彼らの最大の快適さと喜びのために設計された様々な便利施設を楽しみました。

149. Trinity

  • Accentuation: /ˈtrɪnɪti/

  • Japanese Translation: 三位一体

  • English-English Definition: A group of three closely related members or elements.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the mystical forest, the trinity of cats sat in a circle, each representing wisdom, strength, and love, their combined powers protecting the land.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 神秘的な森の中で、三位一体の猫たちは円を描いて座り、それぞれが知恵、力、愛を象徴し、その組み合わせた力で土地を守っていました。

150. Oblige

  • Accentuation: /əˈblaɪdʒ/

  • Japanese Translation: 義務付ける

  • English-English Definition: To make someone legally or morally bound to do something.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The large cat felt obliged to let the tiny kitten nap on its back, a duty it accepted with a mix of annoyance and acceptance.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 大きな猫は、小さな子猫が自分の背中で昼寝をすることを義務付けられており、その任務を少しのいらだちと受け入れで受け入れました。

151. Inevitably

  • Accentuation: /ɪˈnɛvɪtəbli/

  • Japanese Translation: 必然的に

  • English-English Definition: As is certain to happen; unavoidably.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious cat, with its paw barely touching the glass, watched inevitably as the water began to tip over the edge of the table.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は、自分の肉球でガラスをかすかに触れながら、テーブルの端を水がこぼれ落ちるのを必然的に見守りました。

152. Drastic

  • Accentuation: /ˈdræstɪk/

  • Japanese Translation: 思い切った

  • English-English Definition: Likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a look of mock seriousness, the cat made a drastic change from its usual hiding spot behind the curtains to the adventurous realm of the sock drawer.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 冗談めかした真剣な表情で、猫はカーテンの後ろのいつもの隠れ場所から、靴下の引き出しの冒険の領域へと思い切った変更をしました。

153. Elevate

  • Accentuation: /ˈɛlɪveɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 高める

  • English-English Definition: To raise to a more important or impressive level.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The ingenious cat elevated itself to the sunny windowsill using a stack of books as a makeshift ladder, showcasing its determination and resourcefulness.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 工夫に富んだ猫は、即席のはしごとして本の山を使用して、自分を日当たりの良い窓辺まで高めました。その決意と資源活用能力を示しています。

154. Deferment

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈfɜːrmənt/

  • Japanese Translation: 延期

  • English-English Definition: The action or fact of putting something off to a later time; postponement.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat chose a moment of deferment for its nap, intrigued by the rare bird perched just outside the window.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は、窓の外にとまっている珍しい鳥に魅了され、昼寝を後に延ばすことを選びました。

155. Intoxication

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˌtɒksɪˈkeɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 酩酊

  • English-English Definition: The state of being intoxicated or experiencing the effects of alcohol or drugs, often leading to euphoria, decreased inhibitions, and impaired judgment.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the midst of catnip intoxication, the cat lay on its back, blissfully unaware of the world, as it batted at the air with its paws.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はキャットニップの酩酊の最中で、その肉球で空気を叩きながら、この世のことを何も意識せずに背中に寝転がっていました。

156. Feasible

  • Accentuation: /ˈfiːzəbl/

  • Japanese Translation: 実行可能な

  • English-English Definition: Possible to do easily or conveniently; likely; probable.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: After careful consideration, the clever cat concluded that climbing the bookshelf to reach the highest shelf was not a feasible plan, opting instead for a safer route.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 慎重に考えた後、賢い猫は本棚を登って最上段に到達するのは実行可能な計画ではないと結論づけ、代わりにもっと安全なルートを選びました。

157. Haggle

  • Accentuation: /ˈhæɡəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 値切る

  • English-English Definition: To argue persistently over the cost of something, or to try to agree on a price that is mutually acceptable.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the sunny backyard, the cat and the dog engaged in a playful haggle over who would get the next turn with their favorite toy.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 日当たりの良い裏庭で、猫と犬はお気に入りのおもちゃを次に使う番をめぐって、楽しく値切り合いました。

158. Defuse

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈfjuːz/

  • Japanese Translation: 緊張を和らげる

  • English-English Definition: To reduce the danger or tension in a difficult situation by acting calmly and diplomatically.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The clever cat quickly defused the squabble between the dog and the bird over the toy, introducing a new toy to distract them and restore peace.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い猫は、おもちゃをめぐる犬と鳥の口論をすぐに和らげ、新しいおもちゃで彼らの注意をそらして平和を回復しました。

159. Dart

  • Accentuation: /dɑːrt/

  • Japanese Translation: 素早く動く

  • English-English Definition: Move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat darted across the room with lightning speed, its eyes locked on the elusive red dot from the laser pointer.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は雷の速さで部屋を横切り、レーザーポインターからの捕えどころのない赤い点に目を光らせました。

160. Stalwart

  • Accentuation: /ˈstɔːlwərt/

  • Japanese Translation: 頑丈な

  • English-English Definition: Loyal, reliable, and hardworking; strongly built and sturdy.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The stalwart cat stood guard by the doorway, its muscular frame and vigilant eyes ensuring the safety of its home.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 頑丈な猫は玄関で警備に立ち、その筋肉質の体と警戒心の強い目で家の安全を守りました。

161. Intertwine

  • Accentuation: /ˌɪntəˈtwaɪn/

  • Japanese Translation: 絡み合う

  • English-English Definition: To twist or be twisted together, or to be connected so as to be difficult to separate.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the cozy sunlight, the ginger and gray cats lay together, their tails intertwined, symbolizing their unbreakable bond and affection.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 居心地の良い日差しの中で、ジンジャーとグレーの猫が一緒に横たわり、絡み合った尾が彼らの切れない絆と愛情を象徴していました。

162. Replica

  • Accentuation: /ˈrɛplɪkə/

  • Japanese Translation: 複製

  • English-English Definition: An exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat stared in wonder at the small statue before it, a perfect replica capturing its every detail, from the fur pattern to the curious tilt of its head.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫はそれ自身の前にある小さな像を不思議そうに見つめました。その像は、毛皮の模様から好奇心旺盛な頭の傾きまで、すべての細部を捉えた完璧な複製でした。

163. Revert

  • Accentuation: /rɪˈvɜːrt/

  • Japanese Translation: 元に戻る

  • English-English Definition: To return to a previous state, practice, or topic.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Despite the allure of high-tech toys, the sophisticated cat reverted to its primal instincts, choosing the thrill of the chase with a real mouse over a robotic counterpart.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ハイテクなおもちゃの魅力にもかかわらず、洗練された猫は本能に戻り、ロボットのマウスよりも本物のネズミとの追いかけっこを選びました。

164. Notoriety

  • Accentuation: /ˌnoʊtəˈraɪəti/

  • Japanese Translation: 悪名

  • English-English Definition: The state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The mischievous cat gained notoriety in the village for its daring escapades, this time being caught in the act with a stolen fish, much to the amusement of the neighborhood.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: そのいたずら好きな猫は、今回盗んだ魚で現行犯捕まったことで、村でその大胆な逃避行で悪名を馳せました。それは近所の人々の楽しみとなりました。

165. Deprivation

  • Accentuation: /ˌdɛprɪˈveɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 欠如

  • English-English Definition: The damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the dim light of dawn, the cat gazed longingly at its empty food bowl, a poignant representation of deprivation.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 夜明けの薄明かりの中で、猫はその空の食べ物のボウルを切望するように見つめ、欠如の切ない表現でした。

166. Median

  • Accentuation: /ˈmiːdiən/

  • Japanese Translation: 中央値

  • English-English Definition: The middle value in a data set, which divides the set into two equal halves.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat sat serenely in the exact middle of the garden pathway, its presence a perfect illustration of the median, dividing the path into two equal parts.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は庭の小道の真ん中に穏やかに座っており、その存在は中央値の完璧な表現で、小道を二等分に分けていました。

167. Endowment

  • Accentuation: /ɪnˈdaʊmənt/

  • Japanese Translation: 寄付金、基金

  • English-English Definition: The act of providing a large amount of money to create a fund for support or the funds or property so provided.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Surrounded by a generous endowment of toys and treats, the cat lounged in luxury, a testament to its richly furnished life.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: おもちゃやおやつの豊富な寄付に囲まれて、猫は贅沢に寛いでおり、その豊かに備えられた生活の証でした。

168. Lackluster

  • Accentuation: /ˈlækˌlʌstər/

  • Japanese Translation: 無気力な、ぱっとしない

  • English-English Definition: Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Despite the colorful array of toys scattered around, the cat's interest in the simple string was decidedly lackluster, reflecting its boredom and disinterest.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 周りに散らばる鮮やかなおもちゃの数々にも関わらず、その猫が単純な紐に対して示した関心は明らかに無気力で、その退屈と無関心を反映していました。

169. Procrastinate

  • Accentuation: /prəˈkræstɪˌneɪt/

  • Japanese Translation: 先延ばしにする

  • English-English Definition: To delay or postpone action; to put off doing something.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Even with a list of chores like chasing the laser pointer and inspecting the new box, the cat preferred to procrastinate, choosing the warm comfort of the sunny windowsill instead.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: レーザーポインターを追いかけたり、新しい箱を調べたりするといった仕事のリストがあっても、猫はそれらを先延ばしにすることを選び、代わりに日当たりの良い窓辺の暖かな快適さを選びました。

170. Impurity

  • Accentuation: /ɪmˈpjʊərɪti/

  • Japanese Translation: 不純物

  • English-English Definition: Something that is impure or makes something else impure; a contaminant.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat eyed the glass of water curiously, its gaze fixed on the single leaf floating atop, a subtle sign of impurity in the otherwise crystal-clear water.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は水の入ったグラスを好奇心を持って眺め、その上に浮かぶ一枚の葉に視線を固定しました。それは、そうでなければクリスタルのように澄んだ水の中の微細な不純物のしるしでした。

171. Introspective

  • Accentuation: /ˌɪntrəˈspɛktɪv/

  • Japanese Translation: 内省的な

  • English-English Definition: Inclined to self-examination or the examination of one's own thoughts and feelings.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the tranquil garden, the cat sat introspectively by the pond, its gaze reflecting a deep contemplation mirrored in the still waters.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 静かな庭で、猫は池のそばに内省的に座り、その視線は静かな水面に映し出される深い思索を反映していました。

172. Obituary

  • Accentuation: /oʊˈbɪtʃuˌɛri/

  • Japanese Translation: 死亡記事

  • English-English Definition: A notice of a death, especially in a newspaper, typically including a brief biography of the deceased person.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The solemn cat sat quietly beside the weathered photograph, a silent obituary honoring the memory and legacy of its lifelong companion.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 厳かな猫は、古びた写真の隣で静かに座っており、その生涯の伴侶の記憶と遺産を讃える無言の死亡記事でした。

173. Hull

  • Accentuation: /hʌl/

  • Japanese Translation: 船体

  • English-English Definition: The main body of a ship or other vessel, including the bottom, sides, and deck but not the masts, superstructure, rigging, engines, and other fittings.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious cat ventured into the vast hull of the ship, its small form dwarfed by the enormity of the vessel, yet filled with a sense of adventure and discovery.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は船の広大な船体に冒険し、その小さな形は船の巨大さに圧倒されましたが、探求と発見の感覚でいっぱいでした。

174. Acquaint

  • Accentuation: /əˈkweɪnt/

  • Japanese Translation: 知り合う

  • English-English Definition: To make someone aware of or familiar with.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: As the new kitten cautiously approached, the older cat took a moment to acquaint itself with the newcomer, their first encounter filled with curiosity and the promise of a budding friendship.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 新しい子猫が慎重に近づくにつれ、年上の猫は新参者と知り合うために一瞬を費やし、彼らの最初の出会いは好奇心と芽生える友情の約束でいっぱいでした。

175. Mutation

  • Accentuation: /mjuːˈteɪʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 突然変異

  • English-English Definition: The action or process of mutating; the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the magical garden, the cat with its vibrant, ever-shifting fur patterns became a living testament to mutation, enchanting all who saw it with its unique beauty and the extraordinary diversity of nature.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 魔法の庭では、その鮮やかで絶えず変化する毛皮の模様を持つ猫が突然変異の生き証となり、そのユニークな美しさと自然の非凡な多様性で見た人すべてを魅了しました。

176. Unravel

  • Accentuation: /ʌnˈrævəl/

  • Japanese Translation: ほどく

  • English-English Definition: To undo twisted, knitted, or woven threads; to investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling).

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The kitten busily unraveled the ball of yarn, its determination turning the cozy living room into a landscape of playful chaos.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 子猫は一生懸命に毛糸の玉を解きほぐし、その決意が居心地の良いリビングルームを遊び心あふれる混沌の風景に変えました。

177. Veracity

  • Accentuation: /vəˈræsɪti/

  • Japanese Translation: 真実性

  • English-English Definition: Conformity to facts; accuracy; habitual truthfulness.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Atop a tower of knowledge, the wise old cat with its paw on an open book symbolizes veracity, its gaze embodying the solemn oath to always uphold the truth.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 知識の塔の上で、開かれた本に肉球を置いた賢い老猫は、常に真実を守るという厳粛な誓いを体現しているかのように、真実性を象徴しています。

178. Splinter

  • Accentuation: /ˈsplɪntər/

  • Japanese Translation: 破片

  • English-English Definition: A small, thin, sharp piece of wood, glass, or similar material broken off from a larger piece.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The curious cat focused its efforts on a stubborn wooden splinter lodged in the floor, its expression a mix of intrigue and determination to solve the tiny mystery.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 好奇心旺盛な猫は、床に埋まった頑固な木の破片に努力を集中させ、その表情は小さな謎を解決しようとする興味と決意の混合でした。

179. Unearth

  • Accentuation: /ʌnˈɜːrθ/

  • Japanese Translation: 掘り出す

  • English-English Definition: To find something in the ground by digging, or to discover something hidden, lost, or kept secret by investigation or searching.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the lush garden, the cat unearthed an ancient artifact, its eyes wide with the thrill of discovery, pawing away the earth to reveal a secret from a bygone era.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 豊かな庭で、猫は古代の遺物を掘り出し、発見のスリルで目を輝かせながら、過ぎ去った時代の秘密を明らかにするために土を掻き分けました。

180. Congress

  • Accentuation: /ˈkɒŋɡrɛs/

  • Japanese Translation: 議会

  • English-English Definition: A formal meeting or assembly of representatives for discussion and action on particular matters of common concern.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the backyard, a congress of cats gathered under the moonlight, meowing and purring over the important matters of their territory and shared resources.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 裏庭で、猫たちの議会が月明かりの下に集まり、彼らの領土と共有資源についての重要な事柄をめぐって鳴き声やゴロゴロ言う声が交わされました。

181. Sublime

  • Accentuation: /səˈblaɪm/

  • Japanese Translation: 崇高な

  • English-English Definition: Of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: Atop the hill, the cat witnessed the sunrise, a moment so sublime that it seemed to stand still in awe of the world's beauty.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 丘の上で、猫は日の出を目撃しました。それは世界の美しさに畏敬の念を抱かせるほど崇高な瞬間で、猫はその場に静止しているかのようでした。

182. Renege

  • Accentuation: /rɪˈnɛɡ/

  • Japanese Translation: 約束を破る

  • English-English Definition: To go back on a promise, undertaking, or contract.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: After promising to share, the mischievous cat playfully reneged by hiding the toy under the rug, leaving the other cat puzzled and feeling slightly betrayed.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 分け合うと約束した後、いたずら好きな猫はおもちゃを敷物の下に隠すことで遊び心で約束を破り、もう一匹の猫を困惑させ、少し裏切られた気分にさせました。

183. Dominant

  • Accentuation: /ˈdɒmɪnənt/

  • Japanese Translation: 支配的な

  • English-English Definition: Most important, powerful, or influential.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the sunlit corner of the living room, the larger cat asserted its dominance, securing the best spot by the window and gently nudging the smaller cat aside with an air of authority.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: リビングルームの日当たりの良い角では、大きな猫がその支配力を示し、窓際の最高の場所を確保するために、権威を持って小さな猫をそっと押しのけました。

184. Maelstrom

  • Accentuation: /ˈmeɪlstrɒm/

  • Japanese Translation: 大渦

  • English-English Definition: A powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river, or a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The intrepid cat sailor navigated through the tempestuous sea, facing the maelstrom ahead with fierce determination, a true testament to its adventurous spirit.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 勇敢な猫の船乗りは、荒れ狂う海を航海し、前方の大渦に猛烈な決意で立ち向かいました。それはその冒険心の真の証です。

185. Rigorous

  • Accentuation: /ˈrɪɡərəs/

  • Japanese Translation: 厳格な

  • English-English Definition: Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With meticulous care, the cat engaged in a rigorous organization of its toys, aligning them by size and color on the shelf, embodying the epitome of precision and order.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 細心の注意を払って、猫はそのおもちゃを厳格に整理し、棚の上でサイズと色別に並べて、精度と秩序の極致を体現しました。

186. Periscope

  • Accentuation: /ˈpɛrɪˌskoʊp/

  • Japanese Translation: 潜望鏡

  • English-English Definition: An optical instrument for observation from a concealed position. In its simplest form, it consists of a tube with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45-degree angle.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With its homemade periscope, the curious cat peeked over the fence, its eyes wide with the thrill of unseen discoveries waiting on the other side.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 手作りの潜望鏡を使って、好奇心旺盛な猫はフェンスの向こうを覗き見ました。その目は、反対側で待っている見えない発見のスリルで輝いていました。

187. Antagonize

  • Accentuation: /ænˈtæɡənaɪz/

  • Japanese Translation: 敵対させる

  • English-English Definition: To cause someone to become hostile or to act in opposition to someone else, often by deliberate irritation or provocation.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The cat, with a flick of its paw, dangled the toy just beyond the dog's reach, mischievously delighting in the act of antagonizing its canine companion.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫は肉球を軽く振って、おもちゃを犬の手の届かないところにぶら下げ、その犬の仲間を敵対させる行為にいたずらっぽく喜んでいました。

188. Amphibian

  • Accentuation: /æmˈfɪbiən/

  • Japanese Translation: 両生類

  • English-English Definition: A cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. They are distinguished by having an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage followed by a terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the lush garden, the cat's encounter with a calm frog on the green grass served as a fascinating introduction to the world of amphibians, creatures of both water and land.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 豊かな庭で、緑の草の上に落ち着いて座るカエルとの出会いは、水と陸の両方の生き物である両生類の世界への興味深い紹介となりました。

189. Repercussion

  • Accentuation: /ˌrɛpərˈkʌʃən/

  • Japanese Translation: 反響、影響

  • English-English Definition: An unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the midst of its playful antics, the cat's accidental toppling of the vase brought a sudden understanding of repercussions, as it stared in shock at the shattered pieces on the floor.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 遊び心で行動している最中に、猫が偶然にも花瓶を倒してしまい、床に散らばる砕けた瓶の破片を見てショックを受けることで、反響の理解が突然深まりました。

190. Criterion

  • Accentuation: /kraɪˈtɪəriən/

  • Japanese Translation: 基準

  • English-English Definition: A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: At the feline talent show, each judge cat represented a different criterion, from creativity to technical skill to presentation, attentively scoring the performances based on these standards.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 猫の才能ショーでは、各審査員の猫が創造性から技術的スキル、プレゼンテーションに至るまで異なる基準を代表し、これらの基準に基づいてパフォーマンスを注意深く採点しました。

191. Dissect

  • Accentuation: /dɪˈsɛkt/

  • Japanese Translation: 解剖する

  • English-English Definition: To methodically cut up (a body, part, or plant) to study its internal parts; to analyze and examine in detail.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a magnifying glass and screwdriver at the ready, the cat intently dissected the toy, determined to uncover the secrets of its mechanics.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 拡大鏡とドライバーを手に、猫はおもちゃを熱心に解剖し、そのメカニズムの秘密を明らかにすることに決意していました。

192. Restive

  • Accentuation: /ˈrɛstɪv/

  • Japanese Translation: 落ち着かない

  • English-English Definition: Unable to keep still or silent and becoming increasingly difficult to control, especially because of impatience, dissatisfaction, or boredom.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In front of the closed door, the cat became increasingly restive, pacing back and forth with a twitching tail and ears pinned back, signaling its strong desire to explore the world outside.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 閉じられたドアの前で、猫は尾をピクピクさせて耳を後ろに倒し、外の世界を探検したい強い願望を示しながら、ますます落ち着かなくなり、行ったり来たりしました。

193. Panacea

  • Accentuation: /ˌpænəˈsiːə/

  • Japanese Translation: 万能薬

  • English-English Definition: A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In an enchanted clearing, the whimsical cat, donned in a wizard's hat, meticulously brewed a magical panacea, blending colorful ingredients with the hope of curing all ailments.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 魔法のような空き地で、魔法使いの帽子をかぶった気まぐれな猫は、すべての病を治すことを願い、カラフルな材料を丹念に混ぜ合わせて万能薬を醸造しました。

194. Refurbish

  • Accentuation: /rɪˈfɜːrbɪʃ/

  • Japanese Translation: 改装する

  • English-English Definition: To renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building) to make it look new again.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a paintbrush in paw, the cat set about refurbishing an old chair, its apron smeared with paint as it worked to breathe new life into the worn piece of furniture.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: ペンキが付いたエプロンをつけ、肉球にペイントブラシを持った猫は、古い椅子の改装に取り掛かり、着古した家具に新しい命を吹き込むために作業しました。

195. Paradoxical

  • Accentuation: /ˌpærəˈdɒksɪkəl/

  • Japanese Translation: 矛盾した

  • English-English Definition: Seemingly absurd or self-contradictory, but in reality possibly true.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a curious twist of fate, the cat found itself in a paradoxical chase, where it was both the pursuer and the pursued in an endless loop of playful determination.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 運命の奇妙なひねりで、猫は自分が追う側でありながら追われる側でもある、遊び心あふれる決意の終わりのないループの中で矛盾した追跡に自分自身を見つけました。

196. Prolonged

  • Accentuation: /prəˈlɒŋd/

  • Japanese Translation: 長引いた

  • English-English Definition: Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In the gentle embrace of the sunlight, the cat indulged in a prolonged stretch, extending its body languidly, savoring every moment of relaxation.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 日光の優しい抱擁の中で、猫は長引いた伸びを楽しみ、その身体をゆっくりと伸ばして、リラックスの瞬間を味わい尽くしました。

197. Pariah

  • Accentuation: /pəˈraɪə/

  • Japanese Translation: 見捨てられた人

  • English-English Definition: An outcast; someone who is despised and avoided.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: As the solitary cat watched the others from afar, its position as a pariah was palpable, marked by a silent longing to join in their play yet separated by an invisible barrier of exclusion.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 孤独な猫が遠くから他の猫たちを見ていると、その排除された位置は目に見える障壁によって隔てられ、遊びに加わりたいという静かな願望によって明らかにされました。

198. Quest

  • Accentuation: /kwɛst/

  • Japanese Translation: 探求

  • English-English Definition: A long or arduous search for something.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: With a map in one paw and a tiny backpack slung over its shoulder, the cat embarked on a quest through the mystical forest, its eyes alight with determination and the thrill of adventure.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 片方の肉球に地図を持ち、もう片方の肩に小さなバックパックをかけた猫は、魔法の森を通じて探求に出発し、その目は決意と冒険のスリルで輝いていました。

199. Posterity

  • Accentuation: /pɒˈstɛrɪti/

  • Japanese Translation: 後世

  • English-English Definition: All future generations of people.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: The wise old cat shared its wealth of stories and lessons with the attentive kittens, ensuring that its knowledge and wisdom would be passed down for posterity.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 賢い老猫は、注意深く聞いている子猫たちに豊富な話と教訓を共有し、その知識と知恵が後世に伝えられるようにしました。

200. Pacify

  • Accentuation: /ˈpæsɪfaɪ/

  • Japanese Translation: 鎮める

  • English-English Definition: To quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of.

  • Cat-Themed English Sentence: In a quiet corner of the room, one cat gently groomed its companion, its actions serving to pacify the distressed feline, enveloping them both in a sense of calm and security.

  • Japanese Translation of the Sentence: 部屋の静かな角で、一匹の猫が仲間を優しくグルーミングし、その行動で動揺していた猫を鎮め、両方を落ち着きと安心感で包み込みました。




