


国際協力NGO「Salam Lab(平和ラボ)」共同代表のカロル・ウィルチンスキさんもそのお一人です。






The Slovak Spectator

A World of Neighbors
Poland’s Spoonful of Sugar for bitter anti-refugee rhetoric

We voice what is hurting, says Karol Wilczynski, one of founders of Islamista.

In the southeastern Polish city of Rzeszów, a woman is pushing her baby son in a pram down the street when an aggressive man tries to push the pram over, yelling “Heil, Hitler!” and “white power”.

He even makes death threats against the Polish woman, who is wearing a hijab, and her son. There are several passers-by, but no one comes to the victims’ defense.

This incident occurred on August 2, 2019, one day after the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, when the Polish underground resistance, led by the Home Army, liberated Warsaw from German occupation.

On that day, Poles fought against hate, against racism and religious discrimination, advocating for the inclusive and democratic Poland they envisioned.

“We reported on [this incident] in Poland and there were lots and lots of vulgar comments on both sides - not just people who were attacking the victim but also from people who were attacking the attacker,” said Anna Wilczyńska, a friend of the Rzeszów victim.

Together with her husband Karol Wilczyński, Wilczyńska co-founded Islamista, a blog on Islam, where they also report on incidents like these in which Muslims, refugees and other minorities in Poland are attacked, mistreated or underrepresented.

“We always voice what is hurting. We do not try to hide it inside us; we always speak out,” said Wilczyński, who lives in Krakow with Wilczyńska.

By the spoonful

After studying Arabic at university, Wilczyńska worked as an Arabic interpreter at the Legal Aid Centre and taught Arabic to lawyers dealing with human rights issues, especially in detention centers.

Inspired by his wife, Wilczyński obtained a PhD in Arabic philosophy, working as a journalist for various media soon after.

“During this so-called migration crisis, I was really shocked by how people reacted to it and what the media said about Muslim people,” remarked Wilczyński, who also contributes articles to the Sme daily.

※移民危機 : 2015年のヨーロッパの移民危機。シリアやアフガニスタン、アフリカなどから前年の二倍以上の難民・移民がヨーロッパに到達した

“We saw that there was no reliable source of information about Islam and migration in the Polish language.”

So, in 2015, Wilczyński and Wilczyńska started Islamista, a “spoonful of sugar” for those who find information about Islam a tough pill to swallow in one gulp.

“The best book on Islam in Polish is quite huge, about 800 pages. It’s well-written, everything you need to know is there; it’s just really heavy, so we share this knowledge with people little by little so it’s digestible,” said Wilczyńska.

Wilczyńska and Wilczyński discussed the perception of Islam, refugees and migrants in Europe during a focus group on “Narratives and Media” in Bratislava on June 17-20.

The focus group, which was organised by the Church of Sweden’s “A World of Neighbours” initiative, brought together members of the Church of Sweden, along with journalists and various NGOs and grassroots organisations throughout Europe.
この会議は、スウェーデン国教会の「A World of Neighbours」の発案で開かれたもので、教会のメンバーやジャーナリスト、様々なNGOや草の根組織の人々がヨーロッパ全土から集まった。

Decoding demagogues

The hateful and vulgar comments about refugees and migrants on the internet are sometimes hard for Wilczyński and Wilczyńska to digest. Nevertheless, the diplomatic bloggers do their best to refrain from demonizing demagogues.

“Behind the scary face of a demagogue is a human person who is afraid of things,” remarked Wilczyńska. “Seeing a person in everyone, even those we strongly disagree with, is something we have to do if we want to maintain solidarity with others.”

Wilczyński also noted that even their fiercest opponents tend to act differently when they leave the internet reality behind and meet refugees and migrants in person.

Once, when Wilczyńska and Wilczyński collected money for a family experiencing a major crisis in Syria, even people who had shown some hostility towards Muslim refugees in the past were happy to contribute.

They collected more than enough for the family, allowing Wilczyńska and Wilczyński to help a lot more children than originally planned.

A similar scenario happened in 2016 when they organised “Days of Joy” for refugees in Krakow together with the Catholic church, the local Muslim community, the local feminist community and some private schools.
2016年に似たようなことが起きた。アナとカロルは、クラクフでカトリック教会、地元のムスリム(イスラム教徒)、フェミニストたち、いくつかの私立の学校と共催して、難民のための「Days of Joy」というイベントを開催した。

“When it comes to internet discussions, people seem to be very closed-minded, but when it comes to encounter, people are very open. They want to help; they want to share,” Wilczyński remarked.

Wilczyńska has also conducted several workshops on Islam for the Polish border patrol, many of whom have shown great interest in the often misunderstood religion.

“Some of the border control officers would tell me after class they had been learning some Arabic words, helping them gain a connection with the migrant while establishing a simple yet friendly relationship, making the whole process easier for both sides,” said Wilczyńska, who was pleasantly surprised by how receptive the officers were during the workshops.

“The sad thing is the border control is still being pressured by the government.”

Several officers admitted to being approached by people from the “higher hierarchy” who have insisted, for example, that if they let a refugee into Poland who later migrates to Germany and stages a suicide attack, the blame will rest on the Polish officer’s shoulders.

“They are being blackmailed with these false arguments,” noted Wilczyńska.

A solidarity crisis

Politicians using anti-refugee and migrant rhetoric to elevate their positions of power is nothing new.

A GLOBSEC report found that migration as a threat was the most common thread of disinformation being spread before the 2019 EP elections.

In Slovakia, of the 200 people who applied for asylum in 2018, five applications were approved.

Poland also rejected a large percentage of asylant applications.

According to the Head of the Office for Foreigners, 4,131 individuals applied for refugee status or subsidiary protection in 2018, but 85.56% of those applications were initially rejected.

“There is not a migration crisis; there is a solidarity crisis and solidarity is the foundation of democracy,” said Wilczyński, adding that many journalists do not always fact-check the statements given to them by politicians, encouraging a toxic relationship between dangerous politics and wide-read media.

He added that many eastern European societies, Poland and Slovakia included, are still learning about democracy and how to be good citizens. They are both experiencing an “identity crisis”.

“I believe in the case of Poland, maybe Slovakia too, people feel like the victims all the time. It’s easy to find someone to condemn. Nowadays, we condemn the EU, Nato, LGBTI, and refugees, along with the ‘western bad guys’.”

Change flourishes in the grassroots

In a July interview with The Slovak Spectator, Anna Hjälm, programme director of A World of Neighbours, said that “on a grassroots level, people tend to solve the problems that might look unsolvable on a macro level.”
7月の本紙Slovak Spectator(スロバキアの新聞)との取材で、A World of Neighboursの企画担当Anna Hjalmは、「マクロのレベルでは解決できないような問題も、草の根であれば解決できることがあるんです」と言う。

The Islamista bloggers, who are referred to as practitioners of change by Hjälm’s colleague, American minister Dirk Ficca, agree whole-heartedly.
イスラミスタを運営するウィルチンスキ夫妻も心底同意する。Hjalmの同僚のDirk Ficcaは、ウィルチンスキ夫妻のことを、変革を起こす実践者と呼んでいる。

“What the grassroots level does that the higher levels cannot do is creating that human bond that is necessary in the integration process,” said Wilczyńska. “People are going to integrate with people and only grassroots movements can do that.”

Wilczyńska and Wilczyński insist that making small financial contributions, sharing positive articles about migrants and refugees on social media or educating yourself on one particular issue relating to migration can make all the difference.

“We just constantly have to keep ourselves aware that as a society that we’re the bigger power. We cannot let politicians or the media lead our lives,” said Wilczyńska.

2. Sep 2019 at 19:01 | ANNA FAY