
本を読みすぎると Reading too much

the innocent silk-worms chew leisurely and thoughtless
on the rich green leaves of the tree of white mulberry--
(--the tree grew tall in verdant youth,
but already lived across its seasons of seeds and desert shortly--shorter than Man.)
all so to spew gold threads, and adorn themselves in shiny cocoons.
黄金の糸を吐く 煌めく繭を纏うために
but know this--
if the leaves are not bitter…
苦くない葉は もし茶色く
if they are too sweetly brown.
then should (their) honey-white cocoon 
lose the silky sheen and turn hollow.
All whiteness in Nature comes harrowing from things darkly.
Chew too much without thinking though, you would sooner forget how to speak
だが嚙み込めすぎると 喋る事を忘れる
By drinking too much dark---too much ink in your mouth
黒を飲み込めすぎるとーー墨を口に入れ 無造作に

You would not know how to speak in golden silk--t'is the universal Truth.
『言』えなくなり 黄金の糸の『事』理(ことわり)

As your teeth were turned black from taking in the leaves

That by becoming one with the dead,
like them also you have no tongue

私は、学問や博識という "神の完璧さ "に近づくために、退屈な本を一冊一冊読むことを、ある種の義務的な自分への鞭打ちの刑にさせるような投稿ばかりで、ちょっと腹が立った。学問や教育が重要なのは、それが自分にとって有用で有益である限りにおいてのみである。何でもかんでも飲み込み、さらに多くを求める豚になってはならない。教育は良いものですが、すべての教育が良いわけではありません。想像力や創造力を損なうような悪い教育の例も存在します。優れた芸術的直感や哲学的直感を持つために、この世の全てを知る必要はないーーこの世の全てに使ってーー全てに反抗する事で自分の才を砥げるの事だ。「才」あるいは「能」は剣だ、全てを受け入れるすれば刀は欠けて、折れてしまうでしょう。すべてに対して打ちつけ、さらに鋭くなるべきだ。あらゆる知識や道徳観念に対する抵抗を通じて、哲学的な真実を学ぶのために、すべての価値と価値観に疑いを持ち続けることで。

I was kind of pissed off by all the posts making the tedious reading of each and every book some sort of mandatory self-flagellation in order to get closer to the "divine perfection" of learning and erudition. Learning and education is only important in as much as it is useful and beneficial to you. Education is good but it does not mean all education is good, there are cases of bad education that corrupts imagination and creativity. Do not be a swine that swallows everything and ever want more. You do not need to know everything in the world in order to have good artistic or philosophical instinct--your genius must be found by striking it against all things ---from resisting and rebelling against all things that try to define you.
Genius is like a sword that needs to be polished---by accepting all you would dull and chip the sword till it is broken in half. It must become sharper by striking against all---through resistance against all knowledge and moralisations you learn the philosophical truths---through ever having doubt in every value and valuation. Wordsworth would even argue for tossing away your books to wander in the wilderness--take in the sights of nature, of mountains and lakes, of fowls and does--of fishes---of tigers in the jungles-let your soul be the guide. Or "The world discloses its secret to those walk on foot" like Mr. Werner Herzog says. Essentially reading is pointless and useless as you are not the original author--the makeup of your soul and emotions are different---as we are not machines that can be configured and programmed to work in the exact same way- you will never write in the identical way the poet you read write as you are not him and it is also pointless to do that---it would not be creative art….you will gain knowledge of scientific or philosophical theories but if you truly have a mind for both you would understand no objective truth is permanent as neither scientific knowledge nor philosophical knowledge are things-in-themselves but an ever flawed and self-improving process-- it is an enabling art not the end of art itself. Eventually you must put down and forget all you have read and start to see and do things your way. You will always be lonely. Like it was said in the Rubayat "kissing the cold lips of the dead". You are alive. Man. 

