
ダウンロード可能!英語 リスニング 問題 中級1 わかりやすい解説付き!





  1. Who is the artist of the Mona Lisa?

a) Vincent van Gogh
b) Michelangelo
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) Pablo Picasso

2. What is the Mona Lisa known for?

a) Its vivid colors
b) Its large size
c) Its mysterious smile
d) Its abstract style

3. When is it believed that the Mona Lisa was painted?

a) Between 1503 and 1506
b) In the 1600s
c) In the 1700s
d) In the 1800s

スクリプト:Welcome to the audio guide for your visit to the city's renowned art museum. Today, we'll explore some of the most iconic paintings and sculptures on display. Our first stop is the famous painting, the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci. This masterpiece is known for its mysterious smile. Let me provide you with some information about it. The Mona Lisa is believed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506. It's known for its exquisite detail and the enigmatic expression on the subject's face.


  1. Who is the artist of the Mona Lisa?
    正解: c) Leonardo da Vinci
    説明: モナリザの作家はレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチです。
    文章中に "the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci" と記述されているので、正解はcです。

  2. What is the Mona Lisa known for?
    正解: c) Its mysterious smile
    説明: モナリザはその謎めいた微笑みで知られています。文章中に "known for its mysterious smile" と記述されているので、正解はcです。

  3. When is it believed that the Mona Lisa was painted?
    正解: a) Between 1503 and 1506
    説明: モナリザは1503年から1506年の間に描かれたと信じられています。文章中に "believed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506" と記述されているので、正解はaです。


  1. What is the purpose of this audio briefing?

    a) To introduce the keynote speakers
    b) To discuss the history of business conferences
    c) To provide an overview of the upcoming conference
    d) To analyze past conference statistics

  2. Who are the keynote speakers for the conference?

    a) Attendees of the conference
    b) Industry experts
    c) The audio briefing hosts
    d) The conference organizers

  3. What will the keynote speakers focus on during the conference?

    a) Analyzing past conference statistics
    b) Discussing event logistics
    c) Sharing insights on business innovation and growth
    d) Introducing the audio briefing

スクリプト:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us today for our pre-conference audio briefing. In the next few minutes, we'll provide you with an overview of our upcoming business conference and what you can expect during the event. Let's start by discussing the keynote speakers for the conference. We have invited industry experts who will share their insights and experiences on various topics related to business innovation and growth.


  1. 質問: What is the purpose of this audio briefing?
    答え: c) To provide an overview of the upcoming conference
    日本語訳: このオーディオブリーフィングの目的は何ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "we'll provide you with an overview of our upcoming business conference and what you can expect during the event" と述べられています。

  2. 質問: Who are the keynote speakers for the conference?
    答え: b) Industry experts
    日本語訳: 会議の講演者は誰ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "We have invited industry experts who will share their insights and experiences" と述べられています。

  3. 質問: What will the keynote speakers focus on during the conference?
    答え: c) Sharing insights on business innovation and growth
    日本語訳: 会議中、講演者は何に焦点を当てますか?
    説明: 台本中で "We have invited industry experts who will share their insights and experiences on various topics related to business innovation and growth" と述べられています。


  1. What is the purpose of the meeting?

    a) To discuss the company's history
    b) To celebrate a recent success
    c) To review financial results and discuss upcoming goals
    d) To introduce new team members

  2. What will be the main topic of discussion in the meeting?

    a) The company's history
    b) Recent financial losses
    c) Marketing strategies for the next quarter
    d) Employee performance evaluations

  3. Who has been working on a new marketing campaign?

    a) The finance department
    b) The marketing team
    c) The HR department
    d) The IT department

スクリプト:We are gathered here today in our quarterly company meeting to discuss our recent performance and upcoming goals. Let's begin with a review of our last quarter's financial results. Now, let's shift our focus to the marketing strategies for the next quarter. Our marketing team has been working diligently on a new campaign.


  1. 質問: What is the purpose of the meeting?
    答え: c) To review financial results and discuss upcoming goals
    日本語訳: 会議の目的は何ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "We are gathered here today in our quarterly company meeting to discuss our recent performance and upcoming goals." と述べられています。

  2. 質問: What will be the main topic of discussion in the meeting?
    答え: c) Marketing strategies for the next quarter
    日本語訳: 会議での主要な話題は何ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "Now, let's shift our focus to the marketing strategies for the next quarter." と述べられています。

  3. 質問: Who has been working on a new marketing campaign?
    答え: b) The marketing team
    日本語訳: 新しいマーケティングキャンペーンを担当しているのは誰ですか?
    説明: 台本中で "Our marketing team has been working diligently on a new campaign." と述べられています。





