
【Meimaxの留学ログ#0: 自己紹介】

※ 頑張って英語も使いますがミスしていたらすみません
名前: めい
年齢: 19歳
出身: 日本

⇒ ディズニーはショーパレとフードメイン派です!特に”ファンタズミック!”がお気に入りでした😭

⇒ 代表戦をよく観ます!Jリーグ、高校の選手権も観戦します。友達にお勧めされた海外リーグも今年から挑戦していきたいです。プレミアリーグからスタートします!

⇒ 私の俳優さんの推しは田中圭さんと永野芽郁ちゃんです。圭さんは"健康で文化的な最低限度の生活"からじわじわときて"あなたの番です"で完全に沼りました。永野芽郁ちゃんはモデル時代に名前が一緒ということを理由に推し始め、気づいたらテレビで有名になっていて、とっても嬉しくてそのまま推し続けてます😽


WANIMA、あいみょん、Saucy Dog、back numberをよく聴きます🔆

Instagram: @meimax0319 
YouTube: Mei's hangout
Twitter: Cal__153mei

(English ver)
Hi guys, I’m Mei, studying in America now since 2022 summer. I will start note for writing my daily life here down and giving beneficial info to people who are interested in America. 
Today, I’m gonna introduce myself, so I hope you guys see through the end;) 
※ I’ll try to use English here, but I’m sorry if there are mistakes ToT

【Introduce myself】
Name: Mei
Age: 19
Country from: Japan

I have a lot of hobbies.
⇒ I like seeing shows and parades and eating foods more than riding attractions. My favorite show is “Fantastic!” I love Princess and Toy Story.

・Watching soccer games
I often watch National team’s games, but also I like Japanese league and competition of high school in Japan. I’ll learn and watch foreign league, especially the Premier league in England this year.

・Japanese dramas and actors
⇒ My favorite actor is Kei Tanaka and Mei Nagano who are popular in Japan. I wanna see them by going to their events. My favorite drama is “Anata-no-bandesu.” 

⇒ I like traveling to both Japan and foreign countries. I have many friends around the works, so I want to go to many countries, particularly Europe and other states of the U.S. In addition, when I go back to Japan during vacations, I want to visit many areas where I can feel “Japanese mood.”

I prefer to listen to Japanese-pops more than other types. I often go to Karaoke in Japan. My favorite artists are “WANIMA,” “Aimyon,” “Saucy Dog,” and “back number.”
I also like to play the music instruments. I’ve played the Clarinet for 10 years since I was an elementary school student because I was a member of the brass band club. I also experienced to play the Euphonium and Drums for a year.
