
🇳🇿In all NZ, ニュージーランドの政治についてひとりの国民として考えてみた

今日は一日中ずっとApartment, どこにも出掛けず。

街頭インタビューに答える風な首相 | TikTok

この人、Prime Minister, 首相のChristopher Luxon氏。
めっさ普通にそこら辺歩いてて私との自撮りにもあっさりと応じてくれるくら……あ、Ex PM,前首相のChris Hipkins氏とも自撮り(過去記事)してる。

実際の動画 | TikTok

Term 2, 二学期から学校にスマホを持ち込むことが禁止されたの!
それについて反論の意見が押し寄せる中"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"で返すあたり"THINGS NEED CHANGE"で大人だけじゃなくて子どもたちにもしっかりと考えさせるあたり、Only in NZ。

Kainga Ora関連のニュースの一部 | News

National, なんかめっさノリにノッてない?
"We've delivered all 49actions in our 100 days plan"とはまたこれ絶好調だな。

1. Stop work on the Income Insurance Scheme.
2. Stop work on Industry Transformation Plans.
3. Stop work on the Lake Onslow pumped hydro scheme.
4. Begin efforts to double renewable energy production, including a NPS on Renewable Electricity
5. Withdraw central government from Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM).
6. Meet with councils and communities to establish regional requirements for recovery from Cyclone
Gabrielle and other recent major flooding events.
7. Make any additional Orders in Council needed to speed up cyclone and flood recovery efforts.
8. Start reducing public sector expenditure, including consultant and contractor expenditure.
9. Introduce legislation to narrow the Reserve Bank’s mandate to price stability.
10. Introduce legislation to remove the Auckland Fuel Tax.
11. Cancel fuel tax hikes.
12. Begin work on a new GPS reflecting the new Roads of National Significance and new public
transport priorities.
13. Repeal the Clean Car Discount scheme by 31 December 2023.
14. Stop blanket speed limit reductions and start work on replacing the Land Transport Rule: Setting
of Speed Limits 2022.
15. Stop central government work on the Auckland Light Rail project.
16. Repeal the Fair Pay Agreement legislation.
17. Introduce legislation to restore 90-day trial periods for all businesses.
18. Start work to improve the quality of regulation.
19. Begin work on a National Infrastructure Agency.
20. Introduce legislation to repeal the Water Services Entities Act 2022.
21. Repeal the Spatial Planning and Natural and Built Environment Act and introduce a fast-track
consenting regime.
22. Begin to cease implementation of new Significant Natural Areas and seek advice on operation of the areas.
23. Take policy decisions to amend the Overseas Investment Act 2005 to make it easier for build-to-rent housing to be developed in New Zealand.
24. Begin work to enable more houses to be built, by implementing the Going for Housing Growth policy and making the Medium Density Residential Standards optional for councils.
25. Abolish the previous Government’s prisoner reduction target.
26. Introduce legislation to ban gang patches, stop gang members gathering in public, and stop known gang offenders from communicating with one another.
27. Give Police greater powers to search gang members for firearms and make gang membership an
aggravating factor at sentencing.
28. Stop taxpayer funding for section 27 cultural reports.
29. Introduce legislation to extend eligibility to offence-based rehabilitation programmes to remand
30. Begin work to crack down on serious youth offending.
31. Enable more virtual participation in court proceedings.
32. Begin to repeal and replace Part 6 of the Arms Act 1983 relating to clubs and ranges.
33. Stop all work on He Puapua.
34. Improve security for the health workforce in hospital emergency departments.
35. Sign an MoU with Waikato University to progress a third medical school.
36. By 1 December 2023, lodge a reservation against adopting amendments to WHO health regulations to allow the government to consider these against a "national interest test".
37. Require primary and intermediate schools to teach an hour of reading, writing and maths per day starting in 2024.
38. Ban the use of cellphones in school.
39. Appoint an Expert Group to redesign the English and maths curricula for primary school students.
40. Begin disestablishing Te Pukenga.
41. Begin work on delivering better public services and strengthening democracy.
42. Set five major targets for health system, including for wait times and cancer treatment.
43. Introduce legislation to disestablish the Māori Health Authority.
44. Take first steps to extend free breast cancer screening to those aged up to 74.
45. Repeal amendments to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 and regulations.
46. Allow the sale of cold medication containing pseudoephedrine.
47. Begin work to repeal the Therapeutics Products Act 2023.
48. Establish a priority one category on the social housing waitlist to move families out of emergency housing into permanent homes more quickly.
49. Commission an independent review into Kãinga Ora's financial situation, procurement, and asset management.

Greenを支持する女の子が"I F▅▅ HATE YOU"言うてくれてるけど、GreenはGreenで不法移民まで合法にすべきとかちょっと何言ってるかわかんないから。

NZ History | TikTok

でもさ、Kainga Ora(Public housing)のTenantsの事件を見てたらそれはそれで怖い。
Aisyaが公園で知り合ったMumは子ども5人のシングルマザーで、Cash jobを副業にしながら週1,000ドル以上を得て生活してるのが気に入らん言うてたけど、この国の手当ってうっすいし、そのくらいせんとこのニュージーランドで5人の子どもを育てるって無理ゲー。

注文してたCatholic viel, カトリックベールが届いた!
«the Rosary»でお祈りの回数数える玩具やつだから。




