
"I have 11 siblings, but I want one or two children."


I am learning English online every day. I practice grammar and occasionally interview my teachers and blog.

Today, I interviewed a Filipino teacher who was introduced to me by a Japanese person who came to know him while studying abroad.

The teacher is currently 24 years old. When I asked, "I'd like to interview you, what's the theme?" The answer he picked was his family. Is his attitude toward family very similar to that of the Japanese?

grammar=文法、occasionally=時々、 abroad=留学、currently=現在、I'd like to=~したいと思います(丁寧な表現)、attitude toward family=家族への向き合い方(考え方)

If all the relatives gather, it may reach 50 people or individual!


He has 11 siblings! They are four men plus seven sisters,the total 11 siblings. He said he was the youngest of the brothers, and the top brother was 47. What is his family like?

I used to fight with my siblings when I was a child about little things,But  when  we grow up older and matured,we realized fighting is not good. We are helping each other and building a very good relationship. "

His family consists of 12 people, including his father and mother. If you include all your relatives ... there are nearly 50! He has so many relatives!

individual=個々の、sibling=(性別を区別しない)きょうだい、including=~を含めて、fight=戦う・ケンカする、each other=お互いに、building a very good relationship=良い関係を築く、consists=成る、 relatives=相関的な・関係のある(親類関係)

"One of my sisters has seven children, and the other siblings have six, six, four, two ... so many children.

One of my nieces is 21 years old, but she already has two children! She had a child when she was 18 years old. She has not graduated from high school. She's a mom with two kids right now. I'm still 24 years old and single.

When all the relatives gather at home, the house is full of people. Some children are crying, some are naughty, and some are quarreling because there are some small children. Some are laughing. It's very lively and fun when all the relatives come together. ''

niece=姪、graduate=卒業する、right now=今まさに、relatives=親類、gather=集まる、naughty=いたずらな、quarrel=口喧嘩、 lively=活発な

I want to get married someday, but now I have to save and save money!


What does he himself think of marriage?

"I want to get married, but I'm saving money now. It's hard to get married without money. I have to earn my family's living expenses when I get married. I guess I can't get married right away, and I still have to enjoy my life right now. "

He has been with her since he was a student. What does she think about marriage?

"I'm planning to marry her in the future, but she knows I can't get married right now."

get married=~と結婚する、saving money=節約、without=~なしに、 earn=稼ぐ、living expenses=生活費、guess=推測する、right away=正しい、 right now=今まさに、be planning to=計画している(つもりだ)、in the future=将来的に

Maybe they are realistic for marriage. He grows up in a big family, but do you want children if you get married?

"I want kids, two are best, or one is fine, because their education is expensive. Max is three. If I have a lot of children, I can't afford to susutain my family."

He has many siblings and he is the youngest, so his thinking is very realistic. There are many people in the Philippines who value their families very much, but there are also young people who are cherishing and thinking about real life today. I have heard such stories from several people.

Maybe=たとえば、realistic=現実主義の、grow up=成長する、education=教育、expensive=高い、afford=余裕がある、sibling=兄弟、value=価値、cherish=大事にする、hear=聞く、several=数名の

He is currently 24 years old. I hear that many people in the Philippines are getting married at the age of 25 or 26, but he hasn't decided yet.

In Japan, women marry around the age of 30, and men marry around the age of 35. With that in mind, he may be 24 years old and still feel he is getting married and having his own family.

I would like to hear his story if I have another chance.

currently=現在、decided=はっきりとした、 yet=まだ、With that in mind=このことを念頭において、his own family=彼自身の家族



Today, I interviewed a Filipino teacher who was introduced to me by a Japanese person who came to know while studying abroad.→to know him while
If all the relatives gather, maybe 50 people!→If all the relatives gather, it may reach 50 people or individual!
There are three men including him and seven women.→They are four men plus seven sisters,the total 11 siblings.
the top brother=eldest brother
"I used to fight when I was a child, because it's a little bit of a fight, but since I've grown up, each of us thinks it's good. I'm helping each other and building a very good relationship. ""→I used to fight with my siblings when I was a child about little things,But  when  we grow up older and matured,we realized fighting is not good. We are helping each other and building a very good relationship. "
His family consists of 12 people, including his father and mother. If you include all your relatives ... there are nearly 50! He has so many relatives!→His family consists of 13 people, including his father and mother. If you include all your relatives ... there are nearly 50! He has so many relatives!
they are full of people.→the house is full of people.
What do she think about marriage?→What does she think about marriage?
If I have a lot of children, I can't afford to make money."→to susutain my family(家族を維持する余裕がない)
so his thinking is very realistic. →so his thought is very realistic.

