
American Culture Studies Seminar Lunch Time Talks

神奈川大学外国語学部英語英文学科です。学科の先生によるコラムマガジン「Professors’ Showcase」。今回は、英語学が専門で、ゼミではアメリカ文化学を教授されているレイモンド・ヤスダ先生によるゼミ活動のご紹介 "Seminar Showcase: American Culture Studies Seminar Lunch Time Talks” です!

In my seminar, students research about issues regarding race, gender, discrimination, and diversity in America. The seminar is conducted in English, but students of various language proficiency are able to participate actively. In the Spring semester, students formed groups of 3 to investigate a current issue in the US that they felt was important. The groups then prepared a 20-minute English presentation similar to a TED Talk.

前学期にLanguage Commons とコラボし、2回に分けて昼休みに18Fのプレゼンフィールドで3人1組のグループプレゼンテーション(1組20分)をおこないました。TEDを参考にしました。

The objective was to raise awareness of important current issues amongst students at Kanagawa University. The students chose a variety of interesting topics related to gender, racial discrimination, media, drugs, and immigration.

The presentations were held during lunch period during the last 2 weeks of the semester and was open to all 1st and 2nd year students in the Department of English. It was a wonderful opportunity for the seminar students to demonstrate their English language skills and to educate their fellow students about important cultural issues.





