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*Please read this article with the understanding that it is "my case" and "my personal opinion".

I was lethargic and did not even want to take a bath.

During my stay in the hospital for treatment of depression, I think I had very little energy compared to other patients. I did not want to read newspapers, watch TV, or read books, and I had no interest in any of the occupational therapy provided by the hospital. For example, calligraphy, music appreciation, simple craft work, etc.

My family gave me a notebook and told me to write whatever I wanted. But I didn't know what to write, so I did my best to write what I ate, as my family suggested, once, and that was the last time. My writing was distorted and it looked as if it was not my own handwriting.

Normally I like to take pictures with my smart phone, but during my depression treatment I only took a few pictures of my dog. I had no interest in anything and even forgot to smile for about a year.

While I was in the hospital, patients told me that depression can make you not want to take baths.

While I was in the hospital I bathed three times a week, but when I left the hospital and my depression got worse I could hardly bathe myself.

When I left the hospital, I was even less motivated to do anything because there were no rules. I would only shower once a week. I thought that was fine because I didn't go outside. I literally couldn't be bothered to wash my hair or pour hot water on my body.

Sometimes when I had to go outside, I felt really heavy and my clothes were a mess. I mean when I went to the hospital, when I went for an examination, when I went to an acupuncture clinic that my brother introduced me to, and so on.

What I am trying to say is that it is normal for people with depression to dress badly and not be able to take a bath. So when it happens, you don't have to think, "I'm so uncool and pathetic.

As the depression goes away, it will gradually improve. Think of it as one of the symptoms of temporary depression.

It doesn't matter if you don't try hard to keep up with the world's news.

When I was depressed, I lost interest in everything and at the same time, I was afraid that I would be left behind in the world.

I had a hard time watching TV and the Internet. I think it was hard for me to see people going about their normal lives. Furthermore, my brain function was impaired and I could not understand the news.

Therefore, I blocked out all information from the world.

While I was recovering from depression, a new era of "Reiwa" began in the world, plastic bags at convenience stores became chargeable, the prime minister changed, a new train station was built, and a pandemic broke out.

I am not familiar with the public reaction at that time. Because I had blocked out all information.

Therefore, when I recovered from my depression and returned to society, I was anxious because I felt as if I was stepping into a world I did not know. In fact, nothing went wrong.

Just the other day, I found out that the new station sign was in Mincho font, which I thought was interesting and decided to tweet about it, but when I looked it up, I realized that many people had already tweeted about it at the time, so I decided not to. It's not a big deal.

If you are suffering from depression, you do not need to try hard to learn about the world.

Instead, I recommend taking a walk to retain your strength!

Depression makes it impossible to go out because of the lack of motivation. My physical strength decreased because I slept most of the day except for stepping on the spot.

Because of my decreased physical strength, I once fell down in the middle of nowhere and hit my face, injuring myself.

Please continue to "get some sun and take a walk" as much as you can. It is important for your physical and mental health. When you are not able to move, just going out on the balcony makes a big difference. That's what I did.

To be continued in the next article.

(Translator : Masanori Ando

