
Koneido@Tsukuba ShoppingあさのいちAsanoichi 6/1

Hello everyone!I'm Koneido(康寧堂)。I'm Japanese poet who compose
classic Chinese poetry.
yesterday I open the store on ”Asanoichi”market.
I open a store since last spring.
this market open first Saturday by month.
I recommend this market to shopping of Tsukuba city environs.

That day I brought stamp of "vegetable" "Sushi" and ”wine".

This day stamp of Sushi salmon roe sold in first. Thank you!

Next, rose postcard is sold. Thank you!

In other tuna Sushi stamp is sold. Thank you!

And, beer grass and carrot stamp is sold . Thank you!

In last , conger eel Sushi and Sake cup stamp is sold. Thank you!

thanks to everyone, I get many sales. thank you very much!

Koneido effort to exhibition and sale of Japan or China art work.
In third Saturday, let's coming "あさのいちAsanoichi" !
