
営業の大切な7つの心得〜その4「売り込み」をしない〜Seven Important Principles for Sales: Part 4: Don't "push"


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced the 7 important things to keep in mind for salespeople from "The Complete Guide to Working in Sales" - Part 3: Change how you use your time. The idea was to reduce overtime and come to work 30 minutes earlier the next morning. If you're interested, please check out that article. This time, I'll introduce some excerpts from the title of the article.


”Anyone who has done even a little bit of sales activity knows that visiting without an appointment doesn't work for new customers. You might also think about making an appointment over the phone, but the reality is that even that is difficult. Customers these days just don't answer the phone. That said, telemarketing is based on the principle of numbers, and there is a certain probability of success. However, customers who are forced to buy will be less satisfied.”


”Naturally, there will be a lot of complaints and cancellations, and no referrals will come. Furthermore, if you continue to do this, your sales staff will become exhausted and quit one after another. Nowadays, anyone can disseminate information. If you have even the slightest unpleasant experience, someone will post something like, "XX company's sales style is the worst. You should be careful." First, be aware of the "sales style that you don't like being done." And if your customers have evolved, then your "sales style needs to evolve too."


What did you all think? This is the fourth important thing to keep in mind when selling. I personally think this is the most important thing. No one feels good when they are being sold to. If you don't lose sight of the true essence of sales and think about whether it is truly in the customer's interest, you will surely be successful. Recently, there have been many different ways to acquire leads, so it's time to update your sales style. I hope this article was of some help to you. Until next time. Thank you.


