What will the patent office do! "Wake up Examiner!! "Will it continue this year?" It is about granting a patent through a sloppy and poor "examination" (search).
The plaintiff's claim was dismissed (Plaintiff = Pilot Ink's rights invalid). This is the 312th case to be declared "invalid" by the Intellectual Property High Court.
Partial cancellation of the decision (defendant = Mitsuba's rights are partially invalid). This is the 309th case in which the Intellectual Property High Court has ruled that "rights are partially invalid."
The plaintiff's claim was dismissed (Plaintiff = Wirtgen GmbH's rights are invalid). This is the 125th revised case in which the Intellectual Property High Court has found the rights invalid.
The appellant's appeal is dismissed (the plaintiff's rights are invalid). This is the seventh revision of a case in which the Intellectual Property High Court has found the rights invalid.