
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」01 okujyou jum'v'oyage『序』(壱)-1


















「午後の授業、宿題有ったんだ、忘れてた! みんな、やってきた? 今やってる? だよねー」













アザラシC「うそ! あたしもテニスの昼練、どーでもいいんだけど。先輩たちうるさいから行ってくる。では、仲良くカップルで(意味深な笑みを浮かべて)」ぼちゃん。

アザラシD「げほっ、ごほっ。私体調悪いからこれで帰る。あ。(思い出したかのように)先言っとく、げほっ、これ仮病じゃないから、じゃ! (ほてってのぼせた顔で、しかしさも嬉しげに)」ぼちゃん。
















































































「何、何があったの? ケンカ、先生の嫌がらせ攻撃、体育の時間の軽い虐待、ハブる感じのイジメ、試験全滅、はまだ早いかな」











「いい名前。ミノルは教室の教壇の上にスカートひるがえして仁王立ちし、すべての者達に叫んだ。『こんなことやってられるか。お前達、目を覚ませ! この学校が、世の中がくだらない、腐った場所だってことに、早く気づけ! 










「何でこんなところにいるの? 確かに、いきなり屋上に来たわたしは確かに変かも。だけどそれなら、そっちはなおさら変でしょ」




























NEXT: 完全版Full Stories ↓   屋上版だけRooftop only↓↓ 

(Awful Eng”r”ish translation )

Let's go on an amazing trip that people would envy.

The classroom is noisy at lunchtime. While observing the people who are the source of the noise, I noticed something.
 If you have time, please listen to me, though it's not much of a story.
 I think that people in my class are generally divided into about five or six different groups. However, my junior high school is a co-ed school, so I don't know about girls' or boys' schools.
 First, girls. In the center of the classroom, a group of bright, healthy, honor students form a circle. The way they gather and the way they are received by the teachers is perfect, perfect, perfect. But they don't just study; they are also involved in club activities. Her hair color is dark brown, even when she changes it. She is popular with the boys, and is the most girly of the group. But they are also the noisiest. In a fairy tale world, they would be like a group of hummingbirds, fawns, and puppies in the forest.
 On the window side, away from the chalkboard, are a group of slightly more flamboyant girls. Blonde and light brown hair, skirts that almost show off their pants, beige cardigans, and maybe even pedicures, though I can't see them. I'm one of the loudest girls at my school, but for my age, I'm still a little more loud than normal. The fellowship is surprisingly strong. They are all dressed the same, like some kind of special forces.
 And the boys. Near the blackboard by the window are the vivacious sports boys. They are sitting at their desks, chewing bread. They are messing with their hair a little, but it is a calculated lightness, and the teacher says to them, "You guys look like ......," but it doesn't hurt their popularity. The leaders of class events are usually chosen from this group and the small animal band group. They are nice and normal, and go out to play basketball in the gymnasium without even eating. Whether they are good with me or not is another matter.
 Opposite the blackboard, by the wall that is neither on the corridor side nor on the aisle side, there are some "fake delinquents" hanging out. Their hair is shaggy silver, their accessories are silver, and they seem to be trying their best. But they are trying their best at the sports and cultural festivals. But if they are participating in sports festivals and cultural festivals while saying they are "lazy," they are not yet in the realm of a "slacker street gang. He is not even flashy enough to stand out from the rest of the class. Well, maybe that's what makes them so cute.
 On the corridor side, near the podium, a group of indoor enthusiasts are talking about video games and comic books. They don't seem to have anything to do with youth, but they are surprisingly friendly. Among the group of boys, they sometimes have the highest average grades. As classmates, they are pleasant people. They remind me of the tree people in the forest that you might see in a fairy tale. But there is another way of thinking that they are just easy to deal with.
 Now, which of these groups do I belong to?
 I am not playing the role of a lone wolf or a brilliant woman. It is true that I look cool that way.
 I'm rather near the window, but I can't see the damn sky, I'm halfway away from the blackboard, and I'm slightly off the back wall. There is no calculated charm of the army of superior little animals in the center of the classroom, and there is not as much teeny-weeny-ness as the "normal" guys. I won't say "lack of feeling," in case it is to their credit.
 Our group, or at least our cohesion, consists of roughly five or six people. If I had to venture to give them a characteristic, it would be that they have no features.
 The outfits are plain. No one has changed the color of their hair (some of the girls have naturally light-colored brown eyes), and the length of their hair is above their earlobes and below their shoulder blades. I don't think they have holes in their ears. I don't feel even the obnoxious teacher in charge of public morals is paying attention to me. But that doesn't mean I'm seen as a "desirable model middle-schooler," just a safe bet. I don't want to be praised by such a routine person, but I hate it far more than being scolded.
 However, I don't think it's wrong to be a safe bet. I'm a good student, a good athlete, and when there is an event, I do my part, albeit modestly. He obeys the rules moderately and reads the atmosphere. Club activities are tennis, calligraphy, and cooking clubs twice a week, and I don't play track, volleyball, or brass band six times a week. Lunch breaks are spent in a very leisurely, laid-back manner.
"I'm tired of afternoon classes.
It's a beautiful day, I'm going to sleep.
I forgot I had homework for afternoon class! Have you done it, everyone? Are you doing it now? I know, right?
 This is the kind of unimportant exchange. It's not crumbling and rotting, but it's sloppy and loose. And it was not uncomfortable. Such were the days.
 I don't want to be called a sloth.
 I imagined the seals, including myself, lying around and basking in this grouping. Cats are cuter when it comes to basking, but we don't have that kind of independence and egoism that should be respected, or so I thought.
 It was soon after the change of the school year that I noticed a change from those days.
I'm sorry, I have a club meeting today, so please have lunch separately.
 These words came out of everyone's mouth.
 Of course, the reason changed from person to person and from time to time. Meetings turned into lunchtime practices, grade committee meetings, and so on.
 Whenever I hear these words, I imagine them on my own while making appropriate responses such as "yes," "I understand," or "I understand.
 A thin overcast but calm day in the Antarctic Circle, on an iceberg. One of the seals in the pool greets its mate with its tail fin and dives into the deep blue sea. Bo-chan. The seals on the iceberg begin to bask again, as if nothing had happened. And the basking would continue, even if the number of people, the shape, and the location changed. That is what I thought.
 But the day came suddenly.
Seal A "Sorry everyone (clasping his hands in front of his face), we have a committee meeting today, so please have lunch without me.
Seal B "Actually, I have to go to the art club's lunch meeting, too, because the regular exhibition is coming up. I'm sorry, but the three of us, right? (raises glasses and says "hi")" Bo-chan.
Seal C: "No way! I don't care about the tennis lunch meeting either. The seniors are noisy, so I'm going. Then, let's be a friendly couple (smiles meaningfully)" Bo-chan.
Seal D "Geez, Goho. I'm not feeling well, so I'm leaving now. Ah. (As if remembering) I'll tell you first, Goho, this is not a temporary illness, okay? (with a hot, flushed face, but looking happy)" Bo-chan.
 D, you're a sickly genius with a fake illness, I thought, looking around the classroom and noticing something strange. Like a black fish mixed in with a school of red fish, like a green leaf of a masterpiece left alone on a tree the day after a storm, like a seed of cotton wool left alone in a fresh spring breeze.
 In the classroom, there were five groups like a castle, tightly built.
 What should we do? Would seals really be included in the small-animal band of the forest? Would civilian seals with a relaxed, peaceful mindset be allowed in the open, but actually strictly disciplined, Foreign Legion?
 I came to a conclusion within a few seconds.
I pretended to remember and walked out of the classroom to the corridor.
 I feel terrible about myself at times like this. I was not the worst, but I was the worst.
 No one is in the hallway, that's a given. Everyone is spending their lunch break in their own places.
 I hate everything. There may be a better way to put it, but I can't think of it. I am also annoyed at my lack of ability to express myself.
 Outside the window, the sky is clear again today. I involuntarily make that expression as I look out the window. And that one.
 Next to the sky, a girl was watching me from the rooftop.
 It's too late.
 The next thing I knew, the girl was looking down at me from the rooftop of the school with the face she most didn't want to be seen with.
 I think everyone has a face they don't want to be seen with. That is why I intentionally looked out the window from the hallway where no one was around.
 And yet, she was able to see my expression.
 She was about my age or a year older than me. She had a well-defined face and long, slender arms and legs. Her naturally dark hair was straight and extended just below her shoulders. But all these elements are natural and not excessive. Her plain outfit of a navy blue sweater, a plaid skirt 5 cm above the knee, and high socks seems to make her look that way.
 It may sound too typical, but I thought she was a beautiful girl. She looks like the kind of girl that the teacher in charge of public morals would make a "maru" out of both of her hands.
 She was probably laughing at my face, especially at my canine teeth. I was about to get angry at her for being rude when I realized what was happening.
 I wondered if I could enter the rooftop. I heard that the rules forbid it, but I wondered what it was really like.
 Curiosity got the better of the rules. It was lunchtime, and I had no other plans. More than anything else, I wanted to give him a sarcastic smack in return for seeing his face. Let's go outside.
 The classroom is on the third floor, and the second floor, down the stairs, is the classroom of the lower class students. I went downstairs and headed for the front door, looking at the bright and noisy atmosphere. I slipped on a pair of battered but well-worn sneakers from the shoe box and stepped outside.
 For safety reasons, the door to the stairway leading to the rooftop cannot be opened from inside the school building. It is supposed to be an emergency exit, but I don't know what they do in case of an earthquake or fire. It seems strange, though.
 I proceeded, avoiding the weeds that tickled my knees and the distinctive smell of the earth that tingled in my nose.
 The fire escape that came into view was an open space from the inside of the school building, but from the outside it was just a rusty skeleton.
 We climbed up the old off-limits staircase, which had neither a roof nor an outer wall. The sound of the staircase's "kan-kan" sounded like an alternating "welcome" and "don't come in".
 I went up the stairs to the second floor, then to the third floor, and so on, until I reached the fourth floor, the rooftop, which is not used in the school curriculum.
 The rooftop, which I saw for the first time, was more orderly than I expected. The asphalt, 15 meters wide and 40 meters deep, was of a dark-colored asphalt, separated by lines like rubber gaskets every 5 meters or so. 

And almost in the center of the rooftop, there was a girl.

She was meditating, looking up at the sky, in the pose of the third beat of the deep breathing part of Radio Gymnastics 1.
 She was trying to feel, or maybe I should say she was trying to feel. She is a beautiful girl, after all, and I'd give her a 95. Of course, the five point deduction was for the rudeness of laughing at my secret expression.
 Now was my chance, so I approached her without being noticed and suddenly said, "I'm sorry to bother you on your day off, but I've got to go.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your vacation, but I have a few words to say.
 I approach with the feeling of an assassin.
 Suddenly, a breeze blew through the air as if to lift me off the ground.
 I was flustered and rushed to catch my balance, but it was too late. The bag fell, making a sound somewhere between a thud and a clatter. No good. Just when I thought once again that I was not suited to be an assassin, a girl noticed me.
 She was trying to look at me and something beyond me. I thought there was no such thing.
 The beautiful girl smiled at me and called out in a very clear voice, "Hello boy, how are you?
Hello boy, how are you?
 I had no idea what she was saying, but the question mark that popped into my head turned into words.
What do you mean?
The girl answered cheerfully and pleasantly, as if it were a matter of course.
 I have no idea what is going on here.
 I don't understand this explanation at all. I tried to retort with words, but I couldn't come up with a good phrase. But I tried to be as matter-of-fact as possible and tried to tell her.
I don't know what that means.
"So, nice to meet you.
I'm a woman, but you can tell by looking at me.
"You're not a transvestite, are you?"
I'm not!
 I couldn't help but to stammer. I can't be normal, after all. It seems I'm not cut out to be an assassin.
"Oh, I see. My apologies.
 He apologized with a smile and a lightness that was on the level of the English word "pardon. At this rate, the fact that he had laughed at me when he stole a glance at my face would be brushed off lightly.
 But I couldn't let that stop me.
You laughed when you saw someone's face from the rooftop, right? It's rude to suddenly laugh at someone you've never met. ......
 When my mouth moved that far, I could once again see the rude girl in front of me in more detail.
 She was around 160 cm tall, her uniform was a skirt 5 cm above the knee and a navy blue long-sleeved sweater, both of which looked familiar, and I don't mean ragged.
 I mobilized all my powers of judgment and came up with an answer.
 Oh no, you're a senior, maybe.
"Excuse me, isn't it ......?"
 I heard this kind of thing is called "chicken-heart. I'm a big thinker, but it happens to me all the time, it's terrible.
 But I don't show such feelings on my face.
 I'm sorry.
I see, I'm sorry," the rude girl replied. I'm sorry," the girl replies, still too light to express her feelings.
But," she continued.
But? I asked unintentionally. Hey, myself.
I didn't mean to make fun of her. Because she was cute. I didn't think it was a girl because I could only see her upper body.
 I don't know whether I should be happy, angry, sad, or more than one of those things.
 Or should I laugh?
 Thinking about these things makes my facial expression not quite so bright. Like paint that has become muddy and black because I have mixed too many primary colors on my palette.
 When I kept quiet, he asked me a question to the contrary.
So, did you come here to complain?"
'I don't know,...... I don't know, I kind of went with my gut.
I don't know, I just had a gut feeling. I don't care if you're a senior or not, so just use normal language. I don't know what grade you are.
 The first thing I noticed was that until today I don't remember seeing a rude girl anywhere in the school. But there are nearly 200 students in one grade in this school, so it is not that surprising that some of them have never had any contact with each other. And if it was a seal that had hardly ever left the iceberg, it would be even more so.

Oh, yes," the girl suddenly murmured.

What," the girl suddenly murmurs.
Why did you look like this just now?"
 After saying that, the girl, whose details were unknown, opened her mouth to reveal a set of teeth.
 I don't know why.
 It was supposed to be a strange expression, but for some reason, when the unknown girl does it, it looks so strange. I'm like a bulldog when I do it, but she's like a terrier puppy. Beautiful girls get it. It's frustrating, but it's the natural order of things.
I was frustrated. That's all."
What, what happened? I'm not sure if it's too early to say: fights, harassing attacks by teachers, mild abuse in gym class, bullying that made me feel like a victim of bullying, and the annihilation of my examinations.
 The girl asks the details lightly and happily. It's not the same as saying it's someone else's problem. It's as if she's saying that whatever happens, it's okay.
 I could have just nodded my head in agreement with any of the reasons given, which is what I usually do. But now I don't want to.
It's all different. It's just that a good friend of mine happened to be gone."
 I said it clearly. How about that?
 The girl with no details looked at me with an audible pause, thought about the meaning of her words, and after exactly ten seconds, answered, "Cool.
Cool. You're a heroine, not a lone heroine.
I don't understand why you would react that way. I don't understand.
 Before I could say, "I don't know," I was interrupted by a word.
The actuality of the fact that the actual heroine is a heroine is not really a surprise. But she couldn't stand the inertia of her life, so she - I prefer to use a name here. You, what's your name?" A one-way flow of words that seems to break the dam.
Minoru, but" What am I answering myself?
A good name. Minoru stood on the classroom podium in a skirt-flip-down position and shouted to all and sundry, "I can't do this. I can't do this. You people need to wake up! You've got to wake up and realize that this school is a rotten place, and that the world is a rotten place!
 Until then, I'm going on a journey.
Let's go.
I don't want to. I mean, don't make up your own character. And, it's not fair that I've asked you for your name.
 I glanced at him. The wind blew with such force that it ruffled my short, boyish hair.
 The unidentified girl stared up at the sky for a while. The wind slowly decreased. At the same time, I looked at her and answered with a smile, "Ninety-five points, full points minus my jealousy.
My name is Shiki. My name is Shiki.
 But still, there was no room for error. The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your friends and family. But I cut her off.
I tried to keep my voice as low as possible.
Why are you here? It's true that it might be strange for me to suddenly come to the rooftop. But then, you are even weirder, aren't you?
Yes, I am strange.
  I was very tough. The other party's turn continued.
So, it's weird, but I like you.
 And the girl who called herself Shiki, the girl whose details were unknown, pointed above her head.
I don't have to look at her to know that she is not compatible with my way of thinking.
I'm not sure I'd like that. You don't like the sky?
I don't like the sky. It irritates me.
Sunshine, rain, snow?
It's all the same. The weather changes, but the sky is still the sky.
"Hmm. I like sunny days and stormy days. I like both sunny days and stormy days. And this rooftop is a special seat, almost the front row. Minoru," he said,
 Hey, you call me "Minoru" all of a sudden.
If you really didn't like him, you wouldn't be here. I mean, Minoru sounds kind of empty, doesn't it?"
 This time the wind blew gently. The black hair of the girl who called herself "Shiki," the girl whose details are unknown, swayed gently. My short, natural brown hair was not even a hint of fluttering or prettiness.
What do you mean? I thought of a phrase that sounded a bit like something out of a period drama: "I don't want to hear it.
I was a bit like a period drama. For example, there are the five elements, like wind, water, earth, and flower, bird, wind, and moon. There is also "Kacho-fu-getsu" (flower, bird, wind, and moon).
 Shiki, a girl whose details were unknown to me, gave me a vague idea of what she was talking about.
 Each person has his or her own attributes and can be roughly divided by them. Of course, each and every person is different in detail.
 But I am not convinced. If I had to choose a favorite, it would be "fire," which is stronger than anything else and burns everything to the ground. It's not the indefinable "sky," that's for sure.
 Regardless of these thoughts, Shiki continued speaking.
Minoru seems to be 'empty,' after all. You've been fooled, take a look.
 Blue spreads out before your eyes. It seems to be right there, but it is so far away. I'm sure I'm up there, and the guy in the sky is down there, I'm sure of it. And yet, I feel as if I am falling, as if I am being sucked into the blue. It's like watching two mirrors facing each other reflecting each other forever. I feel like I can't get out, and I'm a little scared. But I don't want to show it.
I hate it!"
 I shifted my gaze to the horizon.
I heard Shiki's voice, which didn't sound so disappointed.
 “Shintshin”, the skyscrapers are still standing tall in the sky today.

(Writter:No.4 ヤヤツカ Photo:No.5 ハルナツ Auful translation:Deep L & No.0)



