
My Humorous Japan Part3

Hello, there.
I’d love to share about a book I’m reading today.

This book’s author is Brian W. Powle, who is from Britain and used to be teaching at a university in Japan for many years and used to appear in the English radio program and so on.
This series is a slice of his life in Japan with humor, so I’m enjoying his work.
I have already read part 1 and part 2 and am in the middle of this book now.

Come out

In this book, the author wrote about a Japanese barbershop and mentioned that his colleague had the tonsorial style.
One day, he confessed it was a wig, and about a year later, he decided to ‘come out’ and left his wig at home.
He was nervous about his students’ reaction, but since they were polite, not to mention about that.

Talking about a “wig,” as I worked at a hotel, a service manager wore a black suit and a “wig,” and he sometimes fastened “another” one.
He acted like he had been to a barbershop, but nobody ever asked him, “You got a haircut, right?” or “Did you go to a barbershop?” never once.
I’m sure he didn’t think everyone realized his secret.

Talking about a barbershop, my grandpa used to wash his entire body with one soap except for his teeth since he had no hair on his head, but he often went to a barbershop and paid the proper fee.
I wish they had a discount for the people like my grandpa.

That’s all for today, and see you around.
