


みなさんも1度は見たことがあるかもしれませんが世界中のホットな話題から、今まで考えたこともないような話題などさまざまな学術的な話題をテーマに世界中の人々がプレゼンテーションをしているのがオンラインで見れるTEDというウェブサイトがあるのですが、今回はTEDで見つけたWhat it’s like to be a war refugee に関してのお話を書いていきたいと思います。せっかくなのでそのプレゼンを英語でアウトライン形式で書こうと思います〜!


(https://www.ted.com/talks/zarlasht_halaimzai_what_it_s_like_to_be_a_war_refugee )

What it's like to be a war refugee

Background of being war refugee (Afghan)

  • She was born in war, and war the sound was an everyday thing

  • They left home (the war is still continuing)

  • Her friends and grandma is still there, she still wants to be back home

  • 1996, taliban took over > she went to US with her family

After she came to UK (25 years have passed)

  • War leaves physical legacy > even after they managed to get out, it still affect them

  • Dream = being safe such as going to go shopping, sending their kids to school safely without worry not being rich etc

  • Fear could destroy social bonds ( because of pain, constant ache, nightmares, overwhelming emotions)


  • Some major diseases such as cancer, and heart diseases are linked to the war

  • PTSD, depession

  • More soldiers are dead by those than being killed in combat after 9/11

Community for mental health ( she supports that )

  • Feeling safe and unseen is the foundation to overcome

  • Reconnect others by art, dance, story telling, mindfulness, are important for those people

  • Respect everyone there, and acknowledge the trauma

  • Community where you feel safe, worthy helps to feel to be reconnected

  • Understanding how violence and war can affect people

What is important to make the future better

  • Demand for the government to stop investing to the war (drones and weapons) > by voting

  • Feel safe =begin to cure = start of a new life

  • Good neighbor could be helpful for the wounds from war ( mentally)

  • Joy and belonging is helpful

> she experienced that her neighbor came to her house almost every after school to do drawings, she had a good time at school and learned how to sing a song. > That still helps her to go through the dark days.

What I think and how I feel after the speech 私の感想

Lately this topic is more focused all over the world because of the war between Ukraine and Russia. However, we always need to be aware that war and conflicts are normal in the world and many people are suffered and killed. I honestly have never thought about the refugees who are escaped from the war zones. Or, maybe it is better to say that they got peaceful life finally, and they should be happy after they start to adjust their new life there. Because of that I was so shocked that they still want to go back to their home other than seeing their family or friends, or they still have to suffer from the trauma enough to bother to create a community and have a “normal life “ with others. Even their dream is just to be safe or not think about the fear, which is normal and unbelievable for people who only have been in safe places. War is not only to kill people and make peoples’ lives hard but to keep affecting people for many years, perhaps rest of their life. We all should think about the war and actively listen to stories like her. At least we need to be aware of this.

