

PBS NewsHour May 16, 2023

このnoteの目的は、アメリカのニュース番組が理解出来るようになる方法を伝えることです。その方法とは、英語字幕を読みながら英語ニュースを毎日見続けること。 こんな感じです(サンプルのスクリーンショット)




また、このnoteや字幕ファイルでは、辞書を調べても分からないような英語表現を説明しています(辞書を引けば分かる言葉は、自分で調べてください)。辞書に載ってないような表現、辞書にあっても意味がたくさんありすぎてどれなのか分からない言葉、文脈の中で特殊な使われ方をしている言葉、背景の知識がないと分からない部分、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現、知っていると訳に立ちそうな表現などを説明しています(書き加えた説明は[* ……] )。


■ 英語字幕ファイルのダウンロード 

  • [PBS NewsHour May 16, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード

■ 動画サイトへのリンク


[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[03:01]★今日のおすすめ★ デフォルトは回避できるか 債務上限引き上げを巡る駆け引き バイデン大統領は外遊日程を短縮

[07:43] And I think we're still going to face a stare-down [** staredown = a confrontation in which each party waits for the other to yield (wiktionary) にらみ合い ] , but they're happy today that now, from their point of view, the real negotiations are starting.

[11:07] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[13:36] CHRIS VAN HOLLEN (D-MD): Do you really think that taking -- getting a bonus of $1.5 million, given the showing [** = performance, record ] in 2022 in just a short time before the total collapse of the bank, do you believe you deserve that?

[14:11] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Four senators on that committee have proposed legislation that would claw back [** = to recover money that has been paid out or disbursed, especially by a government agency (thefreedictionary) ] executive pay within five years of a bank's failure.

[15:08]★今日のおすすめ★ AI規制に関する上院公聴会 参考人として証言したGary Marcusに聞く

[16:23] AI technology can also generate remarkably realistic images or audio known as deepfakes [** ディープフェイク   以前の番組に詳しく出てきました ] in an instant, like this one of Pope Francis sporting a coat he never wore.

[20:23] And I keep thinking of Donald Rumsfeld's quote about unknown unknowns [** < There are unknown unknowns. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_are_unknown_unknowns ] . We don't really know the scope of it.

[26:03]★今日のおすすめ★ キング牧師の新しい伝記『King: A Life』 著者のJonathan Eigへのインタビュー キング牧師のマルコムX批判は事実ではない 間違った引用の背景にあったものは何か

[34:37] 教員養成に「徒弟制度」

[36:53] The student teaching [** = 辞書に「教育実習」という訳があったが、次のサイトを読むと、その継続期間から考えても少し違うものと思われる。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_teaching ] in the last year is typically unpaid. It's a barrier for many would-be teachers.

[37:43] DAVID DONALDSON: Whether parents, tutors, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, paraprofessionals, folks who have a heart [** heart = 熱意,関心,興味 ] for teaching, who, if simply given the opportunity -- and, usually, what this means is removing the financial barrier -- would make an excellent teacher if given the chance.

[41:58] トークショー司会者Andy Cohenの新刊本『The Daddy Diaries: The Year I Grew Up』 本人へのインタビュー 二児の父親としての自分を語る

[41:58] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Best known as a talk show host and the bright and shining face of Bravo TV, Andy Cohen is opening up [** to open up = to reveal oneself; to share personal information about oneself (wiktionary) ] in a new book about his latest adventure, life as the father of two kids.

[44:01] I was writing the book during -- everyone says terrible twos [** = (informal) a developmental stage in toddlers, normally occurring around the age of two, involving refusals and temper tantrums (wiktionary) ] , but it's really terrible threes.

[44:46] AMNA NAWAZ: How are you different now than you were before?
ANDY COHEN: Oh, my gosh. Starting in the happy way, I mean, I'm just more grounded [** = mentally and emotionally stable : admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious (Merriam-Webster) ] of a person.

[45:29] ANDY COHEN: Well, producing a show about a group of politically incorrect, outspoken women...
WOMAN: That's my opinion!
ANDY COHEN: ... in 2023, in the age of cancel culture [** = the cultural phenomenon of publicly shaming, rejecting, and ceasing to provide support to people, companies, stores, etc. that are deemed unacceptable, and calling on others to boycott them. 「キャンセル・カルチャー」。 see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancel_culture ] and people being offended by things you didn't know you could be offended by is a challenge.

[48:38] ANDY COHEN: Well, I think it's a distraction from what's really going on, and it's a way to fire up your base. Let's hate on [** to hate on = (slang) to criticize or dislike someone or somethings, especially for petty, vindictive, or ill-informed reasons; to ridicule, insult, or act hatefully toward ] the trans community and drag queens, two marginalized groups of people.

[50:10] いつもより南で見られるオーロラ

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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