

PBS News Weekend May 7, 2023




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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:52] 今日の主要ニュース

[06:22]★今日のおすすめ★ LGBTの若者が抱える心の問題 調査結果から明らかに 反LGBT法の影響か LGBTの若者の声を聞いたあと専門家(児童・思春期精神科医Jack Turban)にインタビュー 

[07:59] I live in a pretty purple area  [* blue stateは民主党支持者が多い州、redは共和党、purpleは青と赤が入り混じったその中間。反LGBT法は共和党主導の州議会で作られる ]  when it comes to politics and I have both been openly supported and openly called slurs at my school.

[10:35] You know, I think it's worth pausing for right here and ask you to explain gender dysphoria, what gender dysphoria is.
>> [* gender dysphoriaとは何かの説明 ] Yeah. So, gender dysphoria refers to somebody having a gender identity, so, the psychological sense of their gender that's different from their sex assigned at birth, so, what was written on their birth certificate, essentially.

[11:29] So they're hearing things, especially the trans youth, like your identity is a mental illness. You are dangerous to other kids on your elementary school sports teams or you're a sexual predator. There's tons of data that none of that stuff is true, obviously, but the kids hear it constantly and it seeps into their subconscious. What if I am just mentally ill? What if I am dangerous? And you can see how that kind of gaslighting [* to gaslight = to manipulate someone such that they doubt their own memory, perceptions of reality, or sanity, typically for malevolent reasons (wiktionary) ] can really worsen mental health, especially if they don't have anyone to talk to about it.

[15:15]★今日のおすすめ★ アフガン人の米国への亡命申請 AI翻訳の誤訳で拒絶の可能性 命の危険も この問題を報じた記者(Rest of WorldのAndrew Deck)と難民への翻訳支援団体幹部職員(Respond Crisis TranslationのLeila Lorenzo)に聞く

[18:15] I think that we've seen a variety of problems with the translation technology, for example, with the CBP One app [* 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] that's used at the border, there's only a few number of languages that can be used English, Spanish and in some cases Haitian Creole.

[22:51] 5月はアジア・太平洋諸島系アメリカ人歴史遺産月間 オリンピック水泳金メダリストでサーファーのDuke Kahanamoku

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News

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