

■今日の動画:PBS News Weekend May 18, 2024



[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

冒頭の動画をダウンロードして、専用プレーヤーで英語字幕を読みながら再生(あるいは、動画を見ながら聞き取れなかったところを字幕で確認)してください (再生画面はこんな感じです)。この画面なら巻き戻さずに字幕をさかのぼって確認することが出来ます。



[05:57] We're trying to create longer preservation times for these organs so that we can either keep them on controlled ice or machine perfusion, and there's a lot of technology that has really helped us to improve that.

[** perfusion = The injection of fluid into a blood vessel in order to reach an organ or tissues, usually to supply nutrients and oxygen (thefreedictionary)]

[10:07] I want to ask also about the racial disparities that seem to persist in kidney donation. In particular, black people are over three times more likely, Hispanic people are 1.3 times more likely to have kidney failure than white people, but white Americans are more likely to have a kidney transplant than either black or Hispanic Americans. Why is this and what needs to change?
Obviously, we try to match the genetics. It's not just the kidney itself. It's the blood type and the genetic tissue typing that we do, and we try to match that up. The more blacks, the more Asians, the more, from a racial perspective, we're able to get those kidneys in the pool.

[** Pool, in this context, refers to the collective supply of available organs for transplantation ]

[18:32] It's an art form that's having a moment. Anime, Japanese animation, and manga, Japanese comics.

[** have a moment = to reach a high level of popularity ]

[21:17] As someone who is a bit on the spectrum, this is kind of where I kind of developed and learned how to really talk to people, go out and talk to people and really develop more of my social skills.

[** the spectrum = the autism spectrum ]

[23:00] Journalist Gita Jackson says anime and manga appeal specifically to a generation that loves an anti-hero. They don't want to hear that the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad. They want to hear that it's kind of hard to be an adult, but that everyone has to deal with these difficult emotions. That kind of heightened reality just in general appeals to young people.

[** heightened reality = an exaggerated portrayal of reality, often incorporating fantasy or surrealism ]


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう。

  • recover/ we have to ensure that the organs that we are recovering are utilized properly.

  • United Network for Organ Sharing or UNOS

  • to work/ We also spoke with a high school art teacher in New Jersey about the impact of working climate change into her art lessons.

  • gory/ manga, even ones that run for decades like the gory hit Berserk

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