

PBS NewsHour Oct. 10, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[00:28] GEOFF BENNETT: With a leadership void and no clear path forward, candidates for speaker of the House make their case to fellow Republicans on why they should be entrusted with the gavel.

[** gavel = 議長が使う小槌で議長職の象徴 ]

[02:41]★今日のおすすめ★ Fears of bigger war grow as Israel-Hamas fighting continues after surprise attack

Fighting between Israelis and Palestinians continues as airstrikes and artillery pound Gaza after the Hamas attack on Israel. Among the dead are 14 Americans killed by Hamas and an unknown number are being held hostage by militants. Special Correspondent Leila Molana-Allen has the latest from Israel and Laura Barron-Lopez reports on how the war has upended President Biden’s foreign policy efforts.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い; 現地からのリポートのあとホワイトハウス担当記者に聞く; More than 1,000 Israelis and 900 Palestinians have been killed in four days of attacks and counterstrikes. Among the dead are 14 Americans killed by Hamas; special correspondent Leila Molana-Allen; The Israeli military said it all but destroyed the district of Rimal, an administrative hub for the Hamas government; The ripple effects of this war are being felt across the Middle East. Israel has deployed tanks near the border with Lebanon; And there are concerns of possible escalation between Israel and Iran. Iran's supreme leader today denied it helped plan Hamas' attack, but praised the operation; U.S. officials and Israeli officials are talking about this idea of creating safe passage for some Gaza civilians; big focus of the administration is to see former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew confirmed to be the U.S. ambassador to Israel; The Biden administion is going to be seeking additional funding for Israel. But the White House today did not say whether or not they were going to try to tether that additional Israel aid security funds to, again, funding that they want to see go to Ukraine; 》

[18:05] Survivors of Hamas assault on music fest describe horrors and how they made it out alive

One of the most notorious incidents of this weekend’s Hamas attack on Israel was one of its first. Gunmen killed more than 250 people and took an unknown number of hostages during an assault on an all-night music festival in southern Israel. Nick Schifrin spoke with two survivors of this terror in the desert.
《ハマスの音楽フェス襲撃、2人の生存者に聞く; Raz Cohen; Shelly Barel; 》

[23:23] News Wrap

American journalist Evan Gershkovich lost an appeal to be released while he awaits trial on sham espionage charges in Russia, searchers in Afghanistan scaled back the hunt for survivors of Saturday's devastating earthquake and police in San Francisco are trying to figure out why a driver crashed into the Chinese consulate building.
《その他の主要ニュース; Taliban government says at least 2,000 people were killed in the Herat region; Evan Gershkovich; アフガニスタン地震; Russia lost its bid today to regain a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council. Moscow's candidacy finished a distant third behind Bulgaria and Albania in voting in the U.N. General Assembly. The Assembly suspended Russia from the human rights body last year after it invaded Ukraine; A new federal indictment today charged Congressman George Santos with 23 criminal counts. In addition to previous counts, the New York Republican is now accused of stealing the I.D.s of campaign donors and making unauthorized charges to their credit cards; Olympic champion gymnast Mary Lou Retton is gravely ill with a rare form of pneumonia. She won a gold medal and four other medals at the 1984 Summer Games; Hughes Van Ellis (102) died Monday in Denver. He was one of the last known survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921, when a white mob stormed his neighborhood and killed as many as 300 Black people. Ellis spent decades appealing for justice; エヴァン・ガーシュコビッチ; 》

[27:36]★今日のおすすめ★ Candidates for House speaker tell fellow Republicans why they should have the gavel

House Republicans gathered behind closed doors to try to pick their next speaker. Candidates for the job made their case why they should be entrusted with the gavel. Congressional Correspondent Lisa Desjardins spent the day polling GOP members and reports from Capitol Hill.
《次の下院議長選び、共和党の動き; House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Louisiana; House Judiciary chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio; Scalise is fighting a form of blood cancer; Jordan was accused of knowing about sexual assaults and he was a wrestling assistant coach at Ohio State University; Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he was open to potentially coming back. But then, tonight, he came out and told reporters that he has now asked members not to nominate him; It's not clear what the temporary speaker can and cannot do. So, for now, he's doing nothing, and that means no legislation, including money for Israel or Ukraine, can move in Congress at all; スティーブ・スカリース; ジム・ジョーダン; ケビン・マッカーシー;  》

[28:31] Both of these men have dozens of endorsements, but they need to get 217 votes in order to become speaker of the House. And there's only 221 Republicans. It's not a lot of give room. Essentially, they have to get a near-unanimous endorsement.

[** 217票の意味は昨日説明しました ]

[** give room = 圧力で壊れずにたわむことが出来る余地。柔軟性。(この文脈では)失うことが出来る票数。下院共和党の議席数が221で、議長になるには下院の過半数の217が必要だから、下院共和党の5人の支持を得られないだけで議長になることが出来ない。]

[30:31] He also is known -- in the past, he [* = Jim Jordan] was accused of knowing about sexual assaults and he was a wrestling assistant coach at Ohio State University. He has denied knowing anything about that, but some of those wrestlers involved have stuck to their story as well, saying that, in fact, he did.

[** この部分を詳しく説明したニュース ]

[32:36] Oregon decriminalization reveals possible solutions and challenges to addressing addiction

It’s been more than two and half years since a first-of-its-kind law went into effect in Oregon that decriminalized small possession of most drugs, including opioids and methamphetamines. Stephanie Sy reports from Portland on what’s working and what’s not working with a law that advocates hoped would change the paradigm around drug enforcement.
《少量の麻薬所持を合法化したオレゴン州の法律; 施行から2年半後の現実をリポート; Outside In, medical and youth service nonprofit organization in Portland; Narcan, the opioid overdose reversal drug; Measure 110, M 110; since M 110 went into effect, overdose deaths in Oregon have risen by 66 percent; Bridges to Change, providing housing and peer counseling for those with substance use disorder; Measure 110 does not pay for traditional inpatient treatment facilities, which are funded by Medicaid or insurance; A poll from August found that 56 percent of voters now support a total repeal of M 110; Measure 110 may have legalized possession of small amounts of drugs, but dealing drugs is still illegal; 禁断症状 》

[33:54] STEPHANIE SY: Harm reduction services like these are a cornerstone of Measure or M 110.

[** harm reduction = A range of public health policies designed to lessen the negative social or physical consequences associated with various human behaviors, both legal and illegal... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harm_reduction Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ]

[** Measure 110 = M 110 = In November 2020, voters in the U.S. state of Oregon passed Ballot Measure 110, "[reclassifying] possession/penalties for specified drugs". Drugs affected include heroin, methamphetamine, PCP, LSD and oxycodone, as well as others...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Oregon_Ballot_Measure_110 ]

[39:30] Are you dope-sick?

[** dope sick = Sick due to withdrawal from drugs, especially opiates; in withdrawal (wiktionary)]

[40:47] LISA SCHROEDER: At Mother's, I used to be able to say I can count on death, taxes and weekend brunch.

[** < "Death and taxes" is a phrase commonly referencing a famous quotation written by American statesman Benjamin Franklin: Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
確実なもののたとえ ]

[42:06] Last month, the coalition put forward a proposal to unwind the central tenets of the law, recriminalizing possession and requiring treatment.

[** = to undo]

[42:37]★今日のおすすめ★ Dred Scott's struggle for freedom honored with new memorial

The name Dred Scott is synonymous with the struggle for freedom. Now, 165 years after the Supreme Court case that bears his name, Scott’s gravesite is a memorial befitting that legacy. NewsHour Communities Correspondent Gabrielle Hays reports.
《ドレッド・スコットの自由を求める闘いを称える新記念碑除幕; Dred Scott; Dred Scott v. Sandford; the Supreme Court, which is the highest court of the land, which ultimately determined that his fate, along with his wives and children, essentially, they were not considered to be citizens, and, therefore, they could not be emancipated; he Scott v. Sandford decision sparked outrage and drove the nation closer to civil war four years later; Lynne Jackson, great-great-granddaughter of Dred and Harriet Scott and founder of the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation; Scott's grave went unmarked for 100 years after the Supreme Court case was decided; In Maryland, a monument to the Supreme Court justice who authored the decision to deny Scott's freedom was removed completely in 2017; When Roger Taney wrote the Dred Scott decision, he was saying that African-Americans aren't worthy of citizenship or even whole personhood in this country; Dred Scott died a year after his case was decided; ドレッド・スコット対サンフォード事件; 地下鉄道; 》

[43:09] GABRIELLE HAYS: A new headstone now sits at the grave of Dred Scott, once an enslaved man who went down in history as a plaintiff in an infamous 1857 Supreme Court case.

[** = Dred Scott v. Sandford = Dred Scott v. Sandford ... was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court that held the U.S. Constitution did not extend American citizenship to people of black African descent, and thus they could not enjoy the rights and privileges the Constitution conferred upon American citizens. The decision is widely considered the worst in the Supreme Court's history, being widely denounced for its overt racism, perceived judicial activism, poor legal reasoning, and crucial role in the start of the American Civil War four years later...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dred_Scott_v._Sandford ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります )]

[43:22] CICELY HUNTER, Historian: Many people sought to emancipate themselves by fleeing across the river or the Underground Railroad in whatever facet that might have looked like emancipating themselves, but Dred Scott and many others pursued that through legal pursuits.

[** = The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early to mid-19th century. It was used by enslaved African Americans primarily to escape into free states and from there to Canada. The network, primarily the work of free African Americans, was assisted by abolitionists and others sympathetic to the cause of the escapees. The slaves who risked capture and those who aided them are also collectively referred to as the passengers and conductors of the "Underground Railroad"...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_Railroad( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) ]

[46:37] Brooklyn Public Library exhibit chronicles Jay-Z's career for hip-hop's 50th anniversary

In New York City, you can find the unlikely pairing of two Brooklyn icons. At the Brooklyn Public Library, one of the largest library systems in the country, a new exhibition highlights the work of hip-hop’s elder statesman, Jay-Z. Special correspondent Christopher Booker reports on the timely show as part of this 50th anniversary of the birth of hip-hop for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《ブルックリン公立図書館でヒップホップアーティストJay-Z展『The Book of Hov』; Christopher Booker; Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter; hand gesture, in the shape of a diamond or rock, originally represented his Roc-A-Fella record label. It's now synonymous with the rapper himself; Desiree Perez, longtime friend of Jay-Z's and CEO of his entertainment empire, Rock Nation; The project is called The Book of Hov. Hov is short for J-Hova, a nickname Jay-Z explained to NPR's Terry Gross back in 2010; One time, I was recording in the studio, and I wasn't writing. And one of my friends was like: "Man, this is like -- how are you doing that, man? God must really love you. It's like a religious experience, man." And then he was like, "J-Hova." And then it started out as a joke, and then it just stuck; Kota the Friend; 》

[51:41] CHRISTOPHER BOOKER: Perez had spent years looking at different venues to showcase Jay-Z's vast collection of ephemera.

[** = Objects, including collectable items, that are designed to be short-lived (wiktionary) ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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