

PBS NewsHour Aug. 18, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:03] Residents flee Yellowknife, Canada as wildfire moves closer to city

The impact of wildfires is being felt on two fronts tonight. On Maui, residents are trying to rebuild their lives days after fires scorched parts of the island and killed more than one hundred people. But for one city in Canada's Northwest Territories, the fire danger is only just beginning. Geoff Bennett reports.
《wildfires; Yellowknife, Northwest Territories; Maui; more than 1,000 still missing; 》

[04:04] CORRINE NOBRIGA, Lahaina Resident: It's a touchy [** touchy = extremely sensitive; requiring tact, care, or caution in treatment ] situation right now, because for us, as a community, of course, we're happy that we have our homes, but our heart aches, because that's our other neighbors and our families.

[04:39] News Wrap

In our news wrap Friday, Hurricane Hilary is brewing over the Pacific and could become the first tropical storm to reach Southern California in 84 years, Russia said it shot down a Ukrainian drone over Moscow, the U.S. gave approval for the Netherlands and Denmark to deliver F-16 jets to Ukraine and the Spanish island of Tenerife is experiencing the worst wildfire the area has seen in decades.
《wildfires, Spanish island of Tenerife, Canary Islands; U.S. gave approval for the Netherlands and Denmark to deliver F-16 jets to Ukraine; former first lady Rosalynn Carter celebrated her 96th birthday, diagnosed with dementia; 》

[07:35]★今日のおすすめ★ Biden reaches deal with Japan and South Korea to strengthen military coordination

President Biden met with the leaders of Japan and South Korea at Camp David on Friday. The two nations have long had antagonistic relations, but the meeting is a new starting point as they committed to improving military coordination. Geoff Bennett discussed the significance of the agreements with Mike Mochizuki of the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University.
《日米韓サミット、首脳会談、キャンプデービッド、Mike Mochizuki, Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University》

[07:35] President Biden met today with the leaders of Japan and South Korea at Camp David, the presidential retreat. Japan and South Korea have long had antagonistic relations but, today's meeting is a new starting point for the two countries. They released the Camp David Principles [** 今回の日米韓首脳会談で発表されたCamp David Principlesの具体的な内容 ] , in which they promised to consult with one another if either felt their security was threatened. They also committed to improving military coordination by sharing real-time information about North Korean ballistic missile launches. Along with the U.S., they will expand trilateral military exercises and establish a three-way hot line for crisis communication.

[12:48] MIKE MOCHIZUKI: Well, I think, the major credit has to go to President Yoon. Japan and South Korea had been locked in tensions regarding the wartime forced labor issue [** = 徴用工問題 ] . Japan insisted that the forced labor issue had been resolved in the 1965 normalization process. In the end, President Yoon made the bold decision to basically make a dramatic concession to Japan, and have the South Koreans pay for the compensation for victims of forced labor. Now, unfortunately, this has not been a popular decision in South Korea. Sixty percent of the South Korean public oppose the decision by President Yoon. So I think what President Yoon has been trying to do is to move very rapidly to improve security relations with Japan, as well as the United States, to lock in these gains, so that they will survive even after his presidential term ends in 2027.

[14:35] Israeli minister Ron Dermer discusses potential diplomatic deal with Saudi Arabia

A top-level Israeli delegation is in Washington to discuss the broad outlines of a once-unthinkable agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia to normalize diplomatic relations. It comes amid an unprecedented civil upheaval in Israel as Netanyahu's government looks to restrain the country's supreme court. Nick Schifrin discussed more with Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer.
《イスラエル、サウジアラビア、関係正常化への合意骨子; Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer; allowing Saudi Arabia to have civil nuclear capacity, including enrichment; Begin Doctrine (< Menachem Begin), a long tradition opposing nuclear expansion in the region; former Israeli national security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat saying Saudi Arabia joining the nuclear club would produce a widening of nuclear proliferation in the region; Saudi Arabia will demand significant concessions from Israel regarding Palestinians; judicial reform; Israeli Supreme Court is to hear a case about curbing its own power; 》

[16:25] There's been a long tradition opposing nuclear expansion in the region. It used to be known as the Begin Doctrine, after , of course, former prime minister, founder of Likud Party, who, of course, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a member of. Begin bombed an Iraqi nuclear reactor to prove his doctrine. [* = The Begin doctrine is the common term for the Israeli government's preventive strike, counter-proliferation policy regarding their potential enemies' capability to possess weapons of mass destruction (WMD), particularly nuclear weapons... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begin_Doctrine ]

[22:11] Trump conspiracies inspire threats against judges, jurors and election workers

Threats of violence have escalated after the fourth criminal indictment of former President Trump. In Georgia, grand jurors’ names, addresses and images were released online by Trump allies and a racist death threat against the judge presiding over the federal Jan. 6 case led to an arrest. Laura Barrón-López discussed the alarming trend and its impact on civil servants with Tammy Patrick.
《Ruby Freeman, a Fulton County election worker, harassed by Trump supporters after 2020 election; the Trump supporters indicted; last week, a racist death threat against the judge presiding over the federal January 6 case; トランプのSNSの攻撃投稿を熱狂的支持者が行動に移すパターン、Tammy Patrick, former election worker in Maricopa County, Arizona, National Association for Election Officials; 》

[26:22] TAMMY PATRICK: We find ourselves in an environment where it has become acceptable for some to leverage what they believe are their First Amendment rights to attack others and to foment violence and to intimidate and to threaten others in their official capacity or in the capacity that they have been tasked with, whether they're a juror or stepping in to serve as a temporary poll worker. This is definitely something that is pervasive. We're seeing it at school board meetings. We're seeing it with poll workers. We're seeing it with jurors, with judges. And we have to understand that this is not the way that a free and fair society functions. And we need to hold people accountable when they step beyond that line of the First Amendment protections and step into the line where they're yelling fire in a crowded theater. [** アメリカではFirst Amendment(合衆国憲法修正第 1 条) により言論の自由が保障されているが、無条件に保障されているわけではない。言論の自由が認められない例としてよく挙げられるのが、満員の劇場の中で実際には起きていないのに「火事だ!」 と叫ぶこと。選管職員や判事への脅しも、そのような一線を越えた言論であり、責任を問わなければならないということ。]

[28:05] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Are you losing institutional knowledge [** = institutional memory = Institutional memory has been defined as "the stored knowledge within the organization." Within any organization, tools and techniques will need to be adapted to meet that organization's needs. These adaptations are developed over time and taught to new members of the group, keeping them from encountering the same problems and having to develop a solution that already exists. In this way, organizations save time and resources that might otherwise be wasted... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_memory ] in the administration of elections because of threats like this?

[29:31]★今日のおすすめ★ Brooks and Marcus on Trump's Georgia indictment and upcoming GOP debate

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor and columnist Ruth Marcus join Geoff Bennett to discuss Donald Trump's Georgia indictment, the upcoming GOP debate and Democrats calling for a primary challenge to President Biden.
《金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る、David Brooks; Ruth Marcus; Trump fatigue is pervasive in Georgia; Brian Kemp, Georgia governor; Donald Trump skipping the first Republican presidential debate next Wednesday; Machiavellian; 》

[32:41] I do think, politically, if I were just a Machiavellian [** = characterized by unscrupulous cunning, deception, or expediency < Machiavelli https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccolò_Machiavelli ] adviser to Trump, I'd say he's doing the right thing. Why put himself out in Chris Christie's path if he doesn't need to?

[34:58] GEOFF BENNETT: Meantime, on the Democratic side, you have got Congressman Dean Phillips, who is on a media tour of late. He was on this program last night begging for a prominent fellow Democrat to mount a primary challenge to Joe Biden. He says that Democrats are saying they want not a coronation, but a competition. [** coronationは戴冠や即位のことだが、この文脈では、党の大統領選候補者を決める際、実質的に勝者が最初から決まっていて、本当のの競争がないまま、即位するように党の候補者になること。 ]

[37:49]★今日のおすすめ★ Comedian Atsuko Okatsuka on her journey to the stage and connecting with audiences

Turning her interesting, sometimes tumultuous, life story into comedy comes naturally for Atsuko Okatsuka. Amna Nawaz sat down with her recently to see how that humor lands with an ever-growing audience and helps her sort out that life story. It's for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《Atsuko Okatsuka, Comedian; 》

[37:49] GEOFF BENNETT: Turning her interesting, sometimes tumultuous life story into comedy comes naturally for Atsuko Okatsuka. [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atsuko_Okatsuka ]

[45:48] 再放送: How an Indiana city's investment in public art mirrors its overall turnaround


As with many cities in the Rust Belt, Fort Wayne, Indiana, went through tough times for several decades as manufacturing plants closed, jobs dried up and people left. But recently, the city has made a turnaround and a big investment in public art. Special correspondent Cat Wise spent time with an artist who is a driving force behind that effort. It's part of our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《再放送、Fort Wayne, Indiana; public art; Alexandra Hall, artist; Art This Way, a nonprofit facilitating public art projects on private property in Fort Wayne's Downtown Improvement District; annual Art Crawl event in September; Bill Brown, former head of the Downtown Improvement District; In Indiana, arts and culture is a $7.6 billion industry which supports more than 78,000 jobs; realization that the arts can drive economic development; Theoplis Smith, aka Phresh Laundry》

[52:57] And we're going to be talking about Rudy Giuliani a bit, the seeming downfall of a person we once referred to as America's mayor [** 2001年の同時多発テロの時、Rudy Giulianiはニューヨーク市長だった。その時、現場で陣頭指揮に立ち困難を乗り越えた指導力から「アメリカの市長」と呼ばれた。その人物が、2020年の大統領選選挙の結果転覆に関連するジョージア州の件で、先日起訴された。そこまで落ちぶれたという意味。] .

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News





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