

PBS NewsHour April 27, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[00:17] Disney punches back against Ron DeSantis. How the Florida governor's war against what he calls wokism [* 行き過ぎたwoke。 woke=aware of social justice issues; (in some cases) holding progressive views or attitudes. さらに詳しく: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke ] has turned into a drawn-out legal battle.

[02:29]★今日のおすすめ★ 軍の機密文書漏洩事件の犯人(Jack Teixeira)に暴力と脅迫の過去 

   [*  関連ニュース ]

[07:12] 今日のその他のニュースまとめ

[10:28] The white woman at the center of the Emmett Till lynching case [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till ] has died in Louisiana. The 14-year-old Till was kidnapped and brutally murdered in Mississippi back in 1955. Carolyn Bryant Donham had accused the teenager of whistling at her. She never acknowledged any role in the lynching, but her husband at the time later confessed to the crime.

[13:00]★今日のおすすめ★ ディズニーとフロリダ州知事(Ron DeSantis)の闘いが法廷へ The Wall Street Journal紙記者(Arian Campo-Flores)に聞く Don't Say Gay法に対する反対表明への報復か DeSantis知事の大統領選出馬への影響 さらなる訴訟の可能性

[14:26] [* ディズニー側の主張 ]
ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES, The Wall Street Journal: Well, because the argument that Disney is making is that, because it exercised its free speech rights and came out against this legislation that was passed last year, the parental rights and education law, which critics have called the don't say gay law
[* don't say gay law = Florida Parental Rights in Education Act =
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Parental_Rights_in_Education_Act ] . That, because Disney chimed in on that, the governor and the legislature then orchestrated this campaign of retaliation against the company by, for instance, seeking to end these contracts that it had signed earlier this year, passing legislation to strip it of control of this special tax district that it had long controlled. And so it was essentially, in their view, using the machinery of the state to punish them for expressing an opinion about a piece of legislation.

[18:17] Governor DeSantis is planning to jump into the presidential fray as early as mid-May, potentially first with an exploratory committee [* = (US, politics) An organization established to help determine whether a potential candidate should run for an elected office (wiktionary) (大統領選への)出馬検討委員会] .

[20:02] 最新の経済指標によると米国経済は減速 数字が意味するもの 国民の景況感とのずれ 経済担当記者がリポート

[22:00] PAUL SOLMAN: The biggest problem has been inflation, of course, but Wolfers is borne out [* borne out < to bear out = to show to be true or truthful; confirm] by prices in sectors we have been showing you, eggflation [* = 卵の異常な値上がりのこと < egg + inflation] ,  the souffle-like rise in egg prices, now dropping, lumber up fourfold during COVID, back down near its level before the pandemic, container shipping up five times just two years ago, with prices back down to where they were in 2019.

[23:27] Those rate hikes, as Chair Powell himself has admitted, have not yet fully hit the system. And so there's a real chance that things will go south [* south = down // north = up] as we continue to see the effects of these rate hikes play out.

[25:26] Twitterの有料サービスTwitter Blueを巡る混乱 災害対応の専門家(Juliette Kayyem)に何が問題か聞く Elon Muskとジャーナリズムの関係

[29:39] JULIETTE KAYYEM: So, he's [* he = Elon Musk ] basically trolling journalists [* to troll = to post or make inflammatory or insincere statements so as to attempt to lure others into combative argument for purposes of personal entertainment or to manipulate others' perception, especially in an online community or discussion (wiktionary)] ,  because the journalists are critical of him or their -- just the reporting is critical of him.

[32:09]★今日のおすすめ★ 史上初 米軍基地名に女性と黒人将校(Fort Gregg-Adams) その他にも南部連合国ゆかりの基地名変更 命名委員会のMichelle Howard委員長にインタビュー

[40:52] ボストンの新しいレストランComfort Kitchen 文化と結びついた人や物の移動の歴史、そのストーリーを物語る料理の数々

[46:45] 『Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret』の映画化 著者Judy Blumeと映画関係者へのインタビュー(前半)


■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News


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