

PBS NewsHour April 28, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[03:00] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ

[09:13]★今日のおすすめ★ Silicon Valley Bank破綻に関してFRBが報告書発表 経営陣による典型的な不適切経営が破綻原因 規制当局の問題見逃しや対処の遅れも強く批判 The New York Times紙のFRB担当記者(Jeanna Smialek)に聞く

[10:09] JEANNA SMIALEK, The New York Times: Yes, so they made two big buckets [* bucket = category; a group of related items; The term "bucket" is used in business and finance to describe a grouping of related assets or categories. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bucket.asp ] of mistakes, I would say. The first is that they had a huge chunk of their deposit base in really, really big deposits, over the $250,000 limit that the government insures. And that meant that, when depositors got nervous, they were much more likely to try and pull all of that money out. So that was mistake number one. Mistake number two is that they made what was essentially a bet that interest rates would stay low for a really long time. They invested in securities that were pretty predicated on that.

[10:35] Mistake number two is that they made what was essentially a bet that interest rates would stay low for a really long time. They invested in securities that were pretty predicated on that. And when that didn't happen, when the Fed instead raised interest rates to try and control inflation, the bank was facing big losses. [* = 金利が上昇して国債の価値が下がったことが破綻につながったが、金利上昇が国債価格下落につながる理由 ー> 関連ニュース  ]

[15:21]★今日のおすすめ★ ロシアに対する反撃準備が進む中、ウクライナ軍諜報責任者(Kyrylo Budanov)にインタビュー

[21:33] 6.5万人のホームレスを抱えるロサンゼルス 復員兵や精神疾患のあるホームレスの住居をどう確保するか 障害補償手当が入居資格の所得制限を超えてしまい復員兵用公営住宅に入れない例など

[24:08] Johnson falls into a category of veterans who stand on a so-called benefits cliff [* この文脈は障害補償なので少し違うが、一般的にbenefit cliff とは a situation that occurs when a small increase in wages results in a sudden decrease in net income, due to suddenly becoming ineligible for benefits.(wiktionary)] . He gets so much in disability compensation that other essentials, like housing, fall off.

[30:33] 多くの共和党主導州議会で妊娠中絶やトランスジェンダー医療を禁止する動きが活発化 ミズーリ州で注目されるトランスジェンダー医療に関する裁判を現地の記者に聞く

[36:21]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[38:07] JONATHAN CAPEHART: He will be talking about his record down the road, but that opening video is about setting -- making the case and the rationale for the candidacy, in the same way he did four years to the day earlier. It's about the battle for the soul of America with the tagline [* = slogan] of, "Let's finish the job."

[41:12] But, more importantly, when she [* = Vice President Harris] went down on a surprise trip to Nashville and met with the Tennessee 3 [* テネシー州私立小学校銃乱射事件後、州議事堂内で抗議運動をした3人の州下院議員(いずれも民主党)のこと。そのうち、黒人男性2人(Justin JonesとJustin Pearson)は議会を除名、白人女性(Gloria Johnson)は除名されなかった。 関連ニュース ] and then gave a barnburner [* = an extremely exciting or successful event ] of a 20-minute speech, not a campaign speech, but a speech where the subtext was the soul of America, but it was really about freedom and liberty and the ability of the American people to send people to their state legislatures in order for their voices to be heard, and that it is antidemocratic and not right to silence those voices.

[41:59] She [* = Vice President Harris] was tethered to the Senate for so long, having to stay close and be the tiebreaker [* = 2021年1月から2年間、上院(会派)は民主・共和が50人ずつだった。その場合、採決で同数になった時は上院議長(副大統領が兼務)が決定票を投じるので、ハリス副大統領は議会から離れることができなかったという意味] . We're seeing her out and about a lot more now.

[46:19] 『Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret』の映画化 著者Judy Blumeと映画スタッフへのインタビュー(後半)


■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News






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