

PBS NewsHour Aug. 17, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:31] News Wrap

Tens of thousands flee as wildfire spreads in Canada's Northwest Territories: In our news wrap Thursday, a mass evacuation is underway in Yellowknife, Canada, as a wildfire burns about 10 miles away, survivors on Maui spent another day picking up the pieces a week after fires devastated parts of the island and more than 60 people are feared dead after a ship carrying mostly Senegalese migrants capsized in the Atlantic Ocean.
《ハワイ山火事、マウイ島山火事、Hawaii wildfires; Maui wildfires; confirmed death toll now stands at 111 》

[07:14]★今日のおすすめ★ Are climate change and clean energy policies included in Inflation Reduction Act working?

It’s been one year since President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act. Despite its title, this law is the single biggest U.S. investment in addressing climate change and driving a transition to clean energy. William Brangham discussed how the law is working and what it means for the U.S.'s climate commitments with Leah Stokes.
《Inflation Reduction Act; インフレ削減法から1年、インフレ抑制法; the single biggest U.S. investment in addressing climate change and driving a transition to clean energy; 気候変動対策、クリーンエネルギーへの移行、クリーン・エネルギー、一年後の現状、Leah Stokes, political scientist, University of California at Santa Barbara 》

[10:37] One in four cars sold in California right now is an electric vehicle. If you look year over year, we have had a 74 percent jump in electric vehicle sales. Same thing with solar panels. They're just flying off the shelf [** to fly off the shelves = to sell very quickly, as though the items in question cannot be kept on store shelves.] .

[13:53] Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips explains why he wants to see a primary challenge to Biden

The crowded but static GOP presidential primary has dominated national attention this summer. But on the Democratic side, President Biden has largely avoided serious primary challengers. While the majority of his party is behind him, some are calling for a change. White House Correspondent Laura Barrón-López spoke with Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips, who says President Biden should pass the torch.
《民主党内のバイデン大統領以外の候補を求める声、Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips, Minnesota、民主党予備選、激戦州の知事の出馬を求める、自身は出馬しない、でも誰も出ないなら出馬を考えると言ったことがある、》

[16:49] And I -- first of all, my call is for the president to pass the torch. I think that would be in the country's best interests, and certainly Democrats. We have an extraordinary bench [** bench = 控えの選手、出番を待っている人達、代替要員 ] of Democrats ready to go, prepared, proximate, well-positioned, but we will never know that. And I don't want to wait five years. Many people are telling me that.

[17:37] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Congressman, some of your own Minnesota Democrats, like your own Governor Tim Walz, has said that you should stay in your own lane [** to stay in one's lane = to not presume to give opinions or advice about something which one does not have experience with or expertise in. 出しゃばったまねをしない。分を知る ] .

[20:33]★今日のおすすめ★ Ambassador Rahm Emanuel outlines goals of Biden's summit with Japan and South Korea

Friday, President Biden will host a summit at Camp David with the leaders of Japan and South Korea, two nations with a long, complicated history. But they, along with the U.S., share common goals in curbing China’s influence in the region and addressing threats from North Korea. William Brangham discussed that with Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan.
《Rahm Emanuel; ラーム・エマニュエル駐日米国大使、日米韓サミット、Camp David、curbing China’s influence in the region; addressing threats from North Korea; military cooperation, sharing of intelligence, technology development; Camp David Principles 》

[21:14] RAHM EMANUEL, U.S. Ambassador to Japan: Sure. First of all, it's the first Camp David kind of summit. It's called the Camp David Principles [** このサミットで採択されるCamp David Principles(最後がples)という文書があるが、会合も意味するのか不明。あるいは、Camp David principals(最後がpals) meetingという意味か ] , not only the first time these have foreign leaders up there, but it's also the first time actually just for the three leaders, not on some of the side of the G7 meeting or the side of a NATO meeting, but to meet as three leaders for the purpose. So, this is inaugural.

[24:18] You have to give kudos to Prime Minister Kishida, President Yoon for the courage they have shown in kind of leaning into [** to lean into = to pursue some task or activity with great effort, determination, and perseverance; to take on or embrace something difficult through determination ] this, against some political headwinds.

[24:29] President Biden, to think about this, six weeks ago, he's in Vilnius, Lithuania, brings Sweden and Finland into the NATO family. Six weeks later, at Camp David, he's bringing Japan and Korea into the kind of strategic formulation. Both are major diplomatic efforts. And the goal is to actually see that we have more in common. I think everybody realizes future generations shouldn't have to spend political capital [** = Political capital refers to an individual's ability to influence political decisions. Political capital can be understood as a metaphor used in political theory to conceptualize the accumulation of resources and power built through relationships, trust, goodwill, and influence between politicians or parties and other stakeholders, such as constituents. Political capital can be understood as a type of currency used to mobilize voters, achieve policy reform, or accomplish other political goals...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_capital  政治的資本 ] . Let's get this to the higher level, lock it in, lock it down, and run up the score. And that's what this is about.

[26:41] A look at Egypt's struggles 10 years after soldiers killed hundreds in Rabaa massacre

This week marks ten years since the largest mass killing in Egypt’s modern history. In 2013, Egyptian soldiers overran a protest camp in Cairo’s Rabaa Square, killing hundreds. Six weeks earlier, the military had overthrown the elected government of Muhammad Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Supporters had created a protest city and its destruction still reverberates today. Nick Schifrin reports.
《エジプト、Rabaa massacre, August 2013; ラバア虐殺から10年、Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's first democratically elected president, Muslim Brotherhood; Hosni Mubarak; General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi becoming president a year later; Jane Ferguson; Hossam Bahgat, an Egyptian human rights activist, Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights; 》

[36:29] Pulitzer-winning author Ann Patchett on the inspirations for her latest novel, 'Tom Lake'

Amid the pandemic, a woman tells her three now-grown daughters a story of her youth, a love affair, a path she might have taken but didn’t. While they, in turn, tell her of their hopes and fears for the future. That's the story told in “Tom Lake,” the latest novel by renowned writer Ann Patchett. Jeffrey Brown joined her in New Hampshire for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《新刊本『Tom Lake』; Ann Patchett, writer and owner of an independent bookstore, Parnassus Books, in Nashville; battles over book bans 》

[38:43] JEFFREY BROWN: Wilder [* = Thornton Wilder] based his fictional town of Grover's Corners on the real-life New Hampshire town of Peterborough, where he also produced it with the Peterborough Players, a professional summer stock theater. [** = In American theater, summer stock theater is a theater that presents stage productions only in the summer...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_stock_theater ]

[41:56] At the bookstore -- I own a bookstore in Nashville, Parnassus. We have all these employees, a lot of them in their 20s and 30s. And that's not what they're worried about. I mean, they're worried about the pandemic. They're worried about climate change. They're worried about gerrymandering. [** 以前の番組に出てきました ] They're worried about the right to love who you love. I mean, it's -- the weight of things that young people have to worry about today is so different from the things that I worried about when I was young.

[45:04] 再放送: Comedian Leanne Morgan on her unusual road to success and new Netflix special


Leanne Morgan is finding comedy in the chaos of marriage and motherhood. She’s a storyteller who draws from her experiences growing up in rural Tennessee, being married for over 30 years, raising three kids and becoming a grandmother for the first time. Morgan just released her first Netflix stand-up special and sat down with Geoff Bennett for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.

[51:55] 再放送: The career of Chien-Shiung Wu, the ‘First Lady of Physics’


We look at the career of Chien-Shiung Wu, a 20th-century physicist who made indelible changes to her field.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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