

PBS NewsHour May 11, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:41] パンデミック期の移民抑制策Title 42終了直前 混乱と移民流入への準備

[05:44] The bill is not expected to get a vote in the Senate [** 上院は民主党が多数党であるため上院を通過することはない。法律になる見込みはないのに政治的主張をするために提出される法案を messaging bill という。 ] .

[05:57]★今日のおすすめ★ Antony Blinken国務長官へのインタビュー 移民政策 ウクライナへの武器供与 機密情報漏洩事件について

[13:54] And, of course, it's understanding how to use all of these things in a cohesive and effective plan, combined arms [** 以前の番組にも出てきました ] , as it's called in the business.

[15:40] 今日のその他の主要ニュース

[19:01]★今日のおすすめ★ Chip Roy(テキサス州選出、共和党)下院議員へのインタビュー 共和党が下院で可決したSecure the Border Actとは 債務上限引き上げの行き詰まり

[19:18] Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy is an influential voice in the House Freedom Caucus
[** =
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Caucus ] and these debates, and he joins us now from Capitol Hill.

[20:07] I have gotten text messages today from Border Patrol agents and members of the Texas Department of Public Safety, DPS, telling me that they are effectively at a broken arrow [** Broken Arrow = (US, military) A code phrase indicating that a ground unit is facing imminent destruction from enemy attack and all available air forces within range are to provide air support immediately (wiktionary)] situation. They have got overrun facilities, that they have got Chinese nationals coming across, that they have lost complete control of being able to maintain it. You have got El Paso that has declared a state of emergency. You have got Brownsville that has declared a state of emergency. Laredo has declared a state of emergency. San Antonio is preparing for overwhelming amounts of migrants in their centers in San Antonio. The reality is, we have a crisis at the border that is getting worse.

[23:45] But what we're not going to do is negotiate against ourselves. [** to negotiate against oneself < (ネット上にあった分かりやすい説明) If you gave an offer or a price and the other person didn’t react or accept it, DO NOT offer them a lower number. This is called negotiating against yourself or bargaining against yourself. Instead, ask them to make you a counter-offer. https://brightfocusconsult.com/definitions/bargaining-against-yourself/ ] We're not going to be saying, well, we will give you this and give you this. They need to come forward with a proposal and figure out how we're going to get there.

[24:50] CHIP ROY: We -- he's [* he = House Speaker Kevin McCarthy] not going to bring a clean [** clean = (この文脈では)交換条件なしの。余計なものがついてない。債務上限引き上げを認める代わりに、交換条件として歳出削減を求める案が共和党側から出されているが、そのような交換条件のついてない債務上限引き上げ法案のこと ] debt ceiling bill to the floor, because that is not something that Republicans got elected to do.

[25:17] 西側同盟国のウクライナへの武器供与は十分か 同盟国とウクライナに意見の相違 

[32:00] MICHAEL PURCELL: Napoleon supposedly said, the moral is to the physical as three is to one [** It means that in warfare the morale of the soldiers is three times as important as the strength of the army. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-of-Napoleons-quote-The-moral-is-to-the-physical-as-three-is-to-one ] . So, the idea, if you're Ukrainian fighting for your life and your family and your homeland, that you have got the American flag, you have got the Swedish flag, you have got the German flag, represented by the equipment you're operating. And that is a significant psychological boost, in my mind.

[32:38]★今日のおすすめ★ 環境保護庁(EPA) 発電所の温暖化ガス削減のための新ガイドライン発表

[35:15] Or they can use what's called carbon capture and sequestration [** = 二酸化炭素回収・貯留。CCS  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/二酸化炭素回収・貯留 ] , which is kind of a fancy way of saying, you just grab the carbon and stick it underground, where it doesn't cause any problems. The tricky part is that CCS, as it's known, is not really being utilized anywhere in the United States.

[37:55] トランプをメディアはどう扱うべきか 2人の専門家(James Fallows, Mark Lukasiewicz)に聞く

[45:04] It is comfortable for journalists, especially the more mainstream the organization, the more comfortable it is to be in a central position, to say, one side says this, the other side says that, the so -- the famous both-sides-ism. [** bothsidesism = a tendency to treat all policy debates as if the opposing sides present equally strong arguments, or are equally valid or equally dangerous (wiktionary) ]

[46:05] 州憲法を改正して妊娠中絶を受ける権利を保障する その動きを阻止する共和党主導州議会 オハイオ州とミズーリ州の動きをそれぞれの州の記者(Karen Kasler, Gabrielle Hays)に聞く

[47:41] But one of the sponsors of the House version of the resolution made it clear in a memo to his fellow Republican lawmakers that this was about possible amendments coming forward on abortion and gerrymandering [** to gerrymander = to divide (a geographic area) into voting districts in a way that gives one party an unfair advantage in elections. < After the US Politician Governor Elbridge Gerry who was associated with a constituency said to resemble a salamander ] , gerrymandering relating to Ohio's congressional and legislative map being ruled unconstitutionally gerrymandered last year.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News






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