

PBS NewsHour Nov. 2, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:29]★今日のおすすめ★ Israeli forces close in on Gaza City as calls for humanitarian pause go unheeded

More Americans are leaving Gaza as evacuations pick up tempo following complicated negotiations. Aid deliveries to the more than 2 million civilians in Gaza are still trickling in, but the need is far greater. And as Leila Molan-Allen reports, Israel is continuing its air strikes and ground campaign in northern Gaza.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い27日目; 現地リポート; 》

[06:17] Fighting Hamas inside Gaza’s tunnels is like 'war in a phone booth'

Israel says many of its airstrikes target Hamas commanders and the group's extensive network of tunnels. That network is making the fight for Gaza City deadly for Israeli troops as 20 Israeli soldiers have died in just the last 3 days. Nick Schifrin reports on Hamas' tunnels and why they pose such a significant challenge.
《ガザにあるハマスの地下トンネルが、イスラエルにとって大きな問題である理由; a tunnel network 200 to 300 miles' long; Dug by hand, it's called the Metro, where Hamas fighters can move weapons and themselves safely; They (= Israeli leaders) can't accomplish their political goal without fully destroying all Hamas' tunnels, so they can never be used again. That's a military capability that can't be allowed to exist, because it's how Hamas did October 7. It's how it was able to launch 2,000 rockets in a single day; Hamas built many of their tunnel entrances and exits and passageway underneath protected sites like hospitals, schools, mosques; In the Cu Chi district outside Saigon, the Vietcong created more than 100 miles of tunnels to survive U.S. airstrikes, resupply fighters and sneak up on American troops; This is a war in a phone booth; The IDF plan for the tunnels involves developing sufficient intelligence to target the generators and ventilation systems. Furthermore, by cutting off fuel into Gaza, they feel they can choke out those tunnel systems, in so doing, shutting them down without having to send large forces into the tunnels; But Palestinians point out blocking fuel and electricity blocks hospitals from saving lives; Israel continues to bombard civilian neighborhoods like the Jabalia refugee camp in the name of destroying tunnels and killing Hamas leaders; ;  》

[11:24] News Wrap

An extreme storm hit western Europe claiming at least seven lives and leaving millions without power, former President Trump's adult sons denied knowing about financial documents at the heart of a civil fraud trial, the U.S. is targeting Russia's war effort in Ukraine with new sanctions aimed at enablers and chaos deepened along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.
《Eric Trump denied knowing that the documents in question even existed. That's despite receiving e-mails asking him to weigh in; Relief agencies say 24,000 reentered Afghanistan at a single crossing on Wednesday, but they say conditions on the Afghan side are dire; a former Memphis police officer (= Desmond Mills Jr.) pleaded guilty to federal charges in the fatal beating of Tyre Nichols; The rideshare apps Uber and Lyft will pay a combined $328 million to settle wage theft claims in New York state. They also agreed today to set minimum hourly rates and pay for sick leave. The state charged that the companies improperly made drivers pay sales taxes and other fees; what's billed as the last Beatles song ever (= "Now and Then") is now available; ナウ・アンド・ゼン; 》

[14:03] The rideshare apps Uber and Lyft will pay a combined $328 million to settle wage theft claims in New York state. They also agreed today to set minimum hourly rates and pay for sick leave. The state charged that the companies improperly made drivers pay sales taxes and other fees.

[** wage theft = The illegal withholding of wages or denial of benefits that are rightfully owed to an employee (wiktionary) ]

[14:36] [** ビートルズの最後の新曲リリースのニュース] And what's billed as the last Beatles song ever is now available. Today's release, titled "Now and Then," is based on a 1970s demo tape by the late John Lennon. It uses artificial intelligence to add George Harrison, who died in 2001, and surviving band members Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr.
GEOFF BENNETT: The Beatles broke up in 1970 and, in real life, the four of them never performed together again.

[15:53] Tensions flare in Congress over Israel aid and Tuberville's block on military promotions

New House Speaker Mike Johnson passed $14 billion in aid to Israel on Thursday, but the bill faces problems ahead. And Senate Republicans took on one of their own over top military promotions. Congressional Correspondent Lisa Desjardins reports from Capitol Hill.
《上下両院それぞれで大きな動き; The way Republicans in the House did it, they would fund that money by cutting money to the IRS. Now, the CBO and others have said that that actually would increase the deficit because less money for the IRS means less revenue for the United States; members of the White House staff, I'm told by Democratic sources, in fact, made phone calls to try and defeat this bill today on the House floor, to try and keep Democrats from voting for it. In the end, 12 Democrats did support this bill; there's trouble ahead, because, over on the Senate side, they would like a bill that includes Ukraine money. And they do not want it offset in this way. President Biden has said he will veto this particular bill. So those are going to be the much more difficult tests for Speaker Johnson coming up ahead; I guess the tone is good, is what I would say, but until we see real plans move forward, there is still the possibility of a shutdown in two weeks; We saw three confirmations... one, the chief of Naval operations, the Air Force chief of staff, and the assistant Marine commandant. That's important, because the Marine commandant himself, Eric Smith, is in the hospital. So the Marines have been without a number one or number two until that vote today; many of them (= Republican senators ) have reached a boiling point at Senator Tuberville, but he's not moving. He still says he will not allow military promotions, now hundreds of them, to move in large blocks; the House yesterday took a rare vote to expel the New York Congressman George Santos, but he managed to keep a hold of his job; It takes a two-third vote to expel a member of Congress. Again, it's only happened five times in congressional history. But not even a majority voted to expel him, so he survives; 》

[18:22] GEOFF BENNETT: And, in the Senate, Lisa, there is a renewed bipartisan effort to break the blockade that Senator Tommy Tuberville has put on these top military promotions. [** 関連ニュース ] And there's pressure coming not just from Democrats, but I was watching the floor action last night. It was Republicans, many of the military veterans, and it's clear that their patience with him has run out.

[19:05] All of this riled up Republicans at their own member, Tommy Tuberville, whose holds really opened up this situation.

[** hold = Senate hold = An informal practice by which a senator informs Senate leadership that he or she does not wish a particular measure or nomination to reach the floor for consideration.
https://www.senate.gov/about/research-tools/glossary.htm ]

[19:57] GEOFF BENNETT: And, Lisa, while we have you, the House yesterday took a rare vote to expel the New York Congressman George Santos, but he managed to keep a hold of his job.
[** 関連ニュース1 関連ニュース2   ]

[21:37]★今日のおすすめ★ How the Biden administration is handling the increase in antisemitism and Islamophobia

The FBI director warned of a heightened risk for potential violence against Arab, Muslim, and Jewish Americans in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. Laura Barron-Lopez spoke with Rami Nashashibi about a White House effort to counter Islamophobia, and Geoff Bennett discussed a wave of antisemitic incidents with Deborah Lipstadt, the administration's Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism.
《イスラエル・ハマス戦争で高まるのアメリカ国内の反イスラム、反ユダヤ感情; バイデン政権の対応; Rami Nashashibi, founder of the Inner-City Muslim Action Network; the White House is working on a first-of-its-kind strategy to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim; Biden said, "I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I'm sure innocents have been killed, and it's the price of waging a war"; it is precisely that type of language, coupled with the silence on language that has been used by Israeli war ministers, like the defense minister, who called all Palestinians human animals, that has perpetuated this form of utter dehumanization of Palestinians; ●27:51~; Deborah Lipstadt, Biden administration's special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism; We talk about antisemitism, but really a strong word is pure and simple Jew hatred. And that has nothing to do with the Middle East. It's like people just felt -- the cover is off, I can say whatever I want; Antisemitism is ubiquitous. It comes from every place on the political spectrum, as we have seen in the past couple of weeks... And on some level, the far, far right and the far, far left often meet on the issue of antisemitism; No genocide ever began with people picking up guns or machetes or creating gas -- it begins with words, and it escalates from there; 》

[23:02] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: And speaking of that, Rami, last week, when I asked President Biden about the death toll provided by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, which is a figure that State Department officials also go by, he cast doubt on it.

[** to go by = to rely on, believe ]

[27:03] And that's why I think the undergirding call for a conference on Islamophobia and linking it to, of course, even the rise of antisemitism, these things are absolutely interlinked, and we have to be explicit in our condemnation of both. I stand with the call for that and the creation of it, but we have to address also the current political realities that are animating so much of this.

[** to stand with = to support ]

[33:41] New documentary '26.2 to Life' tells story of inmates who joined a prison running club

Thousands of runners have been training for this Sunday’s New York City Marathon and one of them is representing a running club inside California’s San Quentin prison. The group is featured in the documentary “26.2 to Life” that is playing on the state’s prison TV network and for its parole board. Special correspondent Mike Cerre has the story for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《カリフォルニア州のSan Quentin刑務所のランニング・クラブ「1,000 Mile Club」。メンバーの一人が今度の日曜のニューヨークシティーマラソンに参加; このランニングクラブを題材にしたドキュメンタリー映画『26.2 to Life』; First-time film director Christine Yoo wanted to break down the viewers and her own preconceptions of inmates serving indeterminate and in many cases life sentences; rehabilitation program started by veteran marathon runner and coach Frank Ruona; Markelle Taylor; Rahsaan Thomas; Tommy Wickerd; Markelle was paroled on his third attempt, after serving 17 years of his 15-to-life sentence for second-degree murder. He has since run the Boston Marathon twice, once under three hours, and has been sharing his story and the film with juvenile offenders around the country; Markelle works full-time at a local supermarket while training for New York and other marathons, and spends evenings back inside San Quentin, now as one of the 1,000 Mile club's volunteer coaches; California's Governor Newsom commuted Rahsaan "New York" Thomas' sentence after serving 23 years in prison; Tommy Wickerd is the current president of San Quentin's 1,000 Mile Club. His release date is 2045, unless he gets paroled sooner; CHRISTINE YOO: I didn't want to make an issue film. I would like for the audience to, after having seen it, for them to decide if they think that our approach to incarceration is -- can be improved or not; 囚人更生 》

[35:27] MIKE CERRE: The culminating marathon held each November since 2008 is only one of the film's story arcs and more of a backdrop for the equally dramatic backstories of the runners.

[** story arc = An extended or continuing storyline in episodic storytelling media ]

[* backstory = The previous life and experiences of a person, especially a character in a dramatic work, but also a real-life person ]

[41:05] The controversial legacy of Hall of Fame college basketball coach Bob Knight

Legendary basketball coach Bob Knight died Wednesday at the age of 83. He was known as much for his courtside tantrums as for his teams’ more than 900 wins and three NCAA national championships. John Yang discussed the complicated and polarizing Knight with Kevin Blackistone.
《伝説的バスケットボール・コーチのボビー・ナイト死去。その光と影; Kevin Blackistone, journalism professor at the University of Maryland, an ESPN panelist and a sports commentator for The Washington Post; ●(45:49~)テキサス・レンジャーズがワールドシリーズ制覇; Texas Rangers win first World Series; 》

[44:30] But I will tell you a story. When he got to Texas Tech, I got a call from his secretary. And she said: "Coach Knight wanted to talk to you." And I said: "Sure, put him on." I knew him a little bit. He got on and he said: "I just want to let you know I'm out here in Lubbock. And any time you want to come out and take in a practice, just let me know." And I said: "Coach, I'd love to be able to do that, but your practices are closed to the media. And things have happened in your practice before that I would have to report. So I would have to violate your code of secrecy for your practices." And he just said: "OK." And we finished the conversation, and we both went on. He ran the roost. There's no question about it.

[** to run the roost = to rule the roost = to be in complete control; to be the boss ]

[46:07] And, by the way, that's hope to everyone else in Major League Baseball that you can microwave a championship in just a couple of seasons. They did it mainly with offense.

[** to microwave = To provide minimal preparation for implementation, deeming full or extensive preparation as unnecessary (wiktionary). この文脈では、短時間でたやすく成し遂げる ]

[48:06] And some of the guys that they had really came to the fore, like Carter, who was a rookie who played very well, and, of course, Garcia, who became a postseason hero with the home runs that he was able to hit. He was a guy that they brought along, and he's a two-time All-Star, and he showed out during this World Series.

[** to show out = to perform some task with as much energy, enthusiasm, and determination as possible.]

[48:43]★今日のおすすめ★ 'Wild Kingdom' returns to TV to inspire the next generation of wildlife enthusiasts

Sixty years after it originally debuted, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom will return to TV in October. The reboot comes at a time when wildlife is more threatened than ever with an estimated 40% of animals at risk of extinction. Stephanie Sy reports.
《テレビ番組『Wild Kingdom(野生の王国)』が復活; Naturalist Marlin Perkins and zoologist Jim Fowler; Peter Gros joined the show in 1985 and returns for the reboot; his new co-host, wildlife ecologist Rae Wynn-Grant; Today, an estimated 40 percent of animals are at risk of extinction; The threats to wildlife are very real, but the message of "Wild Kingdom" is, there is hope; マーリン・パーキンス; ジム・ファウラー; 》

[48:43] GEOFF BENNETT: After it first debuted on TV more than half-a-century ago, the O.G. nature show is back airing on NBC.

[** O.G. = someone or something that is an original or originator and especially one that is highly respected or regarded. 語源:Original Gangster https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/OG ]

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News



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