

PBS NewsHour Aug. 24, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:34] The next steps in Trump's Georgia case after his surrender to jail

Former President Donald Trump is turning himself in at the Fulton County jail in Atlanta, Georgia. He faces 13 felony counts tied to his attempts to overturn the state's 2020 election result. It's the fourth time this year Trump has faced criminal charges. Geoff Bennett discussed the case with Sam Gringlas of WABE Georgia Public Radio.
《Donald Trump is turning himself in at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia; トランプ出頭、Sam Gringlas, WABE Georgia Public Radio; lawyers negotiated a $200,000 bond; new attorney in the Georgia case, Steven Sadow, an expert at defending RICO cases; co-defendants Mark Meadows and Jeffrey Clark tried to move the case to the federal court; DA, Fani Willis, part of the case could start within two months; up to the judge to set the schedule, not the district attorney; defendant Kenneth Chesebro, allegedly helped plan the fake elector strategy; Judge Scott McAfee, appointed by Republican Governor Brian Kemp 》

[04:47] There's a hearing scheduled on Monday in federal court to determine whether it can be moved out of state court and into federal court. And what that judge will have to consider is whether these acts were committed under the color of office, basically, as part of the official duties of these defendants, [** color = an appearance of authority. このcolorの使用例 ] when they were working out of the White House back in 2020 after the election.

[06:59]★今日のおすすめ★ Breaking down the Republican debate and where the candidates stand with voters

Donald Trump's legal issues were one of the many topics featured in the first Republican presidential debate, even though the former president skipped it. Eight other candidates took the stage in hopes of establishing themselves as viable contenders for the nomination. Lisa Desjardins recaps the event and discusses it with Geoff Bennett and Amy Walter of The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter.
《最初の共和党討論会; 討論会後の各候補の分析; Wisconsin, the state where the Republican Party was formed; 次回の共和党討論会は9月末; Lisa Desjardins; Amy Walter; 》

[08:53] VIVEK RAMASWAMY: Well, Mike, I think the difference is, you might have -- some others like you may have on the stage it's morning in America speech. [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morning_in_America ] It is not morning in America. We live in a dark moment, and we have to confront the fact that we're in an internal sort of cold cultural civil war.

[10:18] NIKKI HALEY: We have -- don't make women feel like they have to decide on this issue, when you know we don't have 60 Senate votes in the house. [** = 上院は100議席で、その半分なら50票なのになぜ60票なのか。その理由は、filibuster(長い演説による議事妨害)を終わらせる(cloture)には、上院の半数の50ではなく60票が必要だから。以前の番組にも説明があります。  ]

[12:20] when you talk to DeSantis supporters and some in his campaign and super PAC [** super PAC = 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] , they told me three different things...

[15:42] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, let's talk more about Vivek Ramaswamy, because, last night, he was slick, he was fast-talking, he attacked his rivals on the stage, he took a lot of incoming [** incoming = Enemy fire directed at oneself. 軍事用語だが、ここでは比喩的に、向かってくる攻撃、非難のこと。] . He was downright Trumpian in many ways. But he seemed to delight in having a target on his back.

[16:36] GEOFF BENNETT: Let's talk about Nikki Haley, the only woman on that stage last night. And you could argue that Nikki Haley ran away with [** to run away with = to be superior or outstanding in something (wiktionary); to give the best performance and succeed handily in something (thefreedictionary) ] that debate.

[17:56] LISA DESJARDINS: Yes, there was no one happier in the spin room than the Haley supporters. [** spin room = a place where a politician and his or her supporters can be interviewed by journalists, for example after the politician has been involved in a debate with other politicians, or after something important has happened (Cambridge Dictionary) // to spin = to present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant, so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance; なんらかの思惑があって、事実を都合よく解釈したり、歪曲したり、論点をすり替えたりして、もっともらしいことを言う。あるいは、その言葉 ]

[18:49] GEOFF BENNETT: We have got about 20 seconds left. Time for a lightning round. [** lightning round = A lightning round is a round of a game or contest in which the duration of the round is a pre-determined length of time, and the goal is typically to accomplish as much as possible within that period. The most common format of a lightning round is in a question-and-answer game, to answer as many questions as possible within a given time limit... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_round ]

[19:28] News Wrap

Russian President Putin offered his first public acknowledgment of Yevgeny Prigozhin's presumed death as investigators comb through the wreckage of his jet that crashed outside Moscow, a Russian court ruled American journalist Evan Gershkovich must remain in jail until at least November 30 and Tropical Storm Franklin killed two after unleashing floods and landslides in the Dominican Republic.
《Yevgeny Prigozhin; Evan Gershkovich, The Wall Street Journal reporter; Maui County sued the Hawaiian Electric company today over the wildfires; 福島原発汚染処理水海洋放出開始、Fukushima nuclear power plant began releasing treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean; Junichi Matsumoto, TEPCO executive; BRICS invited six new countries to join today, including Saudi Arabia and Iran; 》

[22:05] [** 福島原発から汚染処理水の海洋放出が始まったことを伝えるニュース ] Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant began releasing treated radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean today. The government says it's an essential step in cleaning the facility after nuclear meltdowns caused by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The release operation is expected to last about 30 years. Officials say they tested the water to ensure it's diluted to safe levels.
JUNICHI MATSUMOTO, TEPCO Executive (through translator): When this operation finished, to check the water has been properly diluted, we took samples from underwater piping. We will analyze and measure the concentration level, and compare it with the level we have calculated.
GEOFF BENNETT: As we have reported, not everyone is convinced the water will be safe. Today, China announced a total ban on Japanese seafood. The release has also sparked protests inside Japan and in neighboring countries. Demonstrators worry about the toll it could take on the environment and human health.
PARK JONG-KWON, South Korean Environmental Activist (through translator): I am furious about Japan's announcement of water release. I'm even more angry about our president, who has been silent about this. I will reduce the amount of fish I eat, but I'm more worried about letting our children eat seafood.
GEOFF BENNETT: The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog approved the Fukushima water release plan last month. It expects the impact on health and the environment to be -- quote -- "negligible."

[25:06]★今日のおすすめ★ Ukraine's ambassador to U.S. on progress and setbacks in counteroffensive against Russia

On August 24, 1991, Ukraine issued a declaration of independence from the Soviet Union. But 32 years later, Ukraine is fighting to be free of Russian attacks and occupation. Nick Schifrin spoke with Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova on a solemn Independence Day.
《1991年8月24日ウクライナ独立宣言、ソ連から独立、駐米ウクライナ大使へのインタビュー、Oksana Markarova, the Ukrainian ambassador to the U.S.; 》

[34:01] People understand -- and American people are not only very generous people, but also people who are brave and free, as your anthem says, people who believe that, when injustice is done somewhere, or, as Martin Luther King said, the threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. [** 正確には Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_from_Birmingham_Jail ]

[36:10]★今日のおすすめ★ What experts are doing to combat the rise in maternal mortality among Black Americans

For too many American women, giving birth can be deadly. The United States has the highest rate of maternal mortality among developed nations, but the risk is even higher for Black American women who are three times as likely to die from labor complications. Amna Nawaz reports on the people working to help Black women have safer pregnancies.
《アメリカの出産関連死、先進国で最悪、maternal mortality; Over 1,200 women died of maternal causes in 2021; アフリカ系女性は3倍、Dobbs decision having negative impact on maternal mortality; cf. maternal morbidity; 》

[37:16] DOEE KITESSA: So I think race plays a couple of factors. They [* = Black Americans] have less access to quality education because of issues like redlining [** redlining = 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] , for example, that historically has been present in the United States, particularly in Baltimore. It affects housing. It affects income. And that is going to impact their health outcomes in terms of access to care.

[41:04] AMNA NAWAZ: She eventually sought support from a Black-owned birthing center, working with a midwife and doula [** doula = a person trained to provide advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth ( Merriam-Webster). 以前の番組にも出てきました ] to deliver her son.

[42:25] My mission as an OB-GYN and being an educator is, I want to fundamentally change how we provide care to Black women, how we provide care to other women from marginalized communities, and addressing a lot of these issues that we've talked about related to unconscious bias [** unconscious bias 類似表現:implicit stereotype https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit_stereotype ] , related to structural racism [* structural racism = societal racism = Societal racism is a type of racism based on a set of institutional, historical, cultural and interpersonal practices within a society that places one or more social or ethnic groups in a better position to succeed and disadvantages other groups so that disparities develop between the groups. Societal racism has also been called structural racism, because, according to Carl E. James, society is structured in a way that excludes substantial numbers of people from minority backgrounds from taking part in social institutions. Societal racism is sometimes referred to as systemic racism as well... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Societal_racism 構造的人種差別 ] , related to trust, related to recognizing patients' humanity.

[43:42] Tennessee legislature opens contentious special session over gun reform

Tennessee lawmakers returned to the state capitol this week for a special legislative session in response to the Covenant School shooting, where three children and three school staff members were killed in March. Laura Barron-Lopez discussed what lawmakers will or won’t do amid public outcry with Nashville Public Radio’s Blaise Gainey.
《3月の私立学校での銃乱射事件、テネシー州議会、銃規制を求める声、Blaise Gainey, Nashville Public Radio; 》

[45:38] Two Black Democratic lawmakers, state Representatives Justin Pearson and Justin Jones, were expelled from the legislature for leading a protest on the floor of the state House.
STATE REP. JUSTIN JONES (D-TN): The first reaction of this body is to expel me, rather than to pass commonsense gun laws which we were asking for.
LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Both won reelection to their seats in special elections earlier this month. [** 関連ニュース ] Lawmakers will return to the capitol to debate the bills next week.

[51:19] A Brief But Spectacular take on making and remaking identity

Hala Alyan is an award-winning poet, author, and clinical psychologist. She was born in Illinois but spent time in several other states as well as in Kuwait and Lebanon. Alyan shares her Brief But Spectacular take on how those experiences formed what she calls a hyphenated identity.
《Brief But Spectacular take; Hala Alyan; hyphenated identity; 》

[51:37] HALA ALYAN, Writer: I was born to Palestinian and Syrian immigrants, and my childhood was spent between the Middle East and different parts of the United States. I think, like anyone with any sort of hyphenated identity, there was a lot of emotional and literal code-switching [** = (linguistics) The phenomenon or practice of alternating between two or more languages or language varieties (wiktionary) ] that went on in my house.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News





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