
今日の英語ニュースから [2022.12.27]

PBS NewsHour Dec. 26, 2022
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[0:05] 猛烈な寒波に襲われたアメリカ

[4:40] ニューヨーク州バッファロー市長に状況を聞く

[07:29] So, families that need to go to warming centers, we do have warming centers. [* A warming center (also a heat bank or warm bank) is a short-term emergency shelter that operates when temperatures or a combination of precipitation, wind chill, wind and temperature become dangerously inclement. Their paramount purpose is the prevention of death and injury from exposure to the elements. (Wikipedia)]

[9:36] 今日のその他のニュース

[09:50] A number [* a number = かなりの人数、かなりの数、相当数] fell to their death while removing snow from their rooftops.

[13:01] アフガニスタンで活動停止を余儀なくされるNGO、2人の関係者に聞く

[21:46]★今日のおすすめ★ 銀行口座を持たない人達、その背景とは

[22:02] But disparities between the banked and the unbanked persist. [* the banked = 銀行口座を持っている人(世帯)。 the unbanked = 銀行口座を持っていない人(世帯)]

[23:21] Redlining, designated neighborhoods highlighted on maps in red as too hazardous for mortgage lending, as far back as early last century, most of them Black, stoking distrust still evident in Memphis,

structural racism(構造的人種差別)の一種。

[23:34] ... in Memphis, where 45 percent of Black residents remain un- or under-banked.[* unbankedとunderbankedの違い = Unbanked is a term used to describe those who use alternative financial services for all of their financial transactions. This means that they don’t have a checking or savings account at a traditional bank or credit union. The underbanked, on the other hand, may have a bank account, but still opt to use alternative means for some or most of their financial transactions.( https://www.goamplify.com/blog/creditunions/unbanked-underbanked/ )]

[29:51] 月曜恒例、2人の政治記者に聞く

[39:21]★今日のおすすめ★ 再評価されるオッペンハイマーの歴史上の役割

[46:34] There are ways you could imagine this being spun [* spin = 事実を都合よく解釈したり、論点をすり替えたりして論じる。名詞として使った場合は、その言葉。 ] by enemies of the current political administration.

[47:17] 2人のテレビ評論家と2022年を振り返る




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