

■今日の動画:PBS NewsHour May 14, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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  • TheFreeDictionary

  • 英辞郎 on the WEB

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[25:03] We know that, over time, as our firms develop experience at producing these cars and we have battery factories that are -- we have a new Battery Belt that's really developed throughout the Midwest, that the prices of these vehicles will come down over time.

[25:57] AMNA NAWAZ: Today, the Parliament in the country of Georgia passed a contentious new bill that requires aid and civil society groups and media that receive foreign funding to register as -- quote -- "organizations serving the interests of a foreign power." Georgia is a country of 3.6 million people between Russia and Turkey on the Black Sea. Critics dub the bill the Russia law and say it could increase Russian influence and block Georgia's integration into the West.

[31:50] AMNA NAWAZ: The Biden administration is asking a federal judge to partially terminate a decades-old agreement that set standards of care for unaccompanied migrant children held in U.S. custody. White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez joins us now to explain what this means. So, Laura, if the Biden administration's request is granted by the court, what does that mean? What does that do?
LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: This would essentially end one part of the decades-old Flores settlement agreement. And that Flores settlement agreement was first established in 1997. And the part that they're looking to terminate is the part that applies to the Health and Human Services Department. The Health and Human Services Department is responsible for caring for these unaccompanied migrant children shortly after their arrival. They oversee the facilities where they're housed across the southern border. And this agreement mandated standards of care that -- we're talking about basic safety for these migrant children, adequate food, drinking water, medical care, temperature control, sanitary living conditions. And if a judge agrees with the Justice Department, then this part of that decades-old settlement agreement would be terminated.

[34:45] DIANE DE GRAMONT, National Center for Youth Law: You had thousands of children in cots in a giant space, in some places without any ability to go outdoors, with no education, with no structured activities, with no access to mental health care. And nobody, apart from us, was able to go in and speak to them.

[46:16] If you can just bring us up to speed, what is behind this beef? How did we get here?
SIDNEY MADDEN, NPR Music: This beef between Kendrick and Drake, it's actually been simmering for over a decade.

[52:12] I grew up in San Antonio, Texas, as part of a bicultural, Hispanic, working-class family. I think that, in American culture, we all like to think that we are independent agents, but I think we underappreciate how much the world shapes us and how much the cues in the environment tell us, are we valued, are we respected? Do we have what it takes, or don't we?


それでも分からない場合、下の有料部分に語句説明があります。辞書の定義では分かりにくい時は、文脈の中でどのような意味で使われているかを説明しています。説明はほとんどすべて英語で書いています (英語は英語で理解することを習慣にしましょう)。


下の字幕ファイルの中には、次の表現についての説明 (あるいは説明へのリンク)もあります。説明はほとんどすべて英語です。

  • check stub

  • CHIPS Act

  • to work crosscurrent to/ Doesn't this in many ways work crosscurrent to President Biden's larger goals of addressing climate change?

  • out of conformity with EU norms

  • to fly by the seat of one's pants

  • to wing it/ What was your strategy going in, or was it sort of just fly by the seat of your pants and wing it?

  • long-form/ long-form investigative reporting

  • on the regular/ we love to work with local news outlets, daily newspapers, people like Ken's outlet that are covering communities on the regular

  • act/ They're considered to be on the Mount Rushmore of hip-hop's current rap acts.

  • diss track

  • tete-a-tete

  • grooming/ Kendrick is accusing Drake of long-term grooming of underage girls

  • die-hard/ a die-hard hip-hop fan

  • on brand/ Knowing what you know about both Drake and Kendrick, would you say that this whole thing is on brand for both of them?

  • peacocking/ Hip-hop is about peacocking


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