

PBS NewsHour Aug. 11, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:03] Why people in Maui were caught off guard by the deadly wildfires

At least 55 people are now confirmed dead after fast-moving wildfires ravaged the Hawaiian island of Maui this week. Those who did manage to survive now face the daunting task of piecing their lives back together. Stephanie Sy reports on the latest and Amna Nawaz discusses the disaster response with Chad Blair of Honolulu Civil Beat.
《ハワイ山火事; マウイ島; Maui、Hawaii; Chad Blair of Honolulu Civil Beat》

[05:41] STEPHANIE SY: The aftermath of the disaster has left Maui to grapple with physical and emotional scars. But the spirit of aloha [** ALOHA = "Akahai", meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness; "Lōkahi", meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony; "ʻOluʻolu" meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness; "Haʻahaʻa", meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty; "Ahonui", meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance. https://www.hawaii.edu/uhwo/clear/home/lawaloha.html ] is alive.

[11:01] News Wrap

Judge says Trump's right to free speech is 'not absolute' in election case; a federal judge overseeing the election conspiracy case against former President Trump warned his right to free speech is not absolute, FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is in jail after a judge revoked his bail, Islamic State gunmen in Syria ambushed a bus of soldiers killing at least 20 and Russia and Ukraine exchanged a fresh wave of aerial attacks.

[11:14] U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan agreed to a limited protective order [** protective order = In litigation, an order that prevents the disclosure of sensitive information except to certain individuals under certain conditions. https://www.upcounsel.com/legal-def-protective-order 秘密保持命令 ] banning Mr. Trump from publicly disclosing sensitive evidence in the case. She said that will help protect witnesses and prevent interference in the trial.

[14:38] What the special counsel appointment means for the Hunter Biden case

The long-running federal investigation of Hunter Biden entered a new phase with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of a special counsel. Delaware's U.S. Attorney David Weiss has run the investigation from the beginning and now has full authority over the case. John Yang discussed the appointment with NPR Justice Correspondent Carrie Johnson.
《ハンター・バイデン; 特別検察官任命; David Weiss; Delaware's U.S. Attorney;Trump appointee; NPR Justice Correspondent Carrie Johnson; ここからはトランプ裁判について; Judge Chutkan, Tanya Chutkan issued a protective order late in the day today in the Trump 2020 election case; Judge Chutka asked the defense to propose their date for the trial next Thursday; 8月28日にこの件のトランプ裁判日程決定 》

[15:27] JOHN YANG: Later, Weiss said in a court filing that prosecutors and defense attorneys in Hunter Biden's tax and gun case are at an impasse and are not in agreement on either a plea agreement or a diversion agreement [** diversion programに関する合意 // diversion program = 以前の番組に出てきました ] . So, on those charges, Hunter Biden may be headed for trial.

[21:14] Supreme Court blocks Purdue Pharma bankruptcy plan shielding owners from lawsuits

The Supreme Court blocked a bankruptcy plan for drug maker Purdue Pharma that would have paid out billions of dollars to address the opioid epidemic and shielded the company’s owners from legal liability. The Justice Department argued that shielding the Sackler family from all future lawsuits was an abuse of the bankruptcy system. William Brangham discussed the implications with NPR's Brian Mann.
《連邦最高裁がPurdue Pharmaの破産手続きを阻止、オピオイド、OxyContin、Sackler familyに免責; NPR's Brian Mann; 連邦破産法の悪用を防ぐ》

[27:15] GOP presidential candidates try to win over voters at the Iowa State Fair

Butter cows, corn dogs and politics. These are just a few of the things top of mind for Iowans as they kick off the country's third largest fair this weekend. In attendance, nearly every major GOP presidential hopeful vying for the hearts and minds of the Hawkeyes ahead of the January caucus. Lisa Desjardins has been catching up with the candidates and voters.
《Iowa State Fair、アイオワ州、1月のアイオワ党員集会、North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum、Tim Scott》

[30:33] And there are two names that I keep hearing more and more, one, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. His name has come up from a number of voters here today, saying they are considering him. Why? They like his Midwestern sensibility. They think he's a can-do guy, not a career politician, someone who's had success in North Dakota, and has a very straightforward message. They don't see him as a bomb thrower [** A “bomb thrower” is used metaphorically to describe a person — often a politician or political operative — who uses provocative, inflammatory, or extreme rhetoric to disrupt the status quo or incite controversy. https://politicaldictionary.com/words/bomb-thrower/ ] . They see him as someone who could compete with Joe Biden.

[33:31] Brooks and Capehart on the appointment of a special counsel in the Hunter Biden case

New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart join Amna Nawaz to discuss the week in politics, including the fight for the Republican nomination and the appointment of a special counsel in the investigation of Hunter Biden.
《金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る、New York Times columnist David Brooks、Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart、》

[35:50] DAVID BROOKS: And so it may be we don't get to experience the Iowa experience because Trump is just going to just bigfoot [** to bigfoot = to behave in an commanding manner; to dominate] it.

[40:21] AMNA NAWAZ: I want to ask you both too about your takeaways from a big special election that I don't know if many people expected it would be as big as it was in Ohio this week during the summer, in a nonelection year. [** Ohio Issue 1のこと。以前の番組で詳しく取り上げています。  選挙結果 ] Hundreds of thousands of people turned out because abortion rights were ostensibly on the ballot. Ohioans voted not to allow a threshold change that would have made it harder to enshrine abortion rights later in November in the state Constitution.

[44:22] Hip-hop was born 50 years ago. Nelson George discusses its evolution and legacy

Hip-hop is celebrating its 50th birthday. It started with a back-to-school party on August 11, 1973, in The Bronx. Clive Campbell, known as DJ Kool Herc, improvised and played snippets in a loop on two turntables to keep the music and dancing going. Amna Nawaz discussed hip-hop's evolution with Nelson George, author of “Hip-Hop America,” for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《hip-hop誕生から50年、Nelson George、It all started with a back-to-school party thrown by a young woman named Cindy Campbell on August 11 of 1973 in an apartment rec center in the Bronx and New York; Cindy asked her brother, 18-year-old Clive Campbell, better known as D.J. Kool Herc, to play music, improvising and playing break beats on two turntables in a continuous loop. And hip-hop was born; Hip Hop Honors; television show; Hip Hop America; book 》

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