





The Importance of Crafting Your Personal Story


In today's competitive world, whether you're seeking a job, pursuing a career change, finding love, or starting a business, crafting your personal story has become a crucial factor in achieving success. This essay will explore the significance of storytelling in various aspects of life, drawing inspiration from the remarkable journey of Japanese entrepreneur Eriko Yamaguchi.


Eriko Yamaguchi's story is a testament to the power of personal narrative. From her dedicated pursuit of judo in high school to overcoming the challenges of entrance exams and graduating from Keio University, her perseverance and determination are evident. Her encounter with development economics during her university years ignited her passion for supporting developing countries, leading her to work at the Inter-American Development Bank. However, disillusioned by the bureaucratic nature of her job, she ventured to Bangladesh, where she discovered her calling. Inspired by the jute material, she founded a business manufacturing and selling jute bags.

Yamaguchi's success can be attributed to her unwavering belief ("never give up") and a compelling story that resonated with others. Her story attracted like-minded individuals who became her dedicated team, contributing to the company's growth.

Why is storytelling important?

Humans are emotional beings, and stories have the power to evoke emotions, empathy, and inspiration. They provide a deeper understanding of an individual's values, motivations, and aspirations, which goes beyond mere qualifications. In a competitive landscape, a well-crafted story can differentiate you from others and leave a lasting impression.

How to craft your personal story:

Your personal story should be an authentic reflection of your experiences, beliefs, and goals. Consider the following elements:

  • Defining moments: Share significant experiences that have shaped your character and perspective.

  • Core values: Identify the values that guide your decisions and actions.

  • Overcoming challenges: Discuss how you have faced and overcome obstacles in your life.

  • Aspirations: Share your goals and dreams for the future.


Crafting a personal story is an ongoing process that evolves with your experiences. By embracing the power of storytelling, you can unlock your potential and connect with others on a deeper level, ultimately setting yourself up for success in all areas of life.


  • Reflect on your own personal story. What are the key elements that define you?

  • How can you leverage your story to achieve your goals in the context of your current situation (job search, career change, etc.)?

  • Consider how your story might evolve as you continue to grow and learn.
