
エンパシーマネジメント 打撃と回復にみるAirbnbの解雇メッセージ




だからこそ、AirbnbのCEOブライアン・チェスキーの解雇にあてたメッセージが「Empathetic Leader(共感力のあるリーダー)」の事例として話題となった。



Today, I must confirm that we are reducing the size of the Airbnb workforce. ...  I am going to share as many details as I can on how I arrived at this decision, what we are doing for those leaving, and what will happen next. 

今回の決定に至った理由を明確に2点説明し、Funamental Changes(抜本的な改革)が必要だと訴えた。

1. We don’t know exactly when travel will return. 
2. When travel does return, it will look different.
While we know Airbnb’s business will fully recover, the changes it will undergo are not temporary or short-lived. Because of this, we need to make more fundamental changes to Airbnb by reducing the size of our workforce around a more focused business strategy.

ここからが本題だ。なぜ、解雇しなければならないのか。そして、Airbnbは何を見据えていくのか。解雇される従業員への説明を尽くすなかで、ビジネスの未来を明確化させていく。その中心としたのは、”Human connection”だ。そして、力を入れていたホテルやラグジュアリーからの投資などは縮小すると決めた。

People will want options that are closer to home, safer, and more affordable. But people will also yearn for something that feels like it’s been taken away from them — human connection.
We are pausing our efforts in Transportation and Airbnb Studios, and we have to scale back our investments in Hotels and Lux.




・Map all reductions to our future business strategy and the capabilities we will need.
・Do as much as we can for those who are impacted.
・Be unwavering in our commitment to diversity.
・Optimize for 1:1 communication for those impacted.
・Wait to communicate any decisions until all details are landed — transparency of only partial information can make matters worse.



In the US and Canada, I can provide immediate clarity. Within the next few hours, those of you leaving Airbnb will receive a calendar invite to a departure meeting with a senior leader in your department. It was important to us that wherever we legally could, people were informed in a personal, 1:1 conversation.

Final Words

最後のFinal WordsでチェスキーはAirbnbの使命について次のように述べた。

First, I am thankful for everyone here at Airbnb. Throughout this harrowing experience, I have been inspired by all of you. Even in the worst of circumstances, I’ve seen the very best of us. The world needs human connection now more than ever, and I know that Airbnb will rise to the occasion. I believe this because I believe in you. 
Second, I have a deep feeling of love for all of you. Our mission is not merely about travel. When we started Airbnb, our original tagline was, “Travel like a human.” The human part was always more important than the travel part. What we are about is belonging, and at the center of belonging is love.



ビジネスライターのTim Denningは、「Being human makes more money in the long-term」と語っている。



People will try to convince you that you should keep your empathy out of your career. Don’t accept this false premise.
If you see a problem or an injustice, recognize that no one will fix it but you. As you go forward today, use your minds and hands and your hearts to build something bigger than yourselves. Always remember there is no idea bigger than this.



スタンフォード大学で提唱され、多くの急成長する企業で採用されているDesign Thinking(デザイン思考)でも、いちばん最初に行うのが、Emphasizeというプロセスだ。

To create meaningful innovations, you need to know your users
and care about their lives. 
Empathy is the centerpiece of a human-centered design process. The Empathize mode is the work you do to understand people, within the context of your design challenge. It is your effort to understand the way they do things and why, their physical and emotional needs, how they think about world, and what is meaningful to them.

奇しくも、AirbnbのチェスキーはDesign Thinkingの実践者だった。スタンフォード大学で行われた対談では、Apple創業者のスティーブ・ジョブスの発言にも触れている。

I consider myself a designer by trade. There is a quote from Steve Jobs I liked which is: “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

