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袴田さん支援団体 浜松で再審公判報告集会【刑事司法と再審】 あなたの静岡新聞
【AI翻訳】The support group for Mr. Hakamada held a report meeting on the retrial in Hamamatsu, emphasizing its importance. They discussed the progress of the trial and future prospects, highlighting issues within the judicial system. Supporters are united in their efforts to realize the retrial.

韓国の最高裁判事候補「近ごろの百日祝いは株」、社会的弱者理解できるのか【社説】(ハンギョレ新聞) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】An editorial points out that a candidate for South Korea's Supreme Court has raised doubts about understanding social minorities, suggesting that recent celebrations of the 100th day have become a show of wealth. This has intensified discussions about legal fairness and social responsibility.

「戦争する国」に警鐘 加藤弁護士、政府の狙い解説 沖縄タイムス
【AI翻訳】Lawyer Kato warns that Japan is becoming a "country that goes to war" and explains the government's intentions. He warned about how changes in defense policies and military buildup could affect Japan's pacifism, citing specific examples.

もし裁判員に選ばれたら? 仁愛女子高で模擬裁判・評議:日刊県民福井Web 中日新聞
【AI翻訳】A mock trial was held at Jinai Girls' High School, where students experienced the role of jury members. Through deliberations, they learned about the importance of law and the jury system, gaining a deeper understanding of legal matters by expressing their own opinions.

浜岡再稼働の是非問う 「原発をとめた裁判長」ら浜松で講演会 中日新聞
【AI翻訳】A conference was held in Hamamatsu regarding the pros and cons of the reactivation of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant, featuring the judge who halted the operations of nuclear power plants. Participants discussed the safety of nuclear power and its impact on the local community.

”最高裁に異議あり!” 国を提訴した現職判事の竹内浩史さん講演「地方で真面目な裁判官がばかを見る」(関西テレビ) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Judge Hiroshi Takeuchi, currently in office, explained in a lecture his reasons for challenging the Supreme Court and suing the government. He discussed the harsh realities faced by local judges and the unjust treatment of diligent officials.

「小役人が偉くなっていく」 最高裁と闘う竹内浩史裁判長が講演 “官僚司法”を痛烈批判(関西テレビ) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Chief Justice Hiroshi Takeuchi of the Supreme Court harshly criticized "bureaucratic judiciary," pointing out the current situation where bureaucrats hold important positions. He warned that the accumulation of power by minor officials negatively impacts the justice system in his lecture.

ひろゆき氏、80代女性がぶつかられ大ケガ…小学生への賠償命令判決に「高齢者の愛好会を優先する国」(スポニチアネックス) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Hiroyuki commented on a compensation order verdict against elementary school students. Referring to an 80-year-old woman who was seriously injured in an accident, he criticized the country for prioritizing "an elderly appreciation association," raising questions about policies protecting the elderly.

職務質問「犯罪抑止に有効」が6割も「態度が高圧的」「実質強制」実施方法に疑問の声<アンケート>(弁護士ドットコムニュース) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】A nationwide survey showed that over 60% of respondents believe that stop-and-frisk is effective in preventing crime, while many expressed concerns about the high-handed attitude and the sense of coercion. Questions about the implementation methods have also emerged.

「言うことを聞かないと殺される」20歳の男が12歳女子児童に性的暴行 通学路で起きた卑劣な犯罪に、判決は懲役6年6か月 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】A 20-year-old man committed sexual assault against a 12-year-old girl on her way to school, threatening her by saying, "If you don't listen, you'll be killed." The court sentenced him to 6 years and 6 months in prison.
