



214. なんて言おう

214. なんて言おう

Maybe it's not fair to talk to you again from my since I'm the one who blocked you on every SNS, but I just cannot move on like this I realized.

202. Indecisive as hell

202. Indecisive as hell

I've always waited for this moment, when you say that you wanna end it.
Actually I thought I've wanted this, but now am not sure.

190. Don't say that

190. Don't say that

Although you say that you love me, my love is not the same as yours.
Then I cannot say that what you feel is love unfortunately.

Now can you still say it's love?
if you could, I can discuss with you

151. The possibility of exploration

151. The possibility of exploration

Well, just don't know what to say here for now so
I say things in English on this post

So ok, why do people learn languages?
Actually should we?

If you love your home country and your life there, ac

3. Money I love you

3. Money I love you





5. Unfortunately, I'm happy when I'm unhappy

5. Unfortunately, I'm happy when I'm unhappy

You fear that your happiness now could vanish suddenly.

You always could die, be depressed or whatever.

Then, I have to feel happy when I'm not literally unhappy.

So that technically I could be hap

14. Lost and never Found

14. Lost and never Found

I've lost a lot of things in my life, but always someone'd found it and I got them back.
Here, I'm talking about physical material.
Like my wallet, PC, cell phones or etc.
Although I always think tha
