
Words of the Moment 刹那の言葉 (Philosophy Notes)

Does phonetically expressed morpheme only maintains its values at that very moment it is uttered. and in the future it will be a completely different Thing-in-itself?
Are meanings created instantly at the moment of utterances?
Is linguistic comprehension the eternally recurring process of God's creation in every moment…the Genesis has never ended and will never..

Can meanings in a morpheme collection be expressed with a function associated with time? Can one predict the evolution of any meaning in any body in history when one has enough data? (Laplace's demon in Leibniz's 'pangloss' mathematical language of mental phenomena).
Is it possible to build a machine that can intercept and swap out the evolution of meanings in mental bodies (in dynamics of thinking) and physical bodies (in dynamics of actions) so to change reality to whatever result you want?
Meaning--- a existing thing-in-itself that superimposes or is the foundation of phenomena and manifested itself too as noumena-- numen… can one master it through mathematics and metaphysical siege engines (inviniums / inwiniums)? 

Are all realties and unrealities contained in a single word that is still being pronounced and understood right now? Does human effort to cut it up and put into smaller containers----texts, music, phenomena, noumena, shopping lists etc..makes it harder to understand and contains less realties and unrealities through attempting to understand and study parts of a system? Interconnectedness--- nay a bloody mist hanging over me that has everything I have not. But if I still know I have not, am I outside that container? So I am neither real nor unreal? I am not therefore I am.
Or do all containers dry up and become nothingness, and then what? does it become an anti-container outside the one and only container----the only container called Monad…and for becoming an anti-monad, am I free my Monad's realties and unrealities? Is the act of understanding the murder of God? Is thus how God died?

Do you understand these words, because you have lived and read,
or because when these lines of ink hit you in the face for the first time, a new universe is created and you migrated into it without knowing?
Nay. Are you being created every moment and dies every moment?
Are you not eternally returning to yourself, but eternally losing yourself?
Who is the man that does not stand above or beneath or before or behind or in the left or in the right, or earlier or now or later; he who resides in and stands upon the void-sky-lotus.
Where does that gaze upon me come from when I write this nonsense?
Who are You?
Whose eyes are those eyes?
